View Full Version : Hello! New squirrel mom from Lithia, Florida.

09-20-2012, 11:59 PM
I just started raising my very first little squirrel boy about a week and a half ago (I believe he was 6wks when I found him and ~7wks now). I've been perusing the forums a lot trying to soak up as much information as I can so I can raise him to be a happy and healthy squirrel! :Squirrel So far everything's been going great. Got FV formula and Henry's blocks online, picked up a nice pretty cage off Craigslist for a great deal, and my fuzzy little guy seems to be very healthy and feisty! I'm loving every minute of raising him! :Love_Icon

I mentioned the following in another post on the board but I thought I might as well put it all on here for a formal introduction :)

First off, my name is Zoey and I'm 23 years old. I am unemployed and will most likely continue to be for the foreseeable future due to chronic pain / health issues (Fibromyalgia, social anxiety, etc). While this does leave me with less funds (I rely on my mom and boyfriend of 6 years for support) it gives me all the time in the world to spend with my animals to socialize, supervise, and entertain them. We're praying the money situation will get better in January, when my boyfriend finishes college and can start working full-time. Also all 3 of us are vegetarian and LOVE animals :Love_Icon Our fur-babies come first and we do whatever is necessary to ensure they can get the best care possible. I'm not above eating ramen for a week so my kitties can get their fancy feast and treats! They're spoiled rotten! :rotfl

On that note, we have 7 cats and 2 dogs that are all rescues (plus my new little squirrel!) and I am home pretty much 24/7, aside from the occasional doctor's appointment, to make sure they aren't getting into trouble. We're renting a house on a several acre property and the kitties come and go as they please, spending most of their time lounging in the sun or under / on top of the house. The dogs on the other hand spend all day sleeping ON my bed! :rolf . They're spread out a lot of the time and most of them don't seem too interested in my young squirrel thankfully :thumbsup

Anyway I'm so happy I found you guys. It's really great being around other people who love and appreciate squirrels as much as I do. I look forward to getting to know you guys in the coming months / years! :wave123

Here's the most recent picture of my little guy!

This is a picture shortly after I found him (a week or so ago) but it's my FAVORITE picture so far. Squirrel hug :Love_Icon

09-21-2012, 12:42 AM
HELLO & WELCOME to TSB......... :Welcome
your little baby is looking good.

Jackie in Tampa
09-21-2012, 03:12 AM
:Welcome :wave123
7 dogs and two cats...and a sq! :eek:

It's wonderful to be an animal lover..
but the mixing of releasable wildlife and domestics is not advised.
at all.:shakehead
Please be careful and keep them seperate.
Your domestics, can in the end, be the end.
If your sq does not fear your ever so loyal and sweet dogs,
he will be eaten by one once he is released.

IF you have a change of heart..
I have 7 week old sqs that will welcome yours.
This intergration would need to be soon to insure your guys acceptance.


I know:peace ,
but please do not let denial kill your sq..
sorry to sound harsh, been down the path before.

09-21-2012, 03:43 AM
(It's 7 cats, not 7 dogs! lol) Don't worry, I have NO intentions of ever letting the squirrel meet the other animals. I've been keeping him separated and go to him to feed / interact with him. I don't want anything bad to happen to my little guy. :Love_Icon

I read that post you mentioned :( it's sad the squirrels were killed, and also sad that the dogs were kicked out because of it. I'm a firm believer that adoption is for life :shakehead

I understand you're harsh because you care so much, so it's okay :) Like I said, the animals like to spread out (The cats like to have their "own space") so there's usually only 1-2 in the house at a time.