View Full Version : Doesnt want to eat??

09-13-2012, 05:21 PM
I just got home from work and tried to feed my little guy Squirt. This is the first time he has ever refused the formula. And I mean his teeth were chattering loud and long as in he seemed pissed. All he did was run around my neck, shoulders and head like a crazy person..LOL And also for the first time I was actually a little scared. I noticed about a 1/4 size of his block was gone but many crumbs left. There's no way that could of filled him. I also just put 2 branches in his cage right before I fed him and he absolutely loves them. He's playing and nibbling on them. Just wondering if it's time to cut his feedings down to 4 instead of 5x/day. He weighs 200 grams and is getting 10cc's and is 7-8 weeks old. I was under the impression that you only cut the feedings down when he starts eating his block. Sorry for the long paragraph but he kind of scared me alittle as this is the first time this has happened.

09-13-2012, 06:12 PM
I started 4x a day at 7 weeks and mine are just fine:D They started not wanting to eat every 4-5 hours so we spaced it out to 6. Now with block I only get 3 really good feeding sessions though I still try 4 so I think next week I will be going to 3x a day and sleeping from 10pm to 6am:poke

09-13-2012, 06:12 PM
Mine is doing the same thing today, started yesterday.

Must be the Moon or something? Weird, same age and everything.

what we gonna do? :dono

09-13-2012, 06:22 PM
LOL CSL. I guess I might try 4x/day and see what happens. Right now I feed him at 530am, 10, 2, 6, then his last feeding is at 10pm. I guess one less feeding is good for me too..LOL..could use a little break from dozing off standing up during the day.

09-13-2012, 07:04 PM
oh my finally got a chance to rest a bit and take a bath.... what fun! all I do is worry about the squirrel ahhahahahaa


09-13-2012, 09:03 PM
So Squirt finally just ate his formula:wahoo He had about 10.5cc's. He wasn't as enthusiastic as usual but he ate. Now he's chewing on his branch and ripping little shreds off. Still not going for the block I put in his cage at 5 pm today. Hopefully I find a shredded block in the morning.