View Full Version : Routines?

09-15-2012, 06:57 PM
So, I was browsing the squirrel side of the world wide web, just lookin for random information on squirrels and rehabbing them, when I can across a page that said its best to NOT establish routines when rehabilitating squirrels (and other animals in general) because when they are released that routine stays with them. For example: if you always feed at the same times then during those times the squirrel will want food.

I'm just wondering if this is true? I can see some logic in it because i know other animals (horses) who always get fed at the same times every day and they know when it's close to feeding time and always kick up a fuss. Are squirrel the same way?

Currently Hiccup DOES have a set routine, should I work on getting him away from it?

Milo's Mom
09-15-2012, 09:31 PM
Hmmmm, I understand the logic, but in practice I know it is otherwise. For now, I feel safe in saying that a routine is fine. Squirrels are sort of hardwired for the wild, so when he's old enough I'm sure he'll adjust just fine. Mine always have.

That may be part of the time spent in the Release Cage...they learn the new routine while the rest of their natural instincts are kicking in.

Curious to see what the experts say.

09-15-2012, 10:08 PM
That's what I was thinking as well. Do they "grow out of it"? I am just curious lol Im trying to learn as much as I can about squirrels and raising/rehabilitating them :)