View Full Version : Finding/luring orphan squirrel

09-09-2012, 03:12 PM

I found a baby squirrel yesterday. It came right up to us in the back yard and we found the tail of another one in the yard, so we think it was on its own for a while and its mother must have died. It seems at least six weeks old. I couldn't find any others, so I thought that was it, but last night I heard something that sounded just like him calling from a tree in our front yard where there's a nest. We can't reach the nest and there's been no other sign of baby squirrels. Is there any way to lure one down or find one if it's come down already? I was planning to wait a day before going to a rehabber to make sure he was the only one I needed to bring, but now I don't know what to do. (I have the one right now on recommended diet, keeping warm, etc, so he should be okay waiting.)

09-10-2012, 09:35 PM
Keep a close eye under the tree so if one comes down you can find it.
My girls go wild when they hear their sister eating.
Maybe next feeding you could go under screaming tree and let them listen to the little one suck.
Good luck!
:thankyou For caring for the little ones!
Keep us posted!

09-10-2012, 09:54 PM
wonder if the fire dept would help get the babies down?

Jackie in Tampa
09-11-2012, 06:02 AM
can you give a basic location..we may have a rehabber near you..
so you can get help and still continue to watch..
when you say you found a tail..was it a momma tail or a juvy/baby tail?
do you have dogs? do you think they destroyed the other sq?
or cats? hawks?
please keep pets on watch until you know for certain if there are going to be more babies falling..
I know it is horrible to feel and be so helpless...
thank you for taking in the baby and doing all the recommended protocols.

09-11-2012, 07:07 AM
Where in MA are you? I am Ma, north of Boston, maybe I can help. I have babies around that age, if you need a place for this one, as well. I will be overwintering and releasing in spring. Let me know if I can help.

09-11-2012, 07:11 AM
Sent you a pm.

09-11-2012, 06:49 PM
The tail we found was a baby squirrel tail. There's a run-over squirrel a way down the street, and there's hawks around. We do have a cat but she didn't catch anything (been keeping her inside since we found the baby). There's at least two other adult squirrels running around.

I tried taking the baby out when I first heard the cry that night, but he didn't react at all to the sound. We tried climbing and I've been going out around the tree and in the backyard where he was, and there's no sign of anything. I can't even hear anything rustling on the ground and I haven't heard any other cries since that night.

How good of a sense of smell do they have? If I left caps of formula around would there be any chance of that attracting a baby?