09-09-2012, 09:56 PM
I find on this forum that we have a lot of emergencies and everyone pouring out support and it seems like everyone is in a constant state of worry SO I wanted to post a wonderful story about something that happened today!!

I got a call from my friend that she was leaving the grocery store and there were three baby squirrels who were being plucked from their nest by crows. One baby had died before I got there but the other two ran. Mama was cleaning the deceased baby (mourning) while the other two ran. One was by the grocery store door with about 12 spectators who were doing nothing but oogling him but doing nothing to help. I was able to get everyone to move and I picked him up only to realize that one of his teeth were knocked out and he was bleeding from his nose. Me, being still very inexperienced, called and texted my go-to people (Anne and Julie) who assured me that bleeding from the nose isn't bad and would heal as long as the baby wasn't bleeding from his ears. Phew! :wott

The other baby was running around the parking lot! We looked under cars for what seemed like forever. The problem was that I HAD to leave to pick up my kids. So, after searching and not finding, I was devestated but finally convinced myself that I had to go. While I was pulling out of my spot, I saw two workers looking under an SUV. They helped me look before and were happy that I didn't leave yet! The baby was under the SUV! We managed to get the baby out and I put them both in a fleece bonding pouch and went to get my kids. I called Anne while I was driving and she told me what to do.

When I got back, I got a box and made a sign: "Please leave us alone. We are waiting for our mom to come get us!" I put the babies in and put it near the tree that the babies fell out of. I walked away but stayed close enough to shoo crows and nosey people away! :nono

After about 5 minutes, MAMA CAME!!! :wahoo The only problem was that she kept getting spooked by people and probably thought that the box was a trap so she kept going back up and coming back down.

The babies were trying to jump out of the box and I didn't want them to run under any more cars so I kept trying to put them back in and one latched onto the tree! GOOD IDEA, BABY!! :alright.gif So I put the little boy on the tree and he climbed all the way up to meet his mom!! She met him at the top and took him away. Then I put the little girl on the tree and encouraged her to climb, which she did, and met mama at the top! :jump

It was an amazing experience reuniting these two babies back with their mom and I wanted to share with you some good news to brighten your day!!

On a side note, I just want to say that it has been an amazing experience rehabbing squirrels and learning this whole rehabbing thing! Thank you to Anne who always has the right answer, to Julie who is always ready to support, and to all of you who are full of so much information!! I read these boards everyday for hours and learn so much from all of you so THANK YOU!!


Pic #1 is the poot little boy who got hurt.
Pic #2 is the sign for the box
Pic #3 is the babies waiting for mama
Pic #4 is mama coming down to investigate
Pic #5 is the hurt little boy climbing up to be reunited with mama
Pic #6 is the little girl climbing up to be reunited with mama

09-09-2012, 09:59 PM
Awwww.... a feel go story,:thumbsup something that warms the heart. Wonderful of you to have stuck by them and helped them as you did! :alright.gif :thankyou :thankyou :thankyou

Nancy in New York
09-09-2012, 10:00 PM
What a great day indeed. WOW I just love this story, love the sign, love all the pictures, love that little nose, love Julie and Anne....and now I love you too! :jump :jump

09-09-2012, 10:21 PM
Way to go, Shoonuf! Told you mama would came for them. Thank you for asking Publix for that box and writing the note for passerby's. So glad you got your camera and took those wonderful pictures, what a fabulous story they tell. Bless you for doing what was best for the babies and Mom.:grouphug

island rehabber
09-09-2012, 10:44 PM
What a fabulous story!! The best rehab is when there's no need for rehab at all!! Yay mamma squirrel! Yay Shoonuf!

Tonight I realized there were half a dozen Emergency threads in "New Posts" that started with the word "HELP!"....it is SO GOOD to read something like this.

09-09-2012, 11:10 PM
What a fabulous story!! The best rehab is when there's no need for rehab at all!! Yay mamma squirrel! Yay Shoonuf!

Tonight I realized there were half a dozen Emergency threads in "New Posts" that started with the word "HELP!"....it is SO GOOD to read something like this.


09-09-2012, 11:18 PM
Bravo Shoonuf!! :thumbsup :bowdown :Love_Icon

09-10-2012, 01:23 AM
Fantastic story! :wahoo
Thank you Shonnuf for caring, helping and doing what was best for them and momma! And thank you Anne for your guidance and advice. Way too many times babies are separated from mom by caring people who don't know or realize mom will try to come for them if she's able.
Yes, this made a good day! :grouphug

Jackie in Tampa
09-10-2012, 03:18 AM
:) :bowdown :jump

Milo's Mom
09-10-2012, 05:39 AM
I wish this could be a sticky...

Excellent job and thank you for sharing.

Wish there were more people like you.

09-10-2012, 07:39 AM
Wonderful story! Fantastic job! RIP little angel that did not make it. But you saved the other two and reunited with mom.....way to go!!! Good luck little ones.

09-10-2012, 11:50 AM
:goodpost I have just sat here reading that story with tears in my eyes because it was so touching!!! I am so proud of you Shonnuf that you are not one that would just stand by and watch and instead jumped into action to help reunite these sweet creatures. Great job, great story and beautiful pictures!!!!

09-10-2012, 12:06 PM
Yay! Good for you :) Stories like this are great to hear!!

09-10-2012, 01:21 PM
:thankyou for sharing! :jump Wonderful story:Love_Icon

09-10-2012, 02:17 PM
What a fabulous story!! The best rehab is when there's no need for rehab at all!! Yay mamma squirrel! Yay Shoonuf!

Tonight I realized there were half a dozen Emergency threads in "New Posts" that started with the word "HELP!"....it is SO GOOD to read something like this.

:yeahthat :thumbsup

09-10-2012, 06:56 PM
:thankyou That's IS a great story!! I'm trying to find a Mama myself right now.

09-10-2012, 07:31 PM
:thumbsup :thumbsup :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :thumbsup :thumbsup

Made my week and it just started!!!!!