View Full Version : Illegal state...need to release

09-14-2012, 11:04 PM
Please help me do this the right way. My father in law caught three young flyers and gave them to us :thinking. we thought at first we might keep them, but in looking into all that we should do, found that they are illegal in our state. We must release them, but don't want to do it wrong. Please let me know ASAP what to do. I don't want to hurt them by not having the right environment for them either before are after release. Feel free to email me at joyteachingkids@gmail.com

09-14-2012, 11:58 PM
I'm a flyer nut in Texas,
The thing you should watch for is hydration. Fluids are the most important thing.
Please describe their current appearance/condition.
Eyes open or closed?
Activity level? Anything.
It's very important that they have fluids.
Only administer for 24 hours, after that, you need to provide other food.
Recomended is pediolite. (may have spelled that wrong)
If none available, then...
1 tsp salt (teaspoon)
3 Tbsp sugar (tablespoon)
1 quart warm water
Mix all ingredients in warm water. Store in refrigerator.
Not going to use it all, so mix it anyway. It's cheap.
If you can get plain goats milk at the store, get some.
If only condensed is available, you must dilute.
After hydration, three parts goat milk, one part full fat, natural yogurt.
After one day, add in another part of heavy whipping cream.
By now, you should have already ordered some Fox Valley 32/40.
May take a few days to get to you, so continue wuth the goats milk.
I know this is a lot to go though, so bear with us.
Hydrate first, order some FV, get goats milk.
One step at a time. You can do it.

09-15-2012, 05:26 AM
Go Skul!

Mrs Skul
09-15-2012, 06:59 AM
:morning JoyFulandNutty :Welcome Welcome to TSB
I have quite a few Questions so Please bare with me.
I sent you a Email with some information, and my Phone number. Is their any you can call me, it would be easer for me. I am Dyslexic and have trouble typing. (Takes me forever.) :D
First off, How old are your Flyers? How long have you and the other party have them? Did you feed them form a tiny baby? Did you have them before the eyes opened? If so when did they open? What is the weight on each Flying Squirrel?
What formula did you all feed? By any chance did you feed Fox Vally 32/40, Formula for Baby Squirrels? :thinking Are they Still on any kind of Formula? What Kind of Rodent Blocks or Squirrel Blocks are you feeding? :dono What Fresh Vegetables are they eating now? (Each individual thing every day.) Hear is a link to the squirrel Nutrition. The charts show the Calcium to Phosphors. It all so shows the foods that are Not good At All To Feed. It Will come in handy. (It is all about Diet Balance.) :D
Flying Squirrels Need a High Calcium High Protein diet. The Protein consist of Meal worms, Wax Worms,Friezed Dried Chicken, Fresh chicken and the Bone, Boiled or scrambled eggs. They Need protein every day. :thumbsup3
You should be offering 3 to 4 fresh Vegetables and a Green Salad daily. Flyer all so eat mushrooms. Flying Squirrels make their own Vitamin D.
How big of a Cage are they in now? Do they Fly or Glide more then 4 to 5 feet when Playing with you now? Can they open any Nut from a Shell with NO Help? (Almond, Pecan, Hazel Nut o/r Filbert)
Flying squirrels do not leave their moms or go out on their own until around 6 to 7 months. Then they stay with the family for life. If these are babies from this summer you need to keep them throughout the winter for a Spring Release.
(It is already to late in the year to Have a Successful Release.) :shakehead
If the baby is 30 to 40 grams. They should still be eating Formula. Can you Send or Post Any Pictures of them when they were found, Up to Now? :thinking This will help me with the age of the babies.

Have you been teaching them anything about the wild foods?
Do you have Wild Flyer's around your house or where you wont to let them go?
Do you have a Large Release Cage outside that is Predator and Snake Proof? (Racoon's, Cats, Dogs, Fox, Snakes,.....)
Hear is 3 cites that you might wont to look at. They carry Squirrel supplies, and Baby Formula/Fox Vally.
We can help you with a Soft release when the time is right if that is what you wont.
We can find some one who is releasing some Flyers in your area and Put them with a group if you wont to do it that way. :thumbsup5

09-15-2012, 08:00 AM

I might be able to help you depending on where in VA you live. I sent you an email so let me know your location and we'll work from there. You've done a great thing with these flyers.

Mrs Skul
09-15-2012, 12:18 PM
:wave123 Hi Miriam
Long time no see! :D It would be nice if you could get them, and release where Sootie was released. :thumbsup3

09-15-2012, 12:37 PM
:wave123 C, I've been super busy but I hope you are well. These flyers are very far away but I am working with Joy to get them into a rehab situation. I love The Squirrel Board! Full of wonderful people.

Mrs Skul
09-15-2012, 04:18 PM
OK if you are helping her. I will back off. I was trying to get them to you soon. They don't have a lot of time.
Let me know what happens. Talk to you latter on Miriam. Good Luck Joy.:grouphug
I am off to bed before tonight. :D

09-15-2012, 06:30 PM
We found a local rehabber that is going to take the babies tonight! Joy is getting them packed up and she's going to let us know how everything goes. Yay TSB!:thumbsup

09-15-2012, 06:45 PM
The TSB Squirrel TRAIN is working...again...
GREAT Save...
We will need UP-DATES.

HELLO-Miriam...from C.R. and the GANG.... NOW-I have a little GIRL too....

09-15-2012, 08:07 PM
I know. I love her Stosh.

09-15-2012, 11:02 PM
Thanks everyone. Got the "teens" off to the re-hab. I was very pleased with her. Her house was clean. She does soft-release and does not have a lot of other animals (like hoarding.) She has been doing rehab for 30 years and I think she will be able to help these guys succeed. I really appreciate the way so many of you came to the rescue with help and advice. :jump :thankyou :wave
Now off to take care of my passion. A bunch of teens with drug addicted parents. AHHHH my own wild-life rescue! ::crazy

Mrs Skul
09-16-2012, 03:06 AM
Great News!!! :alright.gif
Good Luck Little Flyer family. :Love_Icon
:thankyou JoyFulandNutty :grouphug
Thanks For Caring so much to help these little one.
:bow Thanks allot Miriam. You Both Rock!!! :bowdown

island rehabber
09-16-2012, 06:22 AM
M. A. R. T. rocks!!! :thumbsup:wahoo

(Mid Atlantic Rescue Team :D)

09-16-2012, 10:00 AM
M. A. R. T. rocks!!! :thumbsup:wahoo

(Mid Atlantic Rescue Team :D)

:thumbsup Awesome.

09-16-2012, 10:33 AM
M.A.R.T. Huh, and we get stuck with F.A.R.T. Yeah, I know for Florida, just saying. Course I can't think or anything else. Florida does have a lot of old farts living here, so it kinds suits,:D :jump .

09-16-2012, 11:08 AM