View Full Version : Please Help

Squirrel Landis
09-11-2012, 07:45 PM
I've had two baby squirrels for a little over a week now, I'm guessing they are about 2 weeks old give or take a few days. They were found at the bottom of a tree and the people that found them were going to throw them away and I couldn't let that happen. They seemed pretty healthy at first. I searched the web for any site containing information about what to feed and took the advice given on most sites. I did admittedly rush into this decision in an attempt to get them fed and healthy. I did not realize at the time that there was so much bad advice out there. I got enfamil and pedialite, mixed the two and fed it to them that night and the next day. After further reading, I realized I wasn't supposed to mix the 2 and didn't feed them that anymore. I gave them pedialite for several hours to rehydrate them then fed them mixed goats milk and water for a day. After noticing they had diarrhea, I gave them pedialite every hour and a half for 24 hrs.

Fortunately I found this site Saturday night. I can tell all of you really care about the babies and have their best interests in mind. It's very easy to see that your knowledge comes from experience and I'm praying that you will help me give these babies the care that they need. They definitely are getting more than enough love and attention :) I have now started them on the goats milk, yogurt, and whole whipping cream recipe that I found here. Sunday morning I ordered the milk replacement from fox valley nutrition and I'll start feeding that as soon as I get if you think thats what I should do. The girl consistantly has diarrhea and both are rapidly losing weight. Not sure if this is normal but they are peeing alot and it stinks. Neither has a runny nose, any wheezing, or clicking. They seem to have plenty of energy and aren't lethargic at all. However, when I do the "skin pinch test", their skin stays in place but they are skinny and their skin is very loose and looks very wrinkled. She weighed 31g 4 days ago and he weighed 29. Today, she's 27 and he's 29.

I have fallen in love with these little guys and just want them to make it and be healthy. I'm more than willing to do anything necessary to make sure that happens. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for all of the great information you provide!



09-11-2012, 08:00 PM
Pictures would help a lot!. Try offering pedialite in between feedings to hydrate them. Hopefully we have some rehabbers close to you that can help. Where are you located if you don't mind? Are you keeping them on heat?

Squirrel Landis
09-11-2012, 08:16 PM
Here are a few pictures of my babies. Please help me =*(

Squirrel Landis
09-11-2012, 08:22 PM
Pictures would help a lot!. Try offering pedialite in between feedings to hydrate them. Hopefully we have some rehabbers close to you that can help. Where are you located if you don't mind? Are you keeping them on heat?

Yes we are keeping them on heat. We have a heating pad under a small plastic tote & their house has cut up fleece type blankets covering the bottom.

We live in Northwest Arkansas.

Thanks for the suggestions, concern, and help!

09-11-2012, 08:27 PM
When did you start the goat milk formula? My baby was little and wrinkly like this until I started the GM. He didn't really take off until I started the Fox Valley. When mine started the diarrhea I forced pedialyte only for about 6 hours until the poo was not runny and used no milk during that time. Then I slowly re-introduced the formula starting with 50/50 formula / Water. I'm no expert but Chester has certainly made a remarkable recovery and maybe my experience can be a guide.

09-11-2012, 08:29 PM
Thank-you for helping these babies! I think the diarrhea probably indicates that you should stop the whipping cream part of the recipe. Sometimes when they are so little it can cause loose stool. How ofte and how much are you feeding them?

09-11-2012, 08:30 PM
OK, for now, stop with the heavy cream. It is too rich for sick tummies.

I would make up the GM recipe at 3 parts GM and 1 part yogurt and THEN I would mix it with water so it is 50% formula and 50% water. This will rehydrte and get some calories into them.

How often are you feeding and how much. 5-7% of body weight and at this dilution you will have to feed more frequently. Once the diarrhea stops, begin to slowly make it stronger by reducing the water until it is not there any more. If they hold on that, start to SLOWLY add in the heavy cream, a little at a time at each feeding. Hopefull you will have the Fox Valley by then.

Squirrel Landis
09-11-2012, 08:35 PM
When did you start the goat milk formula? My baby was little and wrinkly like this until I started the GM. He didn't really take off until I started the Fox Valley. When mine started the diarrhea I forced pedialyte only for about 6 hours until the poo was not runny and used no milk during that time. Then I slowly re-introduced the formula starting with 50/50 formula / Water. I'm no expert but Chester has certainly made a remarkable recovery and maybe my experience can be a guide.

We were given the babies last Sunday 9/2 and fed them Enfamil mixed with pedialite until I found out Goats Milk was better. On 9/4 I bought Esbilac Goats Milk and began feeding a water/goats milk mixture. Sunday 9/4 after finding this site, and doing the "pinch test" we pushed pedialite for 24 hours and then began feeding the goats milk/yogurt/whipping cream mixture found on this site.

09-11-2012, 08:37 PM
When you say "goat's milk", do you mean regular goats milk or Esbilac Goats milk?

Squirrel Landis
09-11-2012, 08:37 PM
OK, for now, stop with the heavy cream. It is too rich for sick tummies.

I would make up the GM recipe at 3 parts GM and 1 part yogurt and THEN I would mix it with water so it is 50% formula and 50% water. This will rehydrte and get some calories into them.

How often are you feeding and how much. 5-7% of body weight and at this dilution you will have to feed more frequently. Once the diarrhea stops, begin to slowly make it stronger by reducing the water until it is not there any more. If they hold on that, start to SLOWLY add in the heavy cream, a little at a time at each feeding. Hopefull you will have the Fox Valley by then.

I'm giving them 2cc every 2 hours. Do you think I should rehydrate them before giving them anymore formula, and if so, what should I use and how often?

09-11-2012, 08:37 PM
:goodpost GREAT ADVICE!
OK, for now, stop with the heavy cream. It is too rich for sick tummies.

I would make up the GM recipe at 3 parts GM and 1 part yogurt and THEN I would mix it with water so it is 50% formula and 50% water. This will rehydrte and get some calories into them.

How often are you feeding and how much. 5-7% of body weight and at this dilution you will have to feed more frequently. Once the diarrhea stops, begin to slowly make it stronger by reducing the water until it is not there any more. If they hold on that, start to SLOWLY add in the heavy cream, a little at a time at each feeding. Hopefull you will have the Fox Valley by then.

Squirrel Landis
09-11-2012, 08:42 PM
When you say "goat's milk", do you mean regular goats milk or Esbilac Goats milk?

It is Esbilac Goats milk

09-11-2012, 08:44 PM
Okay, you need regular actual goats milk. That is probably a big part of the trouble! Easy mistake with all the new info. Grocery stores carry it in the dairy section or canned if they don't have fresh. Canned must be diluted so be sure to read the can to see how it is to be reconstituted.

Squirrel Landis
09-11-2012, 08:46 PM
Okay, you need regular actual goats milk. That is probably a big part of the trouble! Easy mistake with all the new info. Grocery stores carry it in the dairy section or canned if they don't have fresh. Canned must be diluted so be sure to read the can to see how it is to be reconstituted.

Going to get it now. Thank you so much!!

09-11-2012, 08:46 PM
You are doing great!

09-11-2012, 08:52 PM
Looks like you got some great advice! Good catch SammysMom! I didn't even know Esbilac made goats milk. This is most likely the problem. Your little ones are in my thoughts :Love_Icon You came to the right place for help! Thank you for saving the babies

09-11-2012, 09:24 PM
Another thing I did because when the babies are frail they just don't retain body heat, even through a feeding, is when they are off the heating pad for feedings I used a rice buddy. I found that by moving the baby to the rice buddy (with a fleece cover) soon as I pick him up he never gets the opportunity to get chilled so I feel this helped with digestion.

I made my rice buddies with fleece children footies and only heat for 30 seconds (I have an old less powerful microwave) and then I make sure I mix the rice around so there are no hot spots. This also helps to heat your hands before picking them up... In my opinion...

09-11-2012, 09:28 PM
Also, give a little plain water in between feedings to help with hydration loss from the diarrhea.

Squirrel Landis
09-11-2012, 09:38 PM
You are doing great!

Thank you....do you think they will be okay?? They're so thin...they look worse than they did when I got them. I'm very worried that they won't make it.

Do you think I should rehydrate them before beginning the real goats milk (which I just bought) mixture? Or maybe feed the mixture, then pedialyte an hour later, then the mixture again? That would put them being fed every hour. I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right for my babies...

09-11-2012, 09:41 PM
I think to start, use half of the mixture and half plain water. They need hydration but also need calories. No way to know how this will end up, but know that you are doing your best a there is a lot of help for you here.

I Love Lucy
09-11-2012, 09:41 PM
NO MORE PEDIALYTE TOO MUCH SALT AND CHEMICALS. Use the goats milk formula minus heavy cream and dilute it like Crittermom said. When you get the FV transition them slowly doing 75% goats milk/25% FV, then 50/50, then 25/75 then full FV. Give them 3-4 feedings of the combo before moving to the next. These babies need to be on a heating pad under half their box. They need to be fed 5-7% of their body weight every three hours round the clock.

09-12-2012, 11:09 AM
Sorry just seeing this...if you wish to surrender them to a rehabber let me know. I am in Fort Smith...if you are nearer to the Fayetteville/Rogers area there is a rehabber in Gravette who may take them.

09-12-2012, 12:00 PM
You can easily hydrate them with plain water. They do NOT need the electrolytes provided by pedialyte now. They just need water. You will be diluting the formula with it, and I would also give them a little plain water in between.

As SOON as the diarrhea stops, begin to reduce the amount of water in the formula until you aren't adding any. We want to get nutrients into them as fast as possible without making them ill in the process.

09-13-2012, 10:01 PM
Squirrel Landis...I sent you a response to your PM but it was from my phone so I'm not sure it went OK. Let me know if you didn't get it. My contact info is also on the Facebook page...Text is best. :-)