View Full Version : how much to feed baby flyer

crystal zimmers
09-08-2012, 09:02 PM
I have a baby flying squirrel that I rescued that's almost 5 weeks old (estimated). her eyes have been open a few days and her ears opened a day after her eyes did. I do not have a gram scale to weigh her. I ordered the fox valley and am currently feeding her the goat milk with heavy cream and yogurt. I feed her about 1 cc about every 3 - 1/2 hours. Her poop is orangish and solid. When she's done eating her belly looks full. I am wondering if I am feeding enough or too much?

09-09-2012, 07:35 PM
I'm not an expert, but I do have 4 flyer babies right now.

I would say a minimum of 1 cc every 4 hours. Usually it is 5-7% of body weight and if she weighed 20 grams, 5% would be 1 cc. See if s/he will take a little more.

Pictures would be helpful in guessing a weight and figure out species.

Ideally, you should find someone else with baby flyers so they can be released together.
