09-21-2012, 12:25 AM
I'm a new squirrel mommy, We found a ~6wk old baby about a week and a half ago and have been raising him ever since, and I'm wondering what the average weight of a squirrel his age is? That way I know how much he needs to gain to be in the best health :Love_Icon (I posted 2 pictures of him about 9 days apart in my welcome thread (, most recent pic on top, and I think he appears to be a tiny bit underweight still?)
Any Information is helpful!
I'm a new squirrel mommy, We found a ~6wk old baby about a week and a half ago and have been raising him ever since, and I'm wondering what the average weight of a squirrel his age is? That way I know how much he needs to gain to be in the best health :Love_Icon (I posted 2 pictures of him about 9 days apart in my welcome thread (, most recent pic on top, and I think he appears to be a tiny bit underweight still?)
Any Information is helpful!