View Full Version : Squirrel pee smell
Foamy the squirrel
09-18-2012, 08:16 PM
how do I get the smell out .. its gettin bad.... dawn dont really work to well.... i wash her w baby shampoo she seem to roll in it!!!! and omg it smells sooo bad please some some give me tips!!!
09-18-2012, 08:17 PM
Why does it smell so bad? Does she have an infection?:thinking
09-18-2012, 08:18 PM
I have two and they don't smell?? Their bedding gets ripe on day 2 so I just change it out every other day, but if the odor is strong she may have a UTI??
Foamy the squirrel
09-18-2012, 08:22 PM
its always smelled same with my the last squirrel my sister found... there pee had a nast smell its worse then cat pee... brian thinks its from the fv
09-18-2012, 08:24 PM
Well, I will say that when Sammy was on Esbilac it smelled up the whole house! We used to laugh about how much a tiny creature could stink... Not FV though...:dono
Foamy the squirrel
09-18-2012, 08:33 PM
Maybe bc I'm new to squirrels and I guess I'm getting sensitive w smells .… Eh I guess ill use bleach... at lest it don't smell like peppers any more... but any ways this is what i've been using dawn to clean clean cage 1 a week Lysol wipes every day on levels. I know i've seen in the past people using bleach in the cages and we also use it at the shelter with the cats.… EH maybe I'll give that a go *shrugs* but if it is a UTI how do I fix it? How much will it cost I don't have a job and i've been looking .... Also what are some other symptoms
Also her diet is FV 2-3xs a day 4 syringe's full veggies during the day hhb and rodent block in the am
but she's had dandelion greens sweet potato tomatoes Green beens snap peas Peppers Avocado Cute-cumber carrots
09-18-2012, 08:33 PM
haha... The General sez she smells good to him !!! heehee.
But seriously, his pee pee don't smell bad.... at least no one has said I stink of squirrel pee pee yet..
p.s. The General is pee pee in his plastic rat wheel, like it is toilet. hahahahahahahah Gets pee pee on his feet like that.
I swear he would use a litter box if he had one :D
Foamy the squirrel
09-18-2012, 08:39 PM
Olympia only pees on her level and bc she prt much rolls in it she get a bath 1x a week .. i also have baby wipe to wipe her mouth bc when she eat her tomatoes its all over her face lol
09-18-2012, 08:42 PM
Hiccup's pee doesn't stink? I would look into investigating if it's a UTI. I mean better safe then sorry, right?
Foamy the squirrel
09-18-2012, 08:43 PM
Hiccup's pee doesn't stink? I would look into investigating if it's a UTI. I mean better safe then sorry, right?
yeah i just dont know how.... also
*crys* I miss house *snifffles*
09-18-2012, 08:45 PM
I change out her bedding and all things in her cage every other day. I DO NOT use any kind of chemicals in her cage. I believe if you use bleach, you MUST wait for it to dry before she enters her cage again.
Are Lysol wipes safe? I hope others chime in so I can find that out myself.:dono
I try to stay as natural as I can...I heard someone say that they use 'real' lemon juice..since then, I squeeze about 2 lemons and mix it with water and wipe the whole cage down. It keeps it clean and smelling good.
If you have badly soiled spots to clean, try to find the most natural things you can. Every once in a while when i need to clean "tough" spots I water down some Simple Green. Seems to work well also. But only once in a while. I usually stick with the lemon juice. :D
Foamy the squirrel
09-18-2012, 08:51 PM
they use it with kids well at least were i use to wrk the would wipe the kids high chair and the kid would still be in it . w the cage I wipe it then dry it w a paper towel that what w do w the bleach at the shelter we clean it then dry the cage w a towel
09-18-2012, 09:06 PM
YEs, I understand Lysol wipes would be good for cleaning up small children's things, but squirrels are much different. :dono
Welp, I dont know, I just wouldn't use them but that is just my own opinion.
try the lemons, i think you will be most surprised with them :D
09-18-2012, 09:15 PM
Well from what I understand (I'm not an expert) some signs of a UTI include strong smelling urine, darkly colored urine and discomfort while urinating. I know it's not good to let urine sit in the bladder when a UTI is present, so depending on how old your baby is, maybe stimulate her more often to keep bladder empty? As far as meds I'm not entirely positive what to use so I'm gonna leave that up to someone who has more experience :)
As for cleaning u could try clorox wipes? Just make sure to let it dry good and if you're afraid that it will hurt him you could always wipe it off with just water afterwards and then let it dry?
*crys* I miss house *sniffles*
I LOVE House! Lol Hiccup even watches it with me :)
Foamy the squirrel
09-18-2012, 09:24 PM
my cat oreo use to watch it all the time w me :P he still does when we catch it on.. olympia (the squirrel) like breaking bad
09-18-2012, 09:42 PM
I've never seen Breaking Bad, but I own all the House seasons on DVD and when I watch it, Hiccup will pancake out on the arm of the chair and watch it :) its the only time he ever just lays and watches tv.
09-18-2012, 09:46 PM
I use very hot water with dawn and finish with apple cider vinegar and another hot water rinse. No risk of chemicals, leaves it smelling nice without "offending" them or bothering them.
09-18-2012, 10:08 PM
Maybe we should eliminate all the causes we can so we can see if the peepee begins to smell better.
Water: Got a water bottle? Maybe peepee is really concentrated. Adding a water bottle and encouraging drinking water between feedings could help. If already drinking water, try switching to say maybe Spring Water in a jug from the store... just a thought.
Veggies: Since squirrel is little, maybe what she is eating causes peepee smell.... like when people eat asparagus. So maybe tomorrow only feed ONE veggie and see if peepee smell improves with eating the one veggie... It may be one of the things she is eating, but we will only know which one if we feed one kind at a time.
UTI: Increasing water intake will make UTI better if she has one. I don't think dosing with antibiotics would help at this stage until we eliminate other causes first.
CLEANING: Maybe the feet are absorbing some chemical from the Lysol wipes and this makes peepee smell bad. Or bleach could enter through skin and make pee pee stong and stinky. I don't know, but this would be a good thing to do Different just to see if it makes your problem go away. Let's switch to lemon juice for cleaning and see how that does, since it is a natural made product. We used those Lysol wipes at the Red Cross to disinfect beds and stuff, so it is my opinon (I know u didn't ask for it, sorry) that Lysol and bleach in cage are too strong for baby squirrels.
So let's try first the increasing water, switch out bottles 3 times a day with fresh to encourage drinking, or put in a bowl full of new glass marbles with water in it.
Maybe a shallow dish of marbles and water will encourage her to take a bath herself, she likes to roll in peepee anyway ;)
Let's try these things and see if peepee smell better, OK? don't cry. We can fix it.
For odor, use white vinegar with water. Lemon smells good, but isn't really doing much of a job-lemon oil is different. If you can get some Grapefruit seed extract it is both a disinfectant and an odor eliminator. At the VA hospital we used white vinegar to clean all the catheter tubing and bags.
09-19-2012, 06:51 AM
For odor, use white vinegar with water. Lemon smells good, but isn't really doing much of a job-lemon oil is different. If you can get some Grapefruit seed extract it is both a disinfectant and an odor eliminator. At the VA hospital we used white vinegar to clean all the catheter tubing and bags.
Good to know :thumbsup Thanks!!
09-19-2012, 09:06 AM
I use very hot water with dawn and finish with apple cider vinegar and another hot water rinse. No risk of chemicals, leaves it smelling nice without "offending" them or bothering them.
if u try this, maybe mix some baking soda with water and dawn , spray the cage , clean it and wipe it down again with just water. Baking soda takes odor out of most things
09-19-2012, 09:50 AM
I would have suggested using vinegar too, but it may leave an odor, same as Dawn. We wanna be able to smell the peepee and tell if it is getting less stinky as you try the different suggestions.
The key is making the peepee smell less strong, and squirrel will smell better after she rolls around in it like she LOVEs to do!
Foamy the squirrel
09-19-2012, 10:09 AM
Cage clean uses warted down white vinegar (we have a bottle of pre made for the cats when they pee u spray it on the area they pee in then wipe down then spray on a cloth and hold it under there no and say no and they wont pee in that spot again... say it in a vet book) rinsed it let dry then used the lemon juice right now she's got a bowl of water w the marbles (she wont get them in her mouth will she) and some carrots rodent block and hhb's (can they go bad btw?)
09-19-2012, 10:19 AM
I read on here that marbles were too big to get in their mouth, thought I would pass on the tip, but have no personal experience with them. WATCH...
I would cut out the rodent block, but keep in the Henry's block as we are all using it and no stinky pp here... lol.
Carrots? how old is she? Might be hard on the tummy? dunno for sure, not on Jackie's list of good starter foods that she PMd me. I made a thread about her PM in the nutrition section... maybe it is helpful? I liked it.
I put a bath towel down on floor, then fleece on top of that, and change fleece every other day. I am only gonna clean the cage once a week, but I understand you are having pp smell problem and may wanna clean more often than me.
and I heard HHBs do go bad and you need to freeze extras for freshness!
Foamy the squirrel
09-19-2012, 02:38 PM
alright .. could u post the link for me?
Foamy the squirrel
09-19-2012, 02:38 PM
alright .. could u post the link for me?
09-19-2012, 04:17 PM
My first squirrel had the stink pee but I have always thought it was because of the diet I fed at the time. Lots of sunflower seeds Esiblac bad bad squirrel daddy I was. Since I found this board I started on FV 32-40 formula sometimes with a little Yo Baby Vanilla for the babies Goats milk for the pinkies and a healthy squirrel diet for the adults and I have never had a stinky pee since. This has applied to fox and greys and both male and female. I hope I never have it again it was stinky and my first squirrel Pixel would jump on everyone he ever met and pee on them. He was not a very popular boy!!
09-19-2012, 10:15 PM
[QUOTE=but she's had dandelion greens sweet potato tomatoes Green beens snap peas Peppers Avocado Cute-cumber carrots[/QUOTE]
Ok it could be tomatoes.. how much do you give her.. I had the same pee pee isues with my Sam and now with Analiese and when i stopped the tomatoes it went away. a small piese here and there wont hurt, cut them out for now and see if it makes a difference:poke
09-19-2012, 10:27 PM
i use method cleaning products they are all natural and completely safe for humans kids and pets and they smell amazing
09-20-2012, 01:47 AM
If you are not used to squirrels, their pee does smell. Way worse than my guinea pigs. For me, it seems the odor got worse as I transitioned squirrels to solids.
As some other people have recommended, I use 50/50 white vinegar and water solution. It doesn't leave an odor if you do a final wipe down with plain water.
Squirrel may benefit from a bath. You can use baby shampoo but not near face.
Foamy the squirrel
09-20-2012, 09:03 AM
If you are not used to squirrels, their pee does smell. Way worse than my guinea pigs. For me, it seems the odor got worse as I transitioned squirrels to solids.
As some other people have recommended, I use 50/50 white vinegar and water solution. It doesn't leave an odor if you do a final wipe down with plain water.
Squirrel may benefit from a bath. You can use baby shampoo but not near face.
she gets on 1x a week..... she rolls in her pee....
Ok it could be tomatoes.. how much do you give her.. I had the same pee pee isues with my Sam and now with Analiese and when i stopped the tomatoes it went away. a small piese here and there wont hurt, cut them out for now and see if it makes a difference
She gets the 1x a week and only 1-3 she LOVES then they are 1 of her favs garpes and blue berrys as well
09-20-2012, 10:00 AM
by JackieInTampa
hello...when a baby sq curls his tail over his head in an 's', I give solids..
I start with a Henry's squirrel block, an almond with the shell and an almond without the shell..
these are the teething tool foods..
helps to cut his teeth pain.
a few days later, you will see that not only is the baby gnawing on these foods, he'll satrt to eat them too.
so i introduce veggies and fruits, always de skinned and seeded..nothing STRINGY..(like sugar snap peas).
common sense will help decide which things..
they will suck an avacodo til you laugh your butt off at the sounds..
and the messy gooey faces..
they'll groom each other for an hour after..
sweet potatoe is safe and they learn to chew...
apple is crunchy wet and they will pick it up and drop it yet the smell is so attractive they can't leave their hands off..
very cute.
Sugar snap pea is good if the string is removed.
chunk of yellow squash, all good starter foods..
]but after the tail is over the head, curled into an S !!!
Formula needs to be -4 times a day at 7 weeks, depending on how well they are actually eating their blocks and veggies..
A: I would think if you feed right before you go to sleep, and as soon as you get up within 7-8 hours, everything will be fine.
Hope i answered the question, I can deviate and ramble
I add a water bottle when I add solids.
No grapes yet, they scare me, I have seen and read too many sad stories.
NO eggplant ever.
no to apple seeds , no cherry seeds or pear seeds, always google strychnine content of seeds when in doubt.
I got this information from JackieInTampa in a Private Message. I know one is not supposed to share information publicly from PMs, but I could not resist. Please make this a sticky and put it by JackieInTampa.
09-20-2012, 02:07 PM
cut the tomatoes out for awhile you see the difference in about a week itf that is it.. I could not give sam but a very small peiceand looks as if Analiese is the same way..:dono
bobby taylor
09-20-2012, 03:16 PM
Some of my squirrels are like that and then I have one that hardly smells at all. My best suggestion would be to get a candle from a pet store made just to mask the odor and as long as the candle is burning everything will be ok. My grand daughter had a hampster that was like that. You would know everytime he pe'ed, nothing helped and it was like that until he passed away. Good luck on finding a good answer.
Foamy the squirrel
09-21-2012, 03:20 PM
thanks im hopeing some thing will help... useing the febrees spray when she does make pee to help elmianate the smell..... :) this morn she woke me up w her pee smell shes been peeing on the plastic level's at mine and my fiances house... im gonne try putting an empty wipe box in there maybe shell use it at a potty?...
09-21-2012, 03:27 PM
Please please please don't use things like bleach or Febreeze... they are full of terrible chemicals. The natural alternatives work as well or better.
Foamy the squirrel
09-21-2012, 08:18 PM
Please please please don't use things like bleach or Febreeze... they are full of terrible chemicals. The natural alternatives work as well or better.
the air freshner stuff it dont go in her cage ..
09-29-2012, 02:16 PM
I thought I'd chime in my 2 cents...
Pinky was trained pretty well to pee in one corner on a paper towel until I moved her cage into the bathroom and now leave teh cage door open. Now she pees wherever she wants... sometimes in her hammock... sometimes on the paper towel... sometimes on the floor... maybe she's just confused with the move. Anyway... I do notice the smell and just try to be proactive about it. If she happens to hit the paper towel it's gone while it's still wet. If she hits her hammock I pull it and was it immediately. She hates when the hammock is gone, but I figure that maybe that'll teach her that peeing in the hammock isn't okay.
Not sure if that helps or not... just thought I'd chime in.
Foamy the squirrel
09-29-2012, 08:44 PM
I thought I'd chime in my 2 cents...
Pinky was trained pretty well to pee in one corner on a paper towel until I moved her cage into the bathroom and now leave teh cage door open. Now she pees wherever she wants... sometimes in her hammock... sometimes on the paper towel... sometimes on the floor... maybe she's just confused with the move. Anyway... I do notice the smell and just try to be proactive about it. If she happens to hit the paper towel it's gone while it's still wet. If she hits her hammock I pull it and was it immediately. She hates when the hammock is gone, but I figure that maybe that'll teach her that peeing in the hammock isn't okay.
Not sure if that helps or not... just thought I'd chime in.
Thanks it does I've been cleaning every day and every time she pees
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