View Full Version : Help Diarrhea in a 11 week old
09-11-2012, 10:08 AM
I am feeding FV but have been giving veggie to try to start weening ,I added some new ones last night tomatoes, sweet potato,brussel sprouts and green peppers the sweet popato and tomatoes he loved but this am he has diarrhea. I have taken out all the veggie and just left the hhb and am still feeding fV my questionis do I need to do anything eles and can i put some of the veggies back?????:dono
09-11-2012, 11:28 AM
is it diarrhea or just mushy poop?
If it's diarrhea, stop formula and give pedialite for the next few feedings.
Diarrhea causes dehydration and pedialite not only hydrates the critter, but also flushes out whatever might have caused diarrhea.
So, stop formula for now and just give pedi for a few feedings, you could do that for the next 12 hours or so.
In most severe cases, you can be on pedi only for up to 24hrs, but no more than that.
But most likely, you won't need 24hr pedi regiment.
Also, do not wean him off formula.
They should be eating formula for as long and as much as they will take it.
That will be their insurance against MBD.
Another thing:
1. sometimes, it helps to let formula sit for some time after mixing
2. do not give veggies right after formula. You can feed formula in am, and then, for lunch give him veggies.
Monitor and post updates on how he is doing.
Because if his diarrhea does not improve after pedi, other measures might be needed.
Experts will advise more
09-19-2012, 08:36 PM
Thanks it was more mushy than diarrhea and it got better after the next feeding with no veggies, I think it was the sweet potoes because it happned again after then so I am giving them smaller bits of it now . I am still bottle feed them I am giving them some milk it a plate but not alot because they blow bubbles, got any ideas what I can do diff and thanks....:thankyou
09-19-2012, 09:20 PM
I introduce only one veggie at a time, then watch. That way you'll know if something causes problems...and you'll know which they like best. I start with the lettuces and go from there.
09-20-2012, 08:00 AM
thanks they love the lettuce, and the sweet potatos but I think it the sweet potatos so I am giving them small amout of them.:Love_Icon
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