View Full Version : General chews on syringe tips

09-14-2012, 10:41 PM
Poor General, raised by a poverty stricken, ghetto livin Mamma....

When I first got him, all I could find to feed him was a 10 cc slip tip syringe. Went to vet's, yada yada, no small syringes to be found.

So anyways, now that he has his 3 cc syringes with nipples, he won't have anything to do with a nipple. Hates them.

So.... now he bites the plastic syringe tips and they get sharp places on them. I fix them and only get about 10 days before I had to replace them. Now he is doing the same thing to the new ones....

any suggestions?

crazy squirrel lady

09-15-2012, 08:03 AM
Time to introduce a dish! that is exactly what Rose did! Small, shallow dish, maybe put a piece of block in it to get him used to it. Some take to it easier then others. How old is he now?

09-15-2012, 08:48 AM
I am guessing 8 weeks... I have had him for 2 and was told he was 6 weeks old when I got him.... not really sure.

He is eating HB good, well chewing it up and making a mess anyways.. hahahahah