View Full Version : Aspiration Pnuemonia!!

09-11-2012, 07:25 PM
Help! I know I posted it earlier but, He keeps doing it! What to do! I feed him Goats milk, heavy whipping cream and yogurt mix every 4 hours. He is 6 weeks old. I use a syringe, I keep him warm and wipe his nose when it runs, He does make the clicking sounds. What DO I DO!!??:dono Please, I do not want to give to vet, or rehabilitation person!!

09-11-2012, 07:29 PM
1st thing is, STAY CALM and take a deep breath. :Love_Icon
Now... does he make the clicking sound continuously or just when he drinks or when you pet him? At that age they sometimes make a sound that "resembles" clicking when they drink. The difference is, they don't make that sound when they breath normally or when they rest... just trying to make sure here.

I have to go - am late for an appointment already - but I've sent a PM, someone should come by soon. Hang in there. :Love_Icon

09-11-2012, 07:38 PM
1st thing is, STAY CALM and take a deep breath. :Love_Icon
Now... does he make the clicking sound continuously or just when he drinks or when you pet him?

When I feed him he stops and holds his mouth open and starts the clicking sound. :shakehead

09-11-2012, 07:58 PM
Do you have access to either baytril or cipro, a human drug you can use for pneumonia? He is going to need meds, and fast. Will see if anyone is near you that can help. Do you have vet access?

09-11-2012, 08:00 PM
A rehabber can GIVE you the meds- call or PM the one who already offered you help and explain the situation. They can at that point do a wellness check to confirm pneumonia and give you the meds and dosing instructions to follow.

Have you ordered the Fox Valley yet?? Remember goats milk is temporary he needs more fat and nutrients in his or her diet.

09-11-2012, 08:02 PM
Do you have access to either baytril or cipro, a human drug you can use for pneumonia? He is going to need meds, and fast. Will see if anyone is near you that can help. Do you have vet access?

They arnt open this week. :/ he isnt on any meds, We dont have those meds @ the moment.
How much do I give him??

09-11-2012, 08:04 PM
Will need a weight and what med it is you will be using. Trying to find out of anyone is close enough to help.

09-11-2012, 08:08 PM
I want to suggest that he really needs to be seen by someone with experience. There is no way to tell you how much to give without you actually having the med. Strengths and doses vary widely
Please reconsider relinquishing him to an experienced rehabber if he is ill. I know you love him, but he really sounds like he needs some experienced help. It is the ultimate act of love to think of the well-being of the animal first.

09-11-2012, 08:10 PM
Will need a weight and what med it is you will be using. Trying to find out of anyone is close enough to help.

IDK how much he weighs! We have have no weighing tools @ our house. :O but he is 6 weeks old
eyes open and very active.

09-11-2012, 08:13 PM
I want to suggest that he really needs to be seen by someone with experience. There is no way to tell you how much to give without you actually having the med. Strengths and doses vary widely
Please reconsider relinquishing him to an experienced rehabber if he is ill. I know you love him, but he really sounds like he needs some experienced help. It is the ultimate act of love to think of the well-being of the animal first.

I know! :shakehead We are @ least 1 hour away from the nearest rehab!
We have bactrim pills????

Nancy in New York
09-11-2012, 08:15 PM
Do you have rygel1hardt's information where you can call her?
This is urgent and he needs to be seen ASAP. They go downhill so fast, nothing to fool with, he could be gone tomorrow.:shakehead

09-11-2012, 08:15 PM
Cannot dose w/o a weight. Can the person meet you halfway perhaps? He needs help.

09-11-2012, 08:16 PM
You really are an unbelievable individual:thinking You are still feeding the wrong diet, you can't afford a vet, aren't weighing him which means he's not eating properly, don't a provide a heating pad, and still believe you are not being abusive to that animal who has NO defense against you. Your killing him by not getting him immediate care, you have the power to save him and won't because you are selfish, and you don't even understand that:dono

09-11-2012, 08:17 PM
I have a phone number, I'm calling her ASAP! She is a licensed rehabilitation lady :multi

Nancy in New York
09-11-2012, 08:19 PM
I have a phone number, I'm calling her ASAP! She is a licensed rehabilitation lady :multi

Yes she is licensed, are you calling Stacey?

09-11-2012, 08:21 PM
You really are an unbelievable individual:thinking You are still feeding the wrong diet, you can't afford a vet, aren't weighing him which means he's not eating properly, don't a provide a heating pad, and still believe you are not being abusive to that animal who has NO defense against you. Your killing him by not getting him immediate care, you have the power to save him and won't because you are selfish, and you don't even understand that:dono
FYI..Ur really mean! >:( Im trying to get help! duh! He has a heating pad! And food! Im getting all the meds ASAP! Calm down! He has only doing this for about 10 secs then stops, then I feed him agian, then does it over and over and stops Ect..

09-11-2012, 08:22 PM
Yes she is licensed, are you calling Stacey?

Wont pick up :O

Nancy in New York
09-11-2012, 08:22 PM
Just call the rehabber now, time is important....let us know how you make out.

Nancy in New York
09-11-2012, 08:23 PM
Just call the rehabber now, time is important....let us know how you make out.

Must have been posting at the same time.:D

Nancy in New York
09-11-2012, 08:24 PM
Wont pick up :O

Can you leave a message?

09-11-2012, 08:36 PM
I want to suggest that he really needs to be seen by someone with experience. There is no way to tell you how much to give without you actually having the med. Strengths and doses vary widely
Please reconsider relinquishing him to an experienced rehabber if he is ill. I know you love him, but he really sounds like he needs some experienced help. It is the ultimate act of love to think of the well-being of the animal first.

Unfortunately this baby will die a painful death if you do not act fast and take the advice to get him to a rehabber. These little guys are so fragile and do not last very long if pneumonia sets in. Give this little guy a chance. If nothing else and you are determined to keep him at least call a rehabber to check on him and give him meds. It is the selfless thing to do to put his life before your own feelings.

I just saw you are getting help as quickly as you can. The posts are just coming so fast they are over-lapping. I pray you reach someone soon so you don't lose Peanut!

09-11-2012, 08:43 PM
Unfortunately this baby will die a painful death if you do not act fast and take the advice to get him to a rehabber. These little guys are so fragile and do not last very long if pneumonia sets in. Give this little guy a chance. If nothing else and you are determined to keep him at least call a rehabber to check on him and give him meds. It is the selfless thing to do to put his life before your own feelings.

Ive called Stacy, Thanks everyone, Ill post updates tomorrow, She said he doesn't have it bad, Ive gotten meds for him

09-11-2012, 08:47 PM
Ive called Stacy, Thanks everyone, Ill post updates tomorrow, She said he doesn't have it bad, Ive gotten meds for him

:thinking How does a baby not have pneumonia bad?

:) Glad to see you have arranged for meds

GOOD LUCK! Everyone is praying for a full recovery!

09-11-2012, 08:56 PM
Thanks :) IDK, But I found out his poop isnt right, Its goopy not solid little balls :O

09-11-2012, 08:57 PM
I have talked with Peanuts98. From the questions I asked we have come to the conclusion that he doesnt seem to have aspiration pneumonia. She said that he has been making this sound for about ten seconds at feeding time since she got him over a week ago. He doesnt click at any other time. He does guppy mouth which I told her many do and not to continue with his milk til he stops, and that a light touch on his head when he is doing it may stop it. He has slightly loose bowels but I dont know if that is from the goats milk formula or not as I have never used it. I would suggest a syringe of plain water between feedings to help with hydration. She has said that she will take him to a vet tomorrow just to be sure and if the vet thinks it is necessary then she can get the correct meds at that time. I know it would have been better that he be seen but I am glad she called. She still has my number and I told her not to hesitate to call if she has any more questions or concerns. Stacey

09-11-2012, 09:00 PM
Excellent Stacey!!!

09-11-2012, 09:00 PM
I have talked with Peanuts98. From the questions I asked we have come to the conclusion that he doesnt seem to have aspiration pneumonia. She said that he has been making this sound for about ten seconds at feeding time since she got him over a week ago. He doesnt click at any other time. He does guppy mouth which I told her many do and not to continue with his milk til he stops, and that a light touch on his head when he is doing it may stop it. She has said that she will take him to a vet tomorrow just to be sure and if the vet thinks it is necessary then she can get the correct meds at that time. I know it would have been better that he be seen but I am glad she called. She still has my number and I told her not to hesitate to call if she has any more questions or concerns. Stacey

:jump :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou :jump

Everyone was very worried!

09-11-2012, 09:08 PM
:thankyou :thumbsup :thankyou :wott Thanks rygel1hardt!! You have been a big help....Still, How do I fix his poop problem? do I give him bactrim?

09-11-2012, 09:16 PM
Mine both do the guppy mouth and they do it on their sleep sometimes. It scared me too but when they are really resting their lungs are clear. You can watch their mouths and see that they are sucking.

09-11-2012, 09:19 PM
Tomorrow when he see the vet the vet should give him the correct meds if he has any problems. Have you ordered the Fox Valley formula for him yet? In the mean time please give him a syringe of plain water between feedings to help with his hydration, that may be all he needs to normalize his bowels. Stacey

09-11-2012, 09:22 PM
No, you don't give bactrim. Back up for a second. What are you feeding, how much and how often? Are you heating it in a glass of hot water to make sure it it warm enough? Do you know what he weighs? If you don't have a scale, you need to get one tomorrow. He should be eating 5-7% of his weight at every feeding (which will keep increasing as his weight goes up). You should be weighing him first thing every day to keep an eye on his weight. Diarrhea many times is diet related (can also be from parasites). Is his poop yellow and is it light or dark? Liquid, mushy, etc? Does it stink? Are you stimulating him to poop before and after you feed him? I knows, lots of questions, trying to get up to speed to be able to answer.

09-11-2012, 09:59 PM
No, you don't give bactrim. Back up for a second. What are you feeding, how much and how often? Are you heating it in a glass of hot water to make sure it it warm enough? Do you know what he weighs? If you don't have a scale, you need to get one tomorrow. He should be eating 5-7% of his weight at every feeding (which will keep increasing as his weight goes up). You should be weighing him first thing every day to keep an eye on his weight. Diarrhea many times is diet related (can also be from parasites). Is his poop yellow and is it light or dark? Liquid, mushy, etc? Does it stink? Are you stimulating him to poop before and after you feed him? I knows, lots of questions, trying to get up to speed to be able to answer.

Please read the older posts! you will find what your looking for. :) Light yellow
yes does stink. He poops by him self, like 2 mins after I feed him!

09-12-2012, 06:24 AM
She hasn't ordered the FV, no scale, and has no clue on weight. First she states she can't take him to the vet because they wanted $50, then she states her vet is in fact closed this whole week, nd now miraculously she is going to take him today:soapbox Oh and I am apparently mean as heck for pointing out this guy is not being cared for properly and that despite excellent advise and the multiple tools being offered to her she is still doing it her way.

09-12-2012, 08:52 AM
She hasn't ordered the FV, no scale, and has no clue on weight. First she states she can't take him to the vet because they wanted $50, then she states her vet is in fact closed this whole week, nd now miraculously she is going to take him today:soapbox Oh and I am apparently mean as heck for pointing out this guy is not being cared for properly and that despite excellent advise and the multiple tools being offered to her she is still doing it her way.

OMW!! I'm going to a different vet! Im trying very hard to get all this stuff now please be patience! :chillpill :chillpill :sorry

Itchiku's dad
09-12-2012, 09:04 AM
could you post a picture of your little boy, as sometimes it helps when trying to work things out if we have a rough idea of size.

09-12-2012, 09:13 AM
could you post a picture of your little boy, as sometimes it helps when trying to work things out if we have a rough idea of size.

IDK how to post pics :(:dono

Itchiku's dad
09-12-2012, 09:27 AM
post the picture to facebook or any picture holding site like photo bucket.

Then when you have the image up on that site right click on the picture and you'll get a drop down appear. left click on the one that says : copy image location.

Then in the reply section on TSB where you reply to post you will see a picture that looks like a couple of mountains and a sun. left click it and a small box will appear. right click in the box and left click paste. Then press O.K and your done. You can use the preview post button at the bottom to check it worked.

09-12-2012, 09:57 AM
post the picture to facebook or any picture holding site like photo bucket.

Then when you have the image up on that site right click on the picture and you'll get a drop down appear. left click on the one that says : copy image location.

Then in the reply section on TSB where you reply to post you will see a picture that looks like a couple of mountains and a sun. left click it and a small box will appear. right click in the box and left click paste. Then press O.K and your done. You can use the preview post button at the bottom to check it worked.

Thanks I'll post a pic ASAP

09-12-2012, 02:12 PM
Thanks I'll post a pic ASAP

I am taking him to All creatures vet tomorrow, will cost me $45!!! cough cough hint hint! :D :D :shakehead :multi :sanp3

09-13-2012, 10:46 AM
I am taking him to All creatures vet tomorrow, will cost me $45!!! cough cough hint hint! :D :D :shakehead :multi :sanp3

WAIT! NM We got a call from our friend vet DR and he said he can do it for free!!! :D :jump I'm soooooo happy! He has some of his poop to check and see if he has any parasites. :multi