09-09-2012, 09:49 AM
Just a question why do flea bites from a flea on a squirrel make you so sick? Is it all fleas on squirrels or just sick squirrels, could this happen with a squirrel that is home raised as i've had mine since he was a pinkie & had no fleas we dont have fleas in our house just a question. Say i wanted to put his cage outside with me if i was out there so he could get used to outside sounds what can i do to prevent him from getting fleas? Or say if he did would it be that dangerous like getting the bubonic plague? I know alot of questions just trying to keep all safe & sound:)

Jackie in Tampa
09-09-2012, 09:55 AM
very very few diseases are zoonotic that our normal Joe SQ may have.
Fred and I saw this on the news and knew it would raise questions..
I assure you, I have seen some stuff..
worms, flies, viruses, bacterials in the ten years I have spent with sqs, and never once have I been sick.
I go to Walmart pharmacy and within 24 hours I am sick...
Yes fleas can carry viruses, but very rare...
and mostly zoonotic as well as species specific.

I think it's fine to say...overall, we are safe with sqs.:)

09-09-2012, 09:55 AM
Yes, it COULD happen, LOL, but not too likely.

The fleas have the plague and bite ...say a squirrel, it could get the plague, but the bubonic plague is not really very likely.

Just think if we had flea powder and lived in the Dark Ages when the bubonic plague was rampant, we could be RICH :D



09-09-2012, 02:24 PM
Yeah just curious about it, i know my little one doesn't have fleas but just wondering why they blame it on the squirrel & not the flea? In that case any dog/cat or any animal or grass for that matter could have that BAD FLEA on/in them!!!! Thanks for the info

09-09-2012, 08:38 PM
The squirrel is the reservoir for the bacteria and the flea carries it from host to host. Just like the mosquito carries the West Nile Virus and the tick carries Lyme Disease. During the Middle Ages, in Europe, it was rats that carried the Plague. Pay back for them killing all the cats during the witch hunts. Thankfully now we have antibiotics that will treat it. Unless the Plague exists in the environment in your area, I wouldn't worry about your squirrel or you getting it, even if you have a flea or two.

island rehabber
09-09-2012, 08:42 PM
I added a ? to your title, because to a newcomer this thread appeared to declare that this is a real danger, when it's actually not. :peace