View Full Version : Babies have Diarrhea please help!!

09-09-2012, 02:23 PM
I have had my three babies for a week now. They have been doing great. Eating their fox valley every 4 hours and about 3cc's each feeding. All active and eager. And they all had golden nugget poo. Last night I noticed one of the little girls had diarrhea. Well, now they all have it. Totally runny. I gave them their morning feeding at 11am. And then offered pedialite. I have been giving it to them every half hour or so. My question is... do I continue to feed them their fox valley at regular strength and just offer pedialite between feedings? Or do I back down on the FV and give more pedialite?

09-09-2012, 02:54 PM
This was taken a few days ago. How old would you say they are?? I have hubby picking up a scale this evening so I can monitor them better.

09-09-2012, 03:04 PM
When mine developed diarrhea a couple days ago I stopped the formula and pushed pedialyte for a couple feedings. When I returned to formula I started again at 50/50 formula/water and slowly increased to full strength formula. Do you add yogurt to their formula?

They sure look to be thriving well. They also look a little spoiled like mine too!

Someone should be here soon to find out more about the poo and whether you need to take additional steps.

09-09-2012, 03:09 PM
This was taken a few days ago. How old would you say they are?? I have hubby picking up a scale this evening so I can monitor them better.
I would guess they are about a week younger than mine so from the hair, ears, etc. they look 3 weeks give or take a few.

09-10-2012, 12:06 PM
I have backed feeding down to 50/50. Pushed pedialite between feedings. 2 seem to be getting better but one is just not working with me. She is the smallest and the one that had the awful ant bites. She is still eating but not with the enthusiasm that she used to. And seems to be going down hill. Her poo was a little better this morning but not by much. They were all soaking wet when I woke up this morning. I'm reaching my 24 hour mark on the pedialite and worried about taking that out of the equation. Is there something I can give them to firm them up? Now they have a little rash on their belly from what I'm guessing is being wet from diarrhea. I have started bathing their bottom half twice a day with antibacterial soap to help with that. I am getting desperate here. Any advice would help... :thinking

09-10-2012, 12:11 PM
I have backed feeding down to 50/50. Pushed pedialite between feedings. 2 seem to be getting better but one is just not working with me. She is the smallest and the one that had the awful ant bites. She is still eating but not with the enthusiasm that she used to. And seems to be going down hill. Her poo was a little better this morning but not by much. They were all soaking wet when I woke up this morning. I'm reaching my 24 hour mark on the pedialite and worried about taking that out of the equation. Is there something I can give them to firm them up? Now they have a little rash on their belly from what I'm guessing is being wet from diarrhea. I have started bathing their bottom half twice a day with antibacterial soap to help with that. I am getting desperate here. Any advice would help... :thinking

Milo's Mom
09-10-2012, 12:16 PM
If you feel they are still dehydrated after stopping the Pedialyte due to it being 24 hours, you may replace it with plain water.

Fox Valley makes a product called Dia-Stat and it is made for babies with diarrhea...something in it reacts with the enzymes in the digestive tract and it helps firm up the diarrhea, thus helping the babies retain their hydration.

Henry's sells it.

I have never used used it, so I cannot advise from first hand experience. Call Henry's and ask Leigh about it.

09-10-2012, 07:13 PM
I had that in my shopping cart earlier!! Then I tried to come over here to see what people thought about it, but I couldn't get TBS to come up. I think two of the3 have pneumonia! The really sick one does it in her sleep and awake. The other little girl clicks only when she is awake and real faint. I would bet my life on the little one having it. Would that cause diarrhea? And What do I do? How can we move this to Life Threatening? I am rounding up antibiotics now and gonna weigh them..

09-10-2012, 07:29 PM
YOu need to post a thread in Emergency so the right people will see it.

I think they need Baytril for pneumonia STAT.

The experts will know what to do, EMERGENCY EMERGENCY



09-10-2012, 07:35 PM
Thank You.. On my way!!

Squirrel Landis
09-11-2012, 06:54 PM
Thank You.. On my way!!

Don't leave me hanging...how are they doing today??