View Full Version : Possible to Reunite with Mama Squirrel?

09-10-2012, 09:14 PM
Yesterday, at dusk, a friend of ours came across a baby of about 4.5-5 weeks at the base of a tree. There was no nest in this tree. The tree was in a clearing and the surrounding trees were at least 40ft away. There were numerous nests in those trees. I do not know how the baby got to the location where it was found nor how long the baby was there.

He called us at about 9:00am. I was already at work and Larry went with our bucket-truck to put him back in a nest. However, when he got there, the baby was lethargic and he did not see a mama nor could he identify the nest. He brought baby home and began rehydrating. We were unable to get back there this evening.

We would like to reunite with mama but are unsure if it is worth putting the baby at risk. If we left him tomorrow morning, there would be no one there to supervise. Would Mama know if one baby was missing? Would she still come looking after this much (and I'm not sure how much) time has passed? Baby hasn't chirped at all. Given the location of how he was found, I am concerned he got there in a hawk attack. We've seen them carry off whole nests.

Baby is doing fine now. He's taking Pedialyte with gusto but seems exhausted. So should an attempt be made or is it too risky?

09-10-2012, 09:17 PM
It doesn't seem like a good idea to me if unsupervised. So glad you have him and he is safe! You do have him on heat right? Very important to not hydrate or feed a cold baby. So Sorry if I am preaching to the choir!:grouphug

09-10-2012, 09:36 PM
Yes he's been on heat and is a real crawler! I also wonder if his crawling-self crawled out of the nest and crawled to the tree!

09-10-2012, 09:39 PM
Poor little "explorer"! Lucky to have found his crawlie little self to your care! :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

09-10-2012, 09:39 PM
Since he's been with you for 24 hours on pedialyte he is going to need real formula now- every 4 hours.

Here is a temporary goat's milk recipe-

Jackie's Goat Milk Recipe
1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup dannon all natural vanilla yogurt

You will need to order Fox Valley 20/50 for him for the long haul or get a rehabber on here to snatch him up but before his blood sugar drops and he has a seizure goat's milk formula will do for the next few days. When you go to the store just ask the pharmacist for a 1cc syringe or 2 they will hand them over for free. Remember to warm the mixture in a glass hovering in warm water before feeding, and the mixture is only good for a day or so, but you can use an ice tray to freeze it and pop out cubes of yumminess as needed:) Also get one of the cheapy heating pads at the store the one's that don't auto shut off and place it under half of his cage. If he gets cold he can't digest his formula and of course can get pneumonia.

09-10-2012, 09:56 PM
Done and Done! I haven't quite had him 24hrs yet but will begin formula in the morning. :thumbsup

09-11-2012, 06:37 PM
Well, we decided against it and "Jerry" went to work with me and started formula. If we were to take the bucket truck out there and start peeking in nests and find a litter that is likely his, will his mother still take him? Or that just silly? :thinking We're willing to try if it's a good idea, but we won't do it with out knowing if there's a good chance it will work.

09-11-2012, 08:12 PM
No once the baby has been away from the nest and cooled off the mother won't recognize them and would likely boot them:(

09-11-2012, 08:58 PM
If the baby is warm, momma will take him. However, you may find the wrong nest and the wrong momma-not good for little babies! Appears you have a new baby at your house.
Now if we just had a baby buggy smiley!!!!!!

09-11-2012, 09:22 PM
LoL he's nice & toasty (and in my brazier)! We just don't want to deny him the chance if its okay to try. Otherwise, yes, it's a new baby-boy.