View Full Version : Hi I'm new to this lol

09-10-2012, 03:12 PM
Hey I'm new to raising squirrels but I have raised some wild rabbits and a few kittens before and I have a couple of questions. About a week ago it stormed really hard and a nest fell out of a tree at my front door. I watched it all day and didn't see the mother approach it once and it was getting dark so I looked inside of it and found a 4 inch long grey squirrel and took it inside and wrapped it in a towel and put it on a heating pad. I've been feeding it esbilac and it's been going ok and everything and three days ago it opened its eyes and its been crawling around but its been making a really weird grunting sound and sneezing alot so I was wondering if that was normal? And he whines alot like how a dog begs for something and I was just wondering if all this was normal lol. And I was wondering if he had pneumonia how long would it take to set in?

Milo's Mom
09-10-2012, 03:25 PM
Hi and welcome to TSB. Thank you for saving the little one.

Do me a small favor and hold his chest up to your ear and listen to his breathing. Is he making a clicking noise with EVERY inhale and exhale?

Squirrels make all kinds of noises and some of them even sound like clicks, but the "pneumonia clicking" is with EVERY inhale and exhale.

Leave us know what you hear.

Also, do you have any sort of bedding in his cage? If so, what kind?

09-10-2012, 04:36 PM
I've checked for clicking and no he's not doing it. Some people in my house smoke could that be it? And I just have some old towels and a tiny stuffed animal that he sleeps with since he was the only one I found. And what about the whining noise? Its actually more like barking lol

09-10-2012, 07:16 PM
What kind of treat would I give a 5 week squirrel to munch on?

09-10-2012, 07:39 PM
You can buy Henry's Healthy Blocks growth formula- that should be their first solid though at 5 weeks their teeth aren't developed enough to nibble much of it. Once they can and do demolish those you can begin adding in other solids but those should be 70-80% of their daily diet:)

09-10-2012, 10:14 PM
Where can I get those and he just aspirated about. 3 cc's of formula and I live in an "illegal" state so I can't go to the vet to get antibiotics if he gets pneumonia but the farmers Co-op here sells over the counter amoxycillian but its for fish and it's 250mg so would that work in case he gets it?

Jackie in Tampa
09-11-2012, 06:08 AM
when you feel the baby has aspirated, tip his nose to the floor, allow enough time for formula to exit his sinuses and lungs..
wiping off all residual so he doesn't reinhale it..
go slower..
what are you using to feed him? {hoping a 1cc syringe}
would you like us to help you find a rehabber near you?
I am not sure about any meds that are sold for fish or over the counter..
I worry about the manufacturing process and the stability of these meds..
I have always been told these substandard meds are made in third world countries and places where there is no control like our FDA.

If you have other pets, maybe your vet will give you baytril, tell him it's for a pet rat...sometimes it works..
the human equivalent to baytril is ciprofloxacin..ask friends and family if they have any or amoxicillan.
will be lurking
hoping for the best...good luck
I advise switching formulas also.

09-11-2012, 06:14 AM
I tipped his nose down and he coughed it back up and I am using a 3 cc syringe right now only because the plungers on my one cc's wont push. Im getting some more later this morning and my grandfather is close family friends with our vet so she told me that legally she wouldn't see him at her office but if I went by her house she would see him in an emergency

09-11-2012, 09:38 AM
How long would a pound of FV normally last? I only have 1 squirrel. And I would need the growth blocks right?

09-11-2012, 09:52 AM
How long would a pound of FV normally last? I only have 1 squirrel. And I would need the growth blocks right?

me too:) mabey we can learn together:)

09-11-2012, 09:58 AM
My little guy is about 5 & 1/2 weeks lol he eats like its his last meal and is extremely adventurous :)