View Full Version : First Time Raising Baby Squirrel

09-23-2012, 10:59 AM
Hello - my name is Karen and I live in Tavares, Florida (Lake County) - On Monday started taking care of baby squirrel that was found, very little hair. Anway, after looking over the internet ultimatley started feeding Esbalic with Heavy Whipping Cream and he seems to be doing well - but after looking at him more and more not sure if it is a grey or actually a baby flying squirrel - how do I tell what type of squirrel it is? And is there a difference in feeding a regular squirrel and a flying squirrel? I am really attached to this little guy and want to make sure I do everything right. Thanks:thankyou

09-23-2012, 11:48 AM
I rea d on here Esibilac is bad for squirrels... try emergency goat milk formula until you order of Fox Valley Formula arrives in mail. Link to FV can be found in nutrition section, or go to Henrys Pets dot com.

Goat formula recipe
1 cup goat milk (if canned dilute per can directions before using in recipe)
1/3 cup heavy whipping cream in carton.
1/3 Dannon FULL FAT vanilla yogurt.

yogurt is good for their bowels.

Put heating pad 1/2 under the box squirrel is in (plastic tote fine). This gives squirrel chance to escape heat and not be cooked.

Put fleece blankets inside the plastic storage box. Put holes in the lid for air!

Flying squirrels have bat like "wings that fold out from their legs to make a glide wing when they fly.

Grey squirrels have pink feet, white bellies.

Fox squirrels usually have orange belly fur and tail with grey coats on top.

Get digital scale from Walmart cooking section and weigh squirrel. "There is a chart that tells how much formula to feed per weight.

Take photo of squirrel, if eyes are open, no flash photos of eyes closed squirrel, unless eyes covered with little towel. They might damage eyes with flash of camera, it's strong.

oh heating pad should be kind that does not have auto shut off, best if it has low setting.

I hear they have them at CVS pharmacy.

09-23-2012, 02:35 PM
You'll want to get the gram scale as posted above.
I put a small plastic bowl on top and push the Tare button on the scale to zero it out then place the baby in it. Alternately, you could put the baby in a little cloth pouch and weigh it then subtract the weight of the pouch.
Take the actual weight and multiply by 5%.
Best feeding results are between 5 and 7%.
Start off at 5% each feeding until you get a nice firm formula (gold) stool.
Too much food will cause digestive upset, diarrhea and problems.
No esbilac, they changed their formula which caused many deaths in the rehabbing community due to diarrhea and other issues. That was a sad, sad year. Order your Fox Valley formula and that will also depend on the age of your squirrel which will be easier to determine with a photo and an accurate weight. FV 32/40 is for babies under 4 weeks and those who cannot tolerate the 20/50 formula (which does happen), 20/50 is for 4 weeks and older.
Make sure all fluids are warm when mixing and feeding. Never cool or cold.
Just fill up the syringes and soak them in a warm water bath. DON"T heat up the formula in the microwave!
Good luck.:)

09-23-2012, 02:39 PM
One more thing.
Don't use Esbilac Goats milk formula.

Get the canned condensed formula and dilute according to instructions on can or buy fresh in the dairy section. Some rehabbers put the remaining GM in icecube trays to preserve it from spoiling too quickly.

Also, FV formula needs refridgerated and should be made up fresh every 24 hours.


09-23-2012, 02:43 PM
There are many experienced rehabbers in Florida that may be able to help you with this one or raise it and release it with all the food, medications, caging and veternarian needs they require.

Keep checking back here.

09-23-2012, 05:46 PM
Thank you for all of the information - I have had him in a box with a heating pad (does not turn off) wrapped in a towell and then a soft cloth on top - I also put a little stuffed animal with him as he is by himself - I will order formula you suggested and get him on goat replacer until it comes in. I will also try and load a picture - at first thought it was a grey squirrel but now looking at him he definately has excessive skin from his front legs to his back - he also isnt "grey" at all now that he is getting hair (had very little when first found him) he is brown and has no hair on belly.

Is there an issue raising him by himself. I will keep you updated and get a pictue updated to you my tomorrow.

09-23-2012, 06:16 PM
Be sure and put heating pad UNDER BOX, not inside box! Put under half the box, so there is a cool side baby can move to if he gets too hot!

If pad inside box, they can COOK like a hamburger! Be careful :D


09-24-2012, 09:58 AM
Hi Karen,

That's my name too! :rotfl
I am not too far from you (Heathrow/Sanford area) and would be happy to help you in any way I can.
I am low on Fox Valley but should have my order in hopefully by Wednesday if you need some.
I can also help with loaning out any supplies you may need.

If you post pics we can help with age and identifying the type of squirrel you have.
If you are serious about raising him and able to make the commitment to raise and release,
I'd be happy to mentor and even help you get a buddy for him so he is not raised alone.
I'd be happy to meet with you and go over everything if you'd like!

I will PM you my phone number :wave123

09-24-2012, 11:00 AM
Awesome....thanks for all of the help - I have ordered formula both 4 weeks and younger and 4 weeks and older.

Also how do I download pictures I took?

09-24-2012, 11:03 AM
I figured it out - here are pictures of "Squirrelton".

09-24-2012, 11:14 AM
What you have there is a Southern Flying Squirrel baby, looks to be around 3 weeks old. Our flyer experts should be on here shortly.

09-24-2012, 12:12 PM
I thought it looked like a "flying" squirrel - so what about feeding - do they get the same as you recommend - I ordered both under 4 week food and over 4 week food that was recommended (Fox Valley Formula).

09-24-2012, 01:12 PM
Hang tight. I will have someone on for you in a few minutes. Most flyer people are nocturnal....like their flyers...:D

09-24-2012, 01:54 PM
Re-sized for you.




You have a Southern Flying Squirrel pup, about 3 weeks old. Formula requirements are very different for these little fellows. First, great that you ordered Fox Valley 32/40. Flyers need both higher protein and higher fat than gray squirrels, so here is how you mix his formula which you will need to feed every 3 hours at this age. Use 2 teaspoons of FV 32/40 and 4 teaspoons water, now add 4 teaspoons of goat's milk (I like buying and using the fresh, but canned will do) use a fork to mix the FV and water(a fork keeps bubbles down) add the goat's milk and 2 teaspoons of heavy whipping cream and stir to mix. Store in the refrigerator and replace very 24 hours, don't try and keep it any longer.
He was lucky enough to have had Momma's milk for his first 3 weeks, so he doesn't need any yogurt at this time. If he has bowel problems yogurt can be added anytime and you would use the same amount as the whipping cream(2 teaspoons). At his age he will most likely take 1 cc per feeding.
He will require stimulation to do the peepee/poo stuff and probably will still need that after his eyes open-at least for several days. He will open his eyes very soon. He will still need a heat source under half his container until he continuously moves away from it. Make sure you get the heating pad that doesn't cut off automatically. Hope you ordered the silicone mothering nipples and one cc syringes.
His adult diet will be different from a gray squirrels too, but we have plenty of time to address that later.
OH yeah-baby flyers go through a stage where they look "greasy", this is a normal flyer thing and doesn't mean he needs a bath. Bathe only if he smells bad or has fleas :)
You will do great! Just go slow and continue to ask any questions or concerns that pop up. :Welcome to the squirrel board and to flying squirrels :wave123 . We are all here to help anyway we can. AND--keep those pictures coming-squirrels thrive on Fox Valley but we members need lots of pictures :jump .

09-24-2012, 01:57 PM
PS-you won't need the 20/50 with your flyer. Switch or trade it for more 32/40, better for flyers!

09-24-2012, 02:12 PM

09-24-2012, 03:09 PM
Awesome - Thanks for all of the information - I have had Squirrelton for about 1 week - still ok to not worry about yogurt?

Have been feeding him Esbilac with heavy whipping cream pretty much since I found him (will that hurt him?) and what do I feed until I receive food I ordered?

I have been keeping him in a box with a heating pad (does not turn off) and he can get off the heat if he wants. I did not order nipple, where can I order those from? I did order a couple of syringes - I have been using a very small one my vet gave me.

I have also been using warm water on a q-tip to stimulate him to use bathroom - but I get concerned if he does not poop everytime after he eats (is that okay). I do notice that there is sometimes droppings on his cloth.

I will of course keep you updated with photos!:thankyou

09-24-2012, 04:11 PM
You can keep him on the Esbilac until the Fox Valley arrives, just go ahead and get in the goat's milk. The Esbilac's processing was changed several years ago and our squirrels were dying on it. It has to be mixed very differently, with extremely hot water, and it needs to sit for a long time(over night) before it can be used-this made it too difficult to use plus it was scary. Don't fret about the yogurt.
You may find now that he is larger that a cotton ball moistened will be better than the Q-tip. I believe that Nick carries the nipples also, but they are super easy to get through Henry's Health pets.
Everything else sounds perfect! Your an excellent mommy :jump .

09-24-2012, 06:12 PM
:jump :jump :jump

Thank You!!

09-24-2012, 06:56 PM
Gnc premium replacment goats milk or regular goats milk?

09-24-2012, 07:02 PM
Gnc premium replacment goats milk or regular goats milk?

Goat's milk for humans, NOT baby goat formula. Grocery or health food store. The only brand I have ever seen is Meyersburg...

09-24-2012, 07:27 PM
Just Meyersburg goat's milk. I buy mine fresh in Publix, Walmart also carries it. The canned is in all the super markets here. The canned is in a 13 ounce can and diluted 50-50 with water, but then all of it needs to be tossed in no more than 48 hours. So I buy a quart of the fresh full fat goat's milk in the diary case, that will last way longer so the small extra cost is actually a bargain :thumbsup .

09-24-2012, 07:37 PM
Forgot to mention, 50-50 on the formulas-equal amounts of Fox Valley and goat's milk! My bad!:shakehead

09-25-2012, 03:13 PM
Any suggestions on what type of nipples I should get for my flyer?


09-27-2012, 01:08 AM
OK, somehow I missed this.
So far, info has been good.
Keep in mind, Esbilac is not "bad" when used for a short time.
We only find that FV works a whole lot better, and strongly recommend it over Esbilac.
Long term use of Esbilac may cause unwanted problems.
If you would, please move the heating pad so it only rests under half of the box.
That way, he can move to a cooler area if he overheats.

09-27-2012, 04:31 AM
Nipples I use are the small gray tip "mothering nipples" I found at Chris's Squirrel store. Caution about these is that the gray nipple tip can come off; so be careful! I also used the end of a feeding cath that I cut down to 1/4"...but I am no expert & new to flyers myself. Best wishes.:)

Mrs Skul
09-27-2012, 10:18 AM
:morning Hi Karen Welcome to TSB :Welcome
It is best to use the Mothering Silicone Nipples, or Silicone Mothering Nipples for a flyer this age. (The Nipples are the Same!!) :D
The Gray tipped nipples are for Little Pinky. At this age your Flyer Baby can & will suck the gray tip off and aspirate. :shakehead I will PM my Phone number, call if you need anything at all. :thumbsup3
If you are ordering the FoxVally. You Need The FoxVally 32/40, and you might as well order the Beginner Flying Squirrel Blocks. (Just Put in the freezer until you need them.) Henry's can ship it out within 3 days in the Flat Rate Boxes.
Chris's Squirrels all so carries the Nipples, Syringes & Some Supply's. Good Luck with this Little Tiny Baby.

You Know you should be feeding every 2 to 3 hr round the clock. When you get the FoxVally started, You still need to be adding the Yogurt and Heavy Whipping Cream.
You should be able to stretch the feeding out to every 3 1/2 to 4 hr. (This is after being on the Full strength FV Formula.):thumbsup5