View Full Version : HELP!!!!
09-09-2012, 10:27 AM
When I feed my 6 week old male squirrel, He starts sneezing it up and spitting it everywhere! And just the other day he did the same thing but his mouth was open and it sounded like he couldn't breath!! It went on for an hour! I tried to called the vet but they went open! :dono What is happening?! Also can I feed him yogurt? And what kinds?
Jackie in Tampa
09-09-2012, 10:28 AM
hang on tight cartwright..I will get ryglehart here asap..
she is in your neck of the woods and very sq experienced..
brb with help
09-09-2012, 10:29 AM
I feed him with a small animal bottle from Wal Mart :multi
Jackie in Tampa
09-09-2012, 10:38 AM
that is a bottles, pet nursers kill
you need a 1 cc syringe without a needle..
walmart pharmacy will usually give you one without charge, get as many as you can..they are disposible and will not last..
ultimately we recommend O ring syringes..
they would need to be ordered online...
what formula are you feeding?
can you give us some history about you and your sq?
where and how he was found? age etc..
it will help the rehabbers expedite answers, advise and help.
stay here..going to help you clear his lungs..
Jackie in Tampa
09-09-2012, 10:46 AM
When I feed my 6 week old male squirrel, He starts sneezing it up and spitting it everywhere! And just the other day he did the same thing but his mouth was open and it sounded like he couldn't breath!! It went on for an hour! I tried to called the vet but they went open! :dono What is happening?! Also can I feed him yogurt? And what kinds?
this action WILl lead to aspiration pnuemonia...
when fluid enters the lungs and will grow bacteria and cause infection..this is called aspiration pnuemonia and is life threatening..quickly.
sq will go septic without Rx Antibiotics..a baby sq can die within hours.
do you have a sq friendly vet if this is the case?
what FRESH human or [ pet antibiotics do you have on hand or do friends/family have?
tell us the names and mgs and we can tell you if the meds are sq friendly.
I sent a member a private message to come to this thread, hoping she is available and sees it..
when the sq starts to bubble and froth from the nose you are aspirating him, go slower.
tip his nose to the floor and allow him to drain fluid from lungs thru nose, wipe excess that appears so he does not reinhale it..
throw away the bottle asap..
do you hear any clicking noise when he breaths?
how long have you had him?
can you tell us his schedule?
not sure you can post pics yet...
can you email me a pic of him and his caging/container?
09-09-2012, 10:46 AM
I found him 2 weeks ago. My cat was playing with him, it was right after the hurricane! I took the baby squirrel from my cat and took him inside, he had no injuries, His eyes were closed. I kept him warm with a heated ice pack.
Oh my! Im going to wal mart! :sanp3 I use cat milk from wal mart.
09-09-2012, 10:51 AM
IM A horrible person!! :O :sanp3
Yes he was clicking a lil bit.
He also makes growling sounds?
I haven't given him any meds @all
Every time I call them they just say to make a reservation and pay $50!!
We have Dayquil and other cold and cough meds, pain revilers All human stuff!
09-09-2012, 10:53 AM
I feed him @ 7:30 am 10 am 2 pm 5 pm 8 pm and 10 pm then all over again,
Jackie in Tampa
09-09-2012, 10:53 AM
I found him 2 weeks ago. My cat was playing with him, it was right after the hurricane! I took the baby squirrel from my cat and took him inside, he had no injuries, His eyes were closed. I kept him warm with a heated ice pack.
Oh my! Im going to wal mart! :sanp3 I use cat milk from wal mart.
before you go..let me post a recipe for a better formula that you can make yourself..
I myself use Fox Valley Sq formula that I order on line.
But until then, you should change to the goatsmilk formula, you will see a big difference.
cat salvia can be glad your cat was gentle with baby sq...
cats are a big preditor, please do not allow them to meet...again.:nono
if baby gets used to kitay,
someday a kitay will eat him as he will not fear cats!
just a heads up!:thumbsup
let me find some basic info and that formula recipe. *winkhere*
hang on..I am slow slow.
09-09-2012, 10:56 AM
My mom will not let me buy a ton of stuff. :thinking :shakehead does wal mart have goats milk? Ill send you pics ASAP
Jackie in Tampa
09-09-2012, 11:02 AM
yes walmart has MEYERBERG brand goatsmilk in the diary section near the milk, in a purple and white quart carton..about $5, a little less
and you need yogurt, YoBaby Yogurt four pack,
I like vanilla or someone said pear was good too. $3
OR Dannon All Natural Vanilla { what I actually use everyday, but seldom can find in small, under a dollar container}
and a wee tiny carton of heavy cream...$2
:wave123 see you when you get back..
let me know about the antibiotics when you can...
tell mom thank you very much:thumbsup
Jackie in Tampa
09-09-2012, 11:03 AM
Jackie (Jackie in Tampa) has graciously offered her temporary replacement formula recipe.
Jackie's Goat Milk Recipe
1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup dannon all natural vanilla yogurt
Mix well and keep in a covered plastic or glass container in the refrigerator. Replace after 48 hours.
Please note, this website has several links that still mention Esbilac and we need to keep these links active as they do contain excellent information so please keep in mind that Fox Valley is now the formula of choice for raising baby squirrels.
09-09-2012, 11:08 AM
My mom will not let me buy a ton of stuff. :thinking :shakehead does wal mart have goats milk? Ill send you pics ASAP
Walmart has goat milk in the refrigerated section. It's in a quart container by where the soy milk is. Vanilla regular yogurt is not in all the Wal-Marts, it's not in mine so hopefully you will have better luck in yours. Regular plain will do but the babies love the vanilla. Whipping cream is also available there at Walmart.
Your baby is used to the nipple. The nipple that was on the bottle will fit over a 1 cc or 3 cc syringe. Some people might balk at me using the latex nipple but it works and is readily available until a silicone one can be ordered. Actually, Mine hates the new silicone nipple so I am continuing with the latex because it's what he likes. Here's a pic of the setup:
09-09-2012, 11:10 AM
K thanks! :thankyou You have been so much help! :thumbsup Sending pic of his cage now.
09-09-2012, 11:13 AM
rainrshine- Thanks. squirrel likes the nipple top too but he chokes on it also. How did u get the pic on there? Very cute! :rotfl
Jackie in Tampa
09-09-2012, 11:15 AM
Walmart has goat milk in the refrigerated section. It's in a quart container by where the soy milk is. Vanilla regular yogurt is not in all the Wal-Marts, it's not in mine so hopefully you will have better luck in yours. Regular plain will do but the babies love the vanilla. Whipping cream is also available there at Walmart.
Your baby is used to the nipple. The nipple that was on the bottle will fit over a 1 cc or 3 cc syringe. Some people might balk at me using the latex nipple but it works and is readily available until a silicone one can be ordered. Actually, Mine hates the new silicone nipple so I am continuing with the latex because it's what he likes. Here's a pic of the setup:
many rehabbers use that nipple..:thumbsup
it is the bottle that will cause the grief..
it is all in the flow and ability to control flow...
slow is the only speed...and a syringe offers that control.:thumbsup
Jackie in Tampa
09-09-2012, 11:16 AM
rainrshine- Thanks. squirrel likes the nipple top too but he chokes on it also. How did u get the pic on there? Very cute! :rotfladministartion will have to approve your membership before you can post pics and private messages.
Jackie in Tampa
09-09-2012, 11:20 AM
just got your picture... can you send one of Peanut also?
09-09-2012, 11:47 AM
rainrshine- Thanks. squirrel likes the nipple top too but he chokes on it also. How did u get the pic on there? Very cute! :rotfl
He won't choke with the nipple on a syringe. The syringe causes an air tight vacuum. Just make sure the pharmacist gives you a 1cc or 3 cc syringe, nothing larger.
I got the pic on by first resizing them all to under 600 pixels and using the manage attachments at the bottom of the post where it says manage attachments. I hope that helps. There is user info under the FAQ that helps too!
09-09-2012, 11:54 AM
He really needs to get to a rehabber quickly- pneumonia kills fast and it doesn't sound like your financially in a position to care for him. Their blocks alone are $20 plus shipping and go fast, formula $12 plus shipping, cage $200-$300, heating pad $25, cage accessories another $100 plus, box of syringes $20, fresh veggies and fruits $20 a week, and honestly the list goes on. She needs vet care, medication, proper food, and consistent heat to make it which are things your not able to provide- your young it's ok I was a poor teenager too:D
You are awesome for bringing her in and keeping her safe this long by the way:)
09-09-2012, 12:00 PM
He really needs to get to a rehabber quickly- pneumonia kills fast and it doesn't sound like your financially in a position to care for him. Their blocks alone are $20 plus shipping and go fast, formula $12 plus shipping, cage $200-$300, heating pad $25, cage accessories another $100 plus, box of syringes $20, fresh veggies and fruits $20 a week, and honestly the list goes on. She needs vet care, medication, proper food, and consistent heat to make it which are things your not able to provide- your young it's ok I was a poor teenager too:D
You are awesome for bringing her in and keeping her safe this long by the way:)
:goodpost There are many who mean well and want to save these sweet babies but I don't think the magnitude of the expense and time are truly known. It's especially hard when you don't have any supplies at all and have to start from scratch. I haven't had more than 2 hours sleep since this little baby arrived but it's a good kinda tired.
Jackie in Tampa
09-09-2012, 12:09 PM
:goodpost There are many who mean well and want to save these sweet babies but I don't think the magnitude of the expense and time are truly known. It's especially hard when you don't have any supplies at all and have to start from scratch. I haven't had more than 2 hours sleep since this little baby arrived but it's a good kinda tired.where are you rainrshine..?
09-09-2012, 12:13 PM
where are you rainrshine..?
Arcadia, pretty close to you!
Jackie in Tampa
09-09-2012, 12:14 PM
Arcadia, pretty close to you!you can come get anything you need..I have plenty of everything to share!
I even have a cage or two for a sq!:Love_Icon
09-09-2012, 12:27 PM
Lucky Duck I wish I had Jackie close by:D
09-09-2012, 12:28 PM
you can come get anything you need..I have plenty of everything to share!
I even have a cage or two for a sq!:Love_Icon
OHOHOHOH :wahoo I was looking at cages and your cage gear too!:multi
I have everything else so far have been on a major shopping spree! :thankyou for the offer! I will keep you in mind if baby gets sick or needs any help and you can bet I can make it to you in 1.5 hours if I need too!
This is not my first rehabilitation for squirrels. I raised two years ago and they were released in this very yard when my mom owned the house (20+years ago). I am just very very rusty and back then we didn't have all this information. I was very lucky those babies made it because they were raised on puppy formula and one of those bottles we know are bad.
I just think this little man needs a bunkmate so he can socialize but at the rate these babies are falling out of trees I'm sure one is bound to come along before he grows up. Problem is getting them before someone half freezes them and aspirates them before they realize this is not easy!
09-09-2012, 12:58 PM
Sorry for not answering. :Love_Icon I went to WM and got all that stuff and made it. Peanuts LOVES it! He has not choked on it yet! :crazy Sending pic. sorry about that. :dono
09-09-2012, 01:05 PM
But what is the growling sound he makes??? :thinking
09-09-2012, 01:40 PM
Peanuts98 If you need help with this squirrel I am a licensed wildlife rehabiliataor 45 minutes from you. I will pm you my phone number. Stacey
09-09-2012, 02:05 PM
no thanks :D I'm good I'll call u if I need help, but No, You do not need to take him :wave123
09-09-2012, 03:59 PM
Jackie (Jackie in Tampa) has graciously offered her temporary replacement formula recipe.
Jackie's Goat Milk Recipe
1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup dannon all natural vanilla yogurt
Mix well and keep in a covered plastic or glass container in the refrigerator. Replace after 48 hours.
Please note, this website has several links that still mention Esbilac and we need to keep these links active as they do contain excellent information so please keep in mind that Fox Valley is now the formula of choice for raising baby squirrels.
Should I microwave the milk and yogurt??:multi
09-09-2012, 04:00 PM
Peanut if your mom is not willing to dole out the expenses that are necessary to care for him properly why won't you accept this offer?? He's aspirated formula and may have or come down with pneumonia, you don't have proper syringes, can't afford vet care, or his food and caging per your own statements in this thread. I don't get it:shakehead
09-09-2012, 04:03 PM
Peanut if your mom is not willing to dole out the expenses that are necessary to care for him properly why won't you accept this offer?? He's aspirated formula and may have or come down with pneumonia, you don't have proper syringes, can't afford vet care, or his food and caging per your own statements in this thread. I don't get it:shakehead
We went to WM and got all the stuff. no worries! :wahoo
09-09-2012, 04:06 PM
Should I microwave the milk and yogurt??:multi
Only microwave the amount you are feeding at the time and just enough to heat it. I don't microwave mine though but a lot of people do. I put the amount I need in a small shot glass sized measuring cup and set that in hot water and it heats right up. Some people fill the syringe and let it sit in the water also to heat it.
Oh, did you make the amount listed in the recipe? It's only good for 24 hours. I mix a smaller batch. The recipe is
3 parts goat milk
1 part yogurt
1 part heavy cream.
A small amount would be for instance to make it with tablespoons rather than the cup amount as you only have the one baby. That's what I do.
3 tbl goat milk
1 tbl yogurt
1 tbl heavy cream
09-09-2012, 04:06 PM
That is TEMPORARY formula and what about his Henry's Healthy Blocks, a large cage, fresh food daily, cage gear, Fox Valley real formula, and vet care?? Is your mom willing to financially sustain these needs?? If so than PLEASE get that one to the vet to make sure there are no respiratory issues you are missing:)
09-09-2012, 04:08 PM
That is TEMPORARY formula and what about his Henry's Healthy Blocks, a large cage, fresh food daily, cage gear, Fox Valley real formula, and vet care?? Is your mom willing to financially sustain these needs?? If so than PLEASE get that one to the vet to make sure there are no respiratory issues you are missing:)
I have been getting Info from a Rehabilitation Lady. Ive gotten all the food I need and stuff! :nono
09-09-2012, 04:31 PM
You stated you can not afford a vet, you do not have the proper formula, and your mom will not buy a lot of stuff....your words not mine. You are not looking realistically at the expense and time keeping this squirrel till spring entails.:soapbox
Jackie in Tampa
09-09-2012, 06:16 PM
just a thought...
winter is long and spring is far away...
just bear with me here...
i really want to make you think...
your sq needs to be with other is what is none.
I bet..if you passed your sq to stacy, she would allow you to visit every now and then..
I bet she would explain how she became a licensed rehabber and how it impacts her life..
and how you could volunteer at a center or for a rehabber and get involved before jumping in and learning the lesson of hard knocks...
it's better to know what to do first..
there will be many sqs if you rehab..
and the sq you have now will get what he really needs..
rehabbed with other sqs in a habitat that will benefit him forever...
I know we all started somewhere...and this is a great oportunity that you have been involved in..
but is about the sq after all..
that's why we are all here..
to do what is best for the squirrel.:Love_Icon
The title to your thread is HELP!!!!!
we found that for you and you have refused it...
please think about this post later tonight...
and do what is best...for the sq..
:grouphug thank you..
PS, I was born in ST Vincent's in Little Rock...:)
Jackie in Tampa
09-10-2012, 04:05 AM
time to get up and get ready to go to school, who will feed the baby while you are away?
will he just lay there unattended? hungry and cold?
please allow ryglehart to raise and release this baby...
please do the right thing..
please do not allow him to pass away for a selfish dumb reason...
coz you wanted a sq and he is cute..
give him a chance to live as he is supposed to.
I have worried all's not that I doubt you can do this, it is that I know you can''s hard, it takes alot of time..
Will you please bring your mother to the computer for a chat?
Jackie in Tampa
09-10-2012, 04:14 AM
I am making a note to my self...
the title to this thread is HELP!!!!
I found you help in a speedy time like fashion...
and you said no...
why are you here?
09-10-2012, 09:58 AM
You stated you can not afford a vet, you do not have the proper formula, and your mom will not buy a lot of stuff....your words not mine. You are not looking realistically at the expense and time keeping this squirrel till spring entails.:soapbox
OMW! You need a chill pill! I do have all that stuff and peanuts is not sick anymore!! :chillpill
09-10-2012, 10:07 AM
[QUOTE=Jackie in Tampa]time to get up and get ready to go to school, who will feed the baby while you are away?
will he just lay there unattended? hungry and cold?
please allow ryglehart to raise and release this baby...
please do the right thing..
please do not allow him to pass away for a selfish dumb reason...
coz you wanted a sq and he is cute..
give him a chance to live as he is supposed to.
please:Love_Icon E
LOL :rotfl Im homeschooled!! :wahoo And If I cant take care of him my mom said She will take him to the lady! NOW PLEASE CHILL! I HAVE EVERY THING I NEEED!! IM SURE OF IT! our family have been taking care of animals for ever! :thankyou
09-10-2012, 08:02 PM
:dono :dono :dono Why ask for help if it was not needed???????:dono :dono :dono
09-10-2012, 08:09 PM
I just hope you ordered the Fox Valley formula, correct syringes, and continue to ask questions because squirrel care changes so fast as the weeks go by. I know you are young and think you know it all- I own 2 of you myself but please if ever you think something is wrong get that squirrel care immediately or hand him over. Do not wait because you are embarrassed or afraid of admitting you bit off more than you can chew- him making it is more important than your pride. At least get him checked out because your not capable of knowing he is not sick- you are not qualified to make that distinction and a member here has made it clear they will help you with meds if you need them:)
09-10-2012, 09:05 PM
Thanks to all! If I need more help I will ask but please no rude comments!! :shakehead IDK How to delete! lol :rotfl
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