View Full Version : Transitioning off formula too solids

09-08-2012, 04:49 PM
I have 4 baby squirrels I am rehabbing right now. One of Them is 9 weeks and the others are 11 weeks old. So far, they have been fed fox valley formula by syringe 6 cc's/mm 4 times per day, and I have recently added Cheerios and broken pieces of squirrel chow to their menus. Every time I feed them their formula they act like they are starving. I know they should be eating more solids but how can I get them to eat what's in their bowl, and how do I reduce their formula feeding when they act so hungry. Thanks for any ideas


09-08-2012, 05:11 PM
They are not getting enough formula. How much do they weigh (in grams)? They need 5 - 7% of their weight at each feeding. For instance, if they weigh 200 grams they should be getting 10 - 14 cc's at each feeding plus squirrel block as well as healthy veggies. Have you taken a look at the nutrition forum? It is VERY helpful!

09-08-2012, 05:51 PM
I agree more formula needed mine were eating 6cc's at 5 weeks every 4 hours and eat 12-15 now at 7 weeks old. I would get a weight on them so you can adjust feedings a bit better:) As far as solids and weaning I hear it's best to let them wean themselves. So I would push more formula and just let them wean naturally on their own:)