View Full Version : Hello from England! (Advice appreciated)

09-14-2012, 03:43 AM
Hello everyone, my name is Ashleigh. I'd like to introduce you to this sweet little girl. I've decided to name her Murfee. My brother found her curled up in long grass by the side of a road and bought her back to my house. We think she was in a RTA as she showed signs of head trauma (walking in circles, a cut eye and very weak) To be honest, I didn't think she'd pull through the first night, she refused water/food and was pretty unresponsive.

I called multiple wildlife rescue centers here in the UK, the same evening we found her, but as it was late, we had to wait until morning for someone from the RSPCA to visit. The inspector told me that for Head Trauma, there is nothing medically possible, but time is sometimes all that is needed. We were also told that it's illegal for them to re-release squirrels here in the UK and that if she was taken, they'd have no choice but to euthanize her. Of course, I wasn't prepared to give up on her so soon.

Sure enough, with persistence with the food and water, warm bedding (and a whole lot of love), just 72 hours later, she's looking so much better! I've been feeding her various nuts, corn, broccoli and even some peanut butter. She looked very underweight when we found her, so the peanut butter went down a treat ;)

I realize that this is no permanent diet for her, I need rodent blocks. However I have no way of getting Henrys, Mazuri's, Kaytee's or any of the other brands I've seen mentioned on the forum. If anyone knows a UK alternative, I'd really appreciate it as I'm in urgent need. I've seen the 'make it yourself' recipie on her, but would like to buy some already made, if possible.

Thank you so much for your time, I look forward to meeting you all :grouphug

Right after we found her

The day we took Murfee in (10th Sept) - Yesterday (13th Sept) http://i48.tinypic.com/2lax276.jpg

09-14-2012, 04:53 AM
Murfee is surely a beautiful girl!! Thank you for taking her in and giving her all the TLC she needs! :) :Love_Icon :)

I'm sure an expert will be along soon that can help you with the block situation! Good luck!!

09-14-2012, 02:40 PM
Hi :)

I'm in England too, just into cornwall, where abouts are you?

I have had all sorts of problems with food for my girl over the past year but have got a good diet going. As a substisute for the block i use rat food, most of the brands seem ok to me, your girl should eat it right away a they seem to love it :)

Then i give her the usual diet of fresh veg and fruit along with a few wild foods and mealworms every now and then which she adores!

You may find that you have to wean your girl onto veg especially if she has been having treats since she has been with you! I fed my girl on mainly nuts and seeds when i first found her as i figured that would be what she would get in the wild, but that isn't good for her so i had to wean her onto the good stuff which she hated but now loves :)

Hopefully your girl will be ok, UK vets won't treat a squirrel unless you have a liscence for it and even then it is hard to find one that is willing to. My girl also runs in circles but i think that is because she is blind, if she could see she would be into everything!

09-14-2012, 03:00 PM
Hi and welcome to the board :Welcome ... and thank you for saving this little one's life! :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou

Unfortunately I don't have a solution off hand re. the blocks, except maybe to make your own. I make mine, ordering the Vita-Mins from Henry's Healthy Pets but I suppose you could find the recipe to make your own vitamins and storing them in a dark cool place (fridge) they should keep for a year. Giving Hami 2 a day they last for nearly 2 months - one batch makes about 60. They really are not that hard to make - I found a couple of tricks to simplify the task even, I'll gladly pass them on - and they are well worth the effort... my guy loves them and his fur is soft, shiny and, now over 2 years old, he's always full of energy.

I resized the pics for you - easier to see for everyone. Murfee looks just sooo sweet and gorgeous! :)

09-14-2012, 07:37 PM
How about this: http://www.petsathome.com/shop/nugget-rat-food-4kg-by-pets-at-home-15680

09-14-2012, 09:09 PM
:wave123 Murfee.
It's wonderful that you were able to help the little one.
Please check into the laws of GB about American Gray squirrels.
I think they are considered an evasive species, and you may not be able to release legally.
As much as we love our little tree rats, they may not be accepted in other nations.