View Full Version : Henry's Peanut Stix?

09-13-2012, 11:24 AM
My Squirt is about 7-8 weeks old now and is still not eating his henry blocks. Well i put them in his cage and sometimes he breaks them apart and sometimes he doesnt touch them. I do see him put his hands to his mouth as if he's taking little pieces of them but im not sure. I just bought more blocks from Henry's and saw the peanut stix so i purchased them too. Does anyone use the Peanut Stix?? Would i give them to him as a treat? or at the same time i give him his blocks? when can i give them to him?:thinking

09-13-2012, 11:31 AM
I was just about to make a thread about this. I was wondering the exact same thing! :goodpost

09-13-2012, 11:36 AM
:wave123 xHiCCUPx!!! Yea i wanted to see if anyone uses them. My little guy hasnt started solids yet and is barely munching on his blocks and then i saw these.

09-13-2012, 11:38 AM
I just looked at Henry's website. I am certainly no expert but it seems to me that the peanut stix are more like a treat. :)

09-13-2012, 11:43 AM
:D Hiccup demolishes his blocks, literally. After I give them to him he carries them off and covers the bottom of his cage with tons of little HHB crumbs. I don't know if he's actually eating any but he breaks them apart like a champ! I wanted to get the peanut stix and see if will eat them.

09-13-2012, 11:44 AM
:wave123 Sadie!! I saw the same thing on the website and was kinda thinking that myself.

09-13-2012, 11:46 AM
Yes xHiCCUPx that's what my Squirt does to a T. He takes them and hides them behind is stuffie and then when i look later theyre shredded, but not sure how much he eats of them if at all.

09-13-2012, 12:22 PM
That Web site sells a pickey eater food. I have bought the Peanut stix, Wild Bites and Picky Eater to feed wild squirrels, and no squirrel likes all three, so your squirrel may or may not eat the Peanut Stix, but as the other have said, those I think are more of a treat.

I would try these:


Milo's Mom
09-13-2012, 12:29 PM
Peanut Stix are a TREAT ONLY! They are NOT a replacement for blocks. I am fairly certain that the calcium to phosphorus ratio is even...this means they wash out to 0 (or very close too).

I believe all of you have baby/young squirrels, they need to be on the Growth Formula. They WILL eat it.

Try cutting it in half.

Try soaking it in a bit of FV formula.

Give the HHB first thing in the morning when the squirrel is the hungriest.

Some of my older guys pick out the HHB and eat it first over everything else...even avocado.

I've only raised 14 squirrels so I am far from an expert, but I have not ever had a squirrel NOT eat an HHB. My wilds (as in the ones I've never touched, they are truly wild) eat HHB's! My released rehabs still (like this morning) come home for their HHB's.

09-13-2012, 12:55 PM
I don't think Hiccup will have a problem eating the blocks, I just think he's not ready to eat them yet and that he's just curious and plays and nibbles on them but doesn't actually eat much yet.

Milo's Mom
09-13-2012, 01:00 PM
I don't think Hiccup will have a problem eating the blocks, I just think he's not ready to eat them yet and that he's just curious and plays and nibbles on them but doesn't actually eat much yet.


If an HHB needs to be a favorite toy before it becomes his favorite food, than so be it!

09-13-2012, 01:06 PM
:rotfl He def loves playing with them!

09-13-2012, 01:55 PM
thanks mdyoung216. i already feed him henrys growth blocks. hes just starting to tear them apart. Now eating them is a different story..lol

09-13-2012, 02:00 PM
thanks milos mom and xxhiccupxx. he definately plays with them. just not eating them in front of me i guess makes me wonder. But like i said earlier he has just started tearing them apart and hiding them so he may very well be eating them, i just dont actually see it so i get alittle worried. Milos mom you said to give them to him 1st thing in the morning. I do but i still give him formula 1st then he usually goes back in the cage and starts to play with his block. Should i give him his block before i give him formula in the morning? his 1st feeding is at 530. thanks again:D

Milo's Mom
09-13-2012, 02:13 PM
You can give them to him before breakfast. When he starts eating them keep in mind he's not going to eat as much formula (depending on how much of the block he eats before you get him out to feed him).

The biggest thing is to make sure that he LOVES them and eats them before you stop the formula for good. Right now the insurance that he's getting everything he needs is the formula, when it's gone, the HHB's become the insurance (along with a Healthy Diet).

Sometimes it takes them awhile to actually EAT them...the whole chewing and swallowing food is new, but one day when you go to pick up the crumbs, there will not be any...probably when you least expect it.

09-13-2012, 02:37 PM
thanks milo's mom. i am grateful for your advice.:thumbsup i guess ill try to put a fresh block in his cage at 530 when i get up then get ready for work and then give him his formula before i leave. Should i wake him up so he sees the block? hes always sleeping at 530.

Milo's Mom
09-13-2012, 02:55 PM
Maybe a little good morning...he'll smell the block

09-13-2012, 03:07 PM
ive also noticed that some people actually heat the blocks up if the squirrel wont take it cold. Have u heard of this at all and should i try it? or should i try to see if he takes it before i give him formula? sorry for all the silly questions, i just want to make sure im doing it right..lol