View Full Version : Prayers for Kellys new kid on the block.

Kelly Brady
09-16-2012, 09:27 AM
I got a call on Friday from a tree trimmer.
They had been refferred to me from a friend.

They found a baby squirrel after trimming one large branch from a tree. The guy knew he had not taken down a nest so he was puzzled as to where the squirrel came from. He hauled the large branch away from the tree and watched the squirrel why they cut up the branch. No Mamma came.

This was Thursday. afternoon. He put him in a box.

Long story short he was still in a box on Friday afternoon when he got to me. No food, no fluid etc.

He is at LEAST a week older than my Theo and Pru. They are now around five weeks. Theo and Pru wiegh about 100 grams plus or take two.

This little boy weighed 54 grams and is I am sure around 7 weeks old. Amanciated was an understatment. He could not hold his head up to take hydration but had an instant sucking reflex.

I think he had been on his own for a long time.

He has lost most of the end of his tail. That had not happened recently.

I have been working on him all weekend. I think he will make it. It took 24 hours to get a drop of pee. I am now getting FV poops as of just this morning. He looks like a baby compared to my babies. He is gaining strength.

AFter 8 hours of hydration, we began 3:1 FV. He cried a little cry with each swallow it tasted so good to him. Put tears in my eyes.

As of this morning he has been placed in with Theo and Pru and they are all in one big squirrel ball cuddling.

This poor little boy has had a very rough life and has the will to live like I have never seen.

Please say prayers for little A.J. (his finders name):D He is still not out of the woods.

This morning he weighs 63 grams.:grouphug He is up to 4cc of fv now. We have a long way to go:shakehead

A.J.:Love_Icon The Bradys love you.

Jackie in Tampa
09-16-2012, 09:30 AM
Thank you Sweet Kelly Brady...
he found his saving angel:Love_Icon

Come'on lil AJ, pull through little buddy:Love_Icon

Itchiku's dad
09-16-2012, 09:32 AM

09-16-2012, 09:42 AM
Kelly, he sounds exactly like my poor little Skittles. Praying very hard for this little one. Just putting it out there, but you may want to start ab's just as a precaution. I have heard from so many about doing that, and now I wish I had done it with Skittles. I don't know if would have saved him, but I can't help but wonder. He came down with pneumonia and it set in so fast. (There is a huge chance his original finders aspirated him, as they were feeding with an eye dropper, wrong stuff, etc). He will be at the top of my prayer list. Its so scary seeing one so small, when they should be at least twice that size, if not more. :grouphug :Love_Icon

Nancy in New York
09-16-2012, 10:00 AM
Little AJ you couldn't be in better hands.
Why is it that these little ones that have the WORST start,
get into our hearts so fast....they just take it over.:Love_Icon

09-16-2012, 12:50 PM
:grouphug Kelly, A J is so lucky he has you to take care of him! :thumbsup
Theo and Pru will be great comfort for him also...he is in good hands now.

09-16-2012, 01:03 PM
A.J. you're on the WAY.... to Health...

Kelly Brady
09-16-2012, 02:26 PM
Hey there all:wave123

Pappy I am so afraid to give preventative A/B's since my little Annie and the runny poops situation. I hope I am not sorry.

I have a great stethascope and I am keeping a close eye out. A/B's are on hand and ready though. Poor Skittles:grouphug

Little AJ sure does bear watching very carefully.

Honestly Nancy the thing about these kids that are so tiny and weak is special. I think they look at you as if to say "am I dreaming or is my belly full"? Their eyes speak what they want to get out.

Got some good firm FV poops. A whopping 4 of em:poop

Thanks for prayers guys, He is like holding a handful of bones. FV to the rescue:alright.gif

Kristin Ward
09-16-2012, 04:25 PM
your making me cry. "Am I dreaming, or is my belly full", You're breaking my heart. You know exactly what they're saying to you. That's what makes you special,:Love_Icon and so good at caring for these wee ones.:grouphug
Little A.J. is getting prayers sent right this very minute.:grouphug :)

island rehabber
09-16-2012, 05:25 PM
:grouphugKB & AJ:grouphug
Slow & steady, Kelly...that's how we save these little skinny ones. Can't overtax their systems, much as we want to FEED them...:)

09-16-2012, 05:34 PM
My goodness AJ, you made it to the Promised Land! Enjoy that full belly, no more hunger for you little one! :grouphug AJ:grouphug

Kelly Brady
09-16-2012, 05:56 PM
Thanks so much Kristin he needs prayers. Trying to potty a little one that only has an inch of tail is rough. Cute wee one curls the stub right over his private parts:dono

The two babes Pru and Theo cuddle around him. I had to delay that gathering to watch him a couple of days to make sure we didn't have any outward signs of illness. I just took a picture of all three of them in the bedding and the contrast is shocking.:shakehead I will post from work tomorrow.

IR Thanks, we need to be reminded of going slow because we just want food in them. I am happy to be at the 7% rule with 4 cc and will keep that going slow but sure. As we approach the end of the 4th syringe his eyes start to close and everytime he takes a big huge deep breath and out to sleep he goes:Love_Icon Bless his little heart. That old and only 4 cc's poor little tiny baby. I think he has had 247 kisses so far.:grouphug

Lungs sound clear Pappy. Checking each feeding now. Thinking of Skittles.

P.S. Scott is in love. He has been helping potty the gang. Doesn't like feeding until they are all just a bit older. Thats ok, it is my favorite part.

Kristin Ward
09-16-2012, 08:36 PM
Hugs to you Kelly Brady!:grouphug Give Richard a hug a kiss from me:grouphug
And all the wee ones IF OK w/ Richard.:grouphug

09-16-2012, 09:19 PM
Awww... all my best wishes for a speedy recovery.

AJ's so happy now. Poor baby, he has been through more than a squirrel ever should.

Kelly Brady
09-17-2012, 11:10 AM
All is well on the A.J. front.

For the first time since I got him Friday, he can bring himself to a stand and walk on all fours. It is shaky but he is gaining strength. Pic was taken after a bedding change prior to placing all the fluff to hide under in the nest. Eyes are looking brighter.
As I posted above here are pictures of him. Is he not adorable?????
His miniature size really has be puzzled though. Wish I knew what he had been through prior to landing in my lap.:grouphug

09-17-2012, 11:25 AM
Awwwww... so sweet, they all are... Give them some kisses from Auntie Susan

island rehabber
09-17-2012, 11:27 AM
omigosh...Florida squirrels are mini anyway but he is a micro-mini! He looks great though, Kelly -- smooth coat and bright-eyed. Well-hydrated! :alright.gif

09-17-2012, 12:06 PM
sweet itty bitty poppet!
keep up the great love and tlc!:grouphug :Love_Icon

Kelly Brady
09-17-2012, 02:11 PM
Hi Sammys Mom and Kristin:wave123

Hi Nancy:wave123 Missed you and havent seen you.

Thanks IR, he has really turned around in the hydration department. Isn't his size unbelievable?? Can you tell I still can't get over it? He is like a super micro tiny Richard.

He is just so weak still. Poor little tiny baby. He is shy. Sometimes he huddles with his new sibs, but other times he is found in a quiet little corner on the heat side of course wrapped in a private little area that he finds to be just right.:shakehead

He breaks my heart.

Lungs are good, poops, pees and appetite good. Still only at 4 cc's. Not pushing it, even if I tried he can't stay awake past 4 cc.

He still needs prayers, bless him.:Love_Icon :Love_Icon

09-17-2012, 02:33 PM
Praying for you and sweet little AJ... My heart goes out to him, so young and so much heartache already... Sounds like now he's in the hands of his angel... :grouphug

09-17-2012, 02:37 PM
Oh my goodness, he reminds me so much of Skittles! But he doesn't look dehydrated, so that is huge! In the two days he was with me, I only one time even got any poop out of Skittles when I stimulated him (I would find it dried on his legs, just runny diarrhea). Praying very hard for this little one. Skittles was most likely aspirated by his finders (using an eye dropper and kitten formula once every 5 hours, 1-2 cc's, so they starved him some more and aspirated him before he came to me.) Sorry, didn't mean to go off on a tangent. Praying very hard for AJ. He is surrounded by love and prayers and is getting the best he can....the rest is in God's hands.

Kristin Ward
09-17-2012, 03:00 PM
Still praying for AJ. What a tiny tot he is. :grouphug
I can't believe how big Theo and Pru are now. They were still pinkies when we where at Jackies(I think):D Good luck w/ all of them:grouphug

Kelly Brady
09-17-2012, 03:54 PM
I know Penny, look at his tail. poor little nub of a tail.

What in the heck happened to him to lose his tail way down close to his body and be healed by the time I got him?????

A co-worker came in my office today while I was feeding him and she said "oh my GOD look at his eyes" it is like he is saying thank you.

It is just like that I tell you, he is happy to sleep, not worry and have food in his tummy.

He really doesn't know what to do when I potty him. It is as if he was never pottied. He potties for me but looks at me like EXCUSE ME?????

He is like a grown up in a baby costume:D

Kelly Brady
09-17-2012, 04:02 PM
Pappy, no worries about a tangent here, I wanted to know more about Skittles story. Poor baby. God rest his little soul.

There was a 5cc syringe in the box with AJ.:shakehead Oh dear.

They bought it to try to get him water but said he wouldn't take it. Not a drop. Thank goodness they were unsucessful. We would have aspiration pnuemonia for sure if they had. Bless them for going to the trouble with him I say. AJ (tree trimmer) was so touched that I would name him AJ.:Love_Icon

Kristin, yes they were just pinkies and look at them. Of course Kelly never has skinney squirrels:dono but they are chunky monkeys.

Hi crazy squirrel Lady and thank you so much:)

09-17-2012, 04:50 PM
Just read through this post, sending prayers for AJ and a huge :thankyou to you!
Nature can be cruel and at the same time Creator was kind,
allowing AJ to hang on long enough to find his way to you... :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

09-17-2012, 06:12 PM
Cute little AJ! He will be in my pocket all day tomorrow. I will not be setting this precious baby down for a moment. I'm in love already!! Swoon...:Love_Icon

09-17-2012, 06:14 PM
:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

09-17-2012, 06:17 PM
Kelly, the people that had Skittles found him trying to cross a four lane highway and they looked for a nest but could not find out in the area. But they had him four days before they decided 'he was just getting more lethargic, so better find him help.' Damage had been done already. If only they had come for help right after they found him, I suspect it would have had a different outcome. Praying very hard for little AJ!

09-17-2012, 06:25 PM
poor little tail. I wonder what bit it off? I bet it was a hawk or something.

Kristin Ward
09-17-2012, 09:01 PM
:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

Kelly Brady
09-17-2012, 09:48 PM
Hey there Step:wave123 Good to hear from you. I wish all of em could be rescued. How ideal would that be:D

Little AJ had a 2:00 feeding and he woofed his 4 cc's down. I had to stop the syringe for going to fast. He did not get more than 4cc's but darned if his poop didn't soften a bit.

His system is very delicate for sure. Last feeding went a lot slower and poops are nice and firm. He didn't want all of 4 cc's this last time either.

His little belly is in shock. He spit the nipple out of his mouth by accident and grunted at me so that was nice to hear.

Pappy I was so upset when I found out little AJ had spent two days in a cardboard box with a small piece of towel in there. They thought they were doing well. I suspect most people do but OMG no water for two days let alone food for gosh knows how long. I wish people wouldn't guess what to do and just sign on and ask someone. But at least people care to do something huh? Four days for Skittles and aspiration. Not good.

I will not be posting tomorrow all day. Seminar. As Grinn mentioned she is baby sitting the three for me. I already miss them. I am addicted to the smell of FV as my perfume:dono I love love love babies.

I gave AJ kisses for you crazy squirrel lady. Hugs and hearts to you Sammys Mom and Kristin.

I have great pics of Richard with the babies too!! He is so sweet and nice with them. I am sure too keep him very involved.

09-18-2012, 10:23 AM
Kelly, I know your not posting today I just wanted to let you know that you and AJ are still in my thoughts and prayers. I cry thinking about what he's had to endure so far and then I cry some more (super happy tears) knowing he's in your loving hands and heart. You are surely his angel, and my hero :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

09-18-2012, 05:30 PM
Posting for Kelly because kids were with me today. They are all doing good. Little AJ got so much lovins today. Everybody here just thinks he is the cutest little munchkin ever!!:Love_Icon He actually rode around in my bosses shirt for several hours!:eek:
Don't worry Pru and Theo also got lots of attention too. Definitely got my baby fix today. THANK YOU KELLY!!! :D

Jackie in Tampa
09-18-2012, 05:45 PM
:thumbsup I bet you are in sq heaven..
Posting for Kelly because kids were with me today. They are all doing good. Little AJ got so much lovins today. Everybody here just thinks he is the cutest little munchkin ever!!:Love_Icon He actually rode around in my bosses shirt for several hours!:eek:
Don't worry Pru and Theo also got lots of attention too. Definitely got my baby fix today. THANK YOU KELLY!!! :D

Kristin Ward
09-18-2012, 07:45 PM
:thumbsup I bet you are in sq heaven..

DITTO!:D :grouphug

Kelly Brady
09-19-2012, 11:53 AM
Thank you Grinn so much for taking care of the little babes. They had fun with Aunt Grinn they told me so.:D :grouphug

The highlight of my day was touring Grinns place of employment. Amazing place. I could just stay there and observe all day.

AJ is a squinch better today. He can walk around now and navigate quite well. He eagerly took 4 cc's this morning @ 6:00 am. He really wanted more but I didn't push it. Then he really wanted more than that at the 10:00 am feeding so we increased just a little. To want more FV is a milestone as he just can't take a lot.

His tummy is particularly sensitive. As Grinn found out yesterday some feedings he just could not take more than 2 or 3 cc's.

He is holding his weight at 68g. The same as yesterday. Beats the pewny little 54 grams when I got him so I will take that. Today seems more promising though as he is playing and interacting with Theo and Pru more.

My hubby can attest to the fact that he is pooping well.:rotfl Nice solid poops. Sweet little gang of mine.

I turn my head at my desk at work and see three tiny little beautiful faces sound asleep. Some on top of the blankies some under, arms and legs all sprawled out or the loner in a ball. Warm and cuddly and full of FV.

09-19-2012, 12:06 PM
I love the good news, walking better yea, navigating yea, wanting more food YIPPEE... I am still sending healing, postitive prayers your way. :grouphug

Kristin Ward
09-19-2012, 12:06 PM

Kelly Brady
09-19-2012, 10:47 PM
Tonights report is excellant !!!

Little AJ is up to 5 cc's with no ill effects:thumbsup Eager to eat it all.

He is pouncing and playing and looking like a different squirrel.

The three kids are bonding and having a ball together.

I feel so much better about his outcome. Thanks for prayers all:bowdown

Pics are from last night. Scott can't keep his hands off of them:wave123

09-19-2012, 10:54 PM
YIPPIE! There be squirrels! :D


09-20-2012, 06:24 AM
Thank you, God! Just made my day, Kelly!!

Kristin Ward
09-20-2012, 06:30 AM
Thank you, God! Just made my day, Kelly!!

DITTO!:thumbsup :)

Jackie in Tampa
09-20-2012, 06:43 AM
so glad little AJ is doing better..and has family!:Love_Icon
I bet Auntie Grinn did enjoy it..:thumbsup awe..:grouphug

I have a sweet little girl that came in way behind too, actually several..
and they are all catching up too..
as soon as I get my thread caught up, you'll have to meet Rose Art and Mozart...two puny's that are finally outta the woods..:)

Will be doing a JoAnn's run next week..
let me know if I can bring anything!
DO MY { I mean OUR} KIDS HAVE GEAR???:poke
I can't remember..:dono :thinking
did I make them gear yet:rotfl :sanp3
let me know what fleece if not:poke and I will!

have my fingers crossed, no newbies no newbies no newbies,
we are finally able to enjoy what we have...
get some work done, get some sleep and catch my breath!
wow, it was kaos ...
but we made ITTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!tinfoil :D

thanks KB, Richard and Brady family!!!:wave123

Kelly Brady
09-20-2012, 02:15 PM
Kaos is an understatment JIT.

I don't know how you do it. Keeping Richard feeling loved and then the three babes has been a real effort. I love love love having Richard and having babies so I have had my cake and eat it too !!!!!

I don't have a spare cube and will need one soon. I love fleece and have no preference on colors. all of your fleece is beeeautiful.

After I release the three babies I will probably use for Richard so maybe not flowers that is all. I'd like to purchase one cube and a hanging bag to match

If your going to Jo annes please stop by and see your RRRB. He is a hoot with the littles.

P.S. Bring my glasses if you come to my side of the bay.:wave123

P.S.S. Little AJ is a big whopping 74 grams this morning with an empty belly. Horrrray

Kelly Brady
09-21-2012, 05:17 PM
Hi Pappy,made my day too !!! I was so worried about him.

Todays weight is even better, a big 78 grams.

AJ is going to do just fine. Thank goodness.

We ate HHB today:multi :multi

All three ! Pru and Theo and AJ.

09-21-2012, 05:55 PM
that is so awesome! Tell AJ, 'thank you for the early birthday present!'

Kelly Brady
09-27-2012, 09:49 PM
Well I am bad for not posting pictures of little tiny AJ.

He is growing in leaps and bounds but still of very small stature.

He is weighing 125 grams now and his sibs are his buds.

He behaves older than the two sibs Theo and Pru.

I think I will take AJs and add toTheo and Prus thread.

Thanks for prayers, he needed them so badly. AJ is the one with the missing tail, poor baby.

His little tummy is up to 8 cc's now, closing in on 9:thumbsup

09-28-2012, 06:11 AM
WOW! I am starting my day with a huge smile from seeing little AJ! You have done so great with him!!! YAY AJ!!!!! YAY KELLY!

Kristin Ward
09-28-2012, 07:01 AM
Look at them, they're growing like weads.:thumbsup Great job Kelly.
Have a wonderful day.:grouphug

island rehabber
09-28-2012, 07:29 AM
:grouphug:grouphug Magic Mamma Kelly does it again :)

09-29-2012, 12:00 AM
Oh little AJ you have a squirrely family now :D how wonderful Kelly- you go girl you the momma squirrel:osnap