View Full Version : potential eye injury

09-08-2012, 12:36 PM
My baby squirrel, "Hammie" is 5 weeks old (soon to be 6) orphaned baby that fell 30 feet from his nest. He suffered injuries to his head, jaw, left arm, and left side of his hip. NONE were internal and all have healed very nicely.

Friends who had found him called me after making several attempts to contact rehabs and was rejected repeatedly. I had him in my possession when he was 2 weeks old. Right now, his left eye appears to have developed a grayish crusty film. I believe it to be (possibly) formula. He oftentimes will quickly move his head while eating and formula would wet his cheek. As a result of this I had tried to carefully clean the area with sterile saline solution. Today the crusty bulk came off, now there does appear to be a thin layer still remaining on his eye. I fear that his eye may get infected. As of right now he is not closing his eye. The eye is still moist and the under color appears to be normal for the most part. Please help, I would hate if anything happened to Hammie because of something I did or didnt do :(

Diet: Esbilac puppy formula

09-08-2012, 12:38 PM
Can you post a picture? And Esbilac is no longer a healthy formula for squirrels. You should order some Fox Valley from Nick or Henry's Healthy Pets and in the meantime use Jackie's goat's milk formula.

09-08-2012, 12:50 PM
Thank you so much for responding so quickly! :) I am not sure how to post a picture. I have one I just took from my phone and downloaded to my computer. I am so new at this :(

09-08-2012, 12:57 PM
C:\Users\Linda\Pictures\Pics from phone\my_pix Im not sure if this is the correct link. My options included "location" not URL

09-08-2012, 01:00 PM
When you click on Reply or Quote scroll down and click 'Manage Attachments'. The click browse (select your picture) and then upload. Hopefully this helps! :)

Some people also upload their photos on Photobucket and then post the link

09-08-2012, 01:14 PM

Ok had to make a photobucket account whew! here is the URL I hope it works! :) this is a photo of his left eye..

09-08-2012, 01:38 PM
The picture is small so it's hard to see but personally I don't think it is from the milk. It somewhat resembles and sounds like what happened to my squirrel Mocha. Mocha got an ear infection and started dragging her head. Her eye was scratched in the meantime. It formed a scab and when it fell off it had a white film. It caused her to be blind. I'll try and find some photos of what Mocha's eye looked like and you can tell me if it looks the same. Hopefully others will chime soon.

09-08-2012, 01:49 PM
:wave123 Linda :Welcome to TSB,

I can't comment on the eye issue but I did want to throw out a few things about Hammie's diet. First... NO gatorade. It isn't designed for baby squirrels and is loaded with sodium. Also, pedialyte should only be given for 24 hours when you get in a dehydrated baby. Once they are hydrated pedialyte isn't necessary and is actually harmful after 24 hours. Now, about the Esbilac. It is NO longer recommended because of problems with it.

This is a copy of a post by the administrator about feeding baby squirrels.

In light of the recent problems rehabbers have been experiencing with Esbilac formula, it has been decided that the best alternative is Fox Valley 32/40.
Nicholas P. Vlamis, President (Nick)
(800) 679-4666
If you call in your order and tell him you need it quickly he'll be happy to oblige. He can ship to you regular post 3-5 days and overnight. He's very nice and very easy to work with.
In the meantime you will need to feed your baby a home-made formula, but please for the sake of the baby, do not feed this for more than 4-7 days. It's a great temporary replacer milk but it lacks certain vitamins and minerals that the babies need to thrive. This recipe will ensure that your baby will be well nourished until your order from Fox Valley arrives.

Jackie (Jackie in Tampa) has graciously offered her temporary replacement formula recipe.
Jackie's Goat Milk Recipe
1 cup goats milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup dannon all natural vanilla yogurt

Mix well and keep in a covered plastic or glass container in the refrigerator. Replace after 48 hours.
Please note, this website has several links that still mention Esbilac and we need to keep these links active as they do contain excellent information so please keep in mind that Fox Valley is now the formula of choice for raising baby squirrels.
Island Rehabber

I hope this helps. I know you want to do what's best for Hammie. :thumbsup
Hopefully others will comment on the eye issue but you DEFINITELY want to get his nutrition on tract. Oh, by the way... Esbilac is expensive. FV is something like $10-$11. Much cheaper and BETTER.

Milo's Mom
09-08-2012, 01:56 PM
Hi and welcome to TSB!
You've come to the best place for help and advice.

If you e-mail me the pic(s), I will get them posted here for you. My e-mail address is molosmom041610@gmail.com.

After your membership is fully activated you will be able to post them yourself, but for right now, this will get the pics up the fastest for our experts to see and comment upon.

09-08-2012, 02:11 PM
Thank you thank you thank you!!! :D I immediately ordered the formula from Nick and spoke to him on the phone. it should be here either Tues or Weds. Till then I will use the goats milk formula. no more gatorade or pedialyte! Thank you so much for all the wonderful advise!! I love little Hammie and want whats best for him all the way:Love_Icon I signed up for the photo bucket and was able to post a picture. I can try and post one that is better but it will take me several minutes. Again thank you so much! You have no idea how much I appreciate you all :Love_Icon mjs

Milo's Mom
09-08-2012, 02:27 PM
Ooops, I just saw a typo in my e-mail address! The correct e-mail is Milosmom041610@gmail.com.

I think the pic on photobucket was too small to show the detail.

09-08-2012, 03:10 PM
This might sound like an odd question.
What type or sort of bedding are you using?

09-08-2012, 04:08 PM
I love little Hammie and want whats best for him all the way:Love_Icon :Love_Icon mjs
:thumbsup Perfect!

Good thought Skul.

09-08-2012, 04:09 PM
This is the scab Mocha had on her eye before it fell off. It was being medicated so it's a little bit more scabbed because of that. I'm looking for a picture of how it looked after the scab came off but I think those pictures are on my computer at home.

09-08-2012, 06:06 PM
M&M, were you able to determine cause, and treatment?
Results were???
Might be of help.

09-09-2012, 12:13 AM
The eye problem was caused by an ear infection that wasn't so obvious at first. She had developed a head tilt and scratched her eye. It was very quick (happened within 24 hours). As far as the eye, my vet prescribed a cream for her eye to be put on twice? a day. It was a year ago so I don't remember exactly. We're still dealing with ear infections but that's because she has narrow canals (from what my vet says). Right now we're using Baytril Otic for a recent ear infection but we've also used Gentisol and some other ear drop in the past. It's best to see a vet. If left untreated it can be very dangerous and lead to neurological issues. Thanks to the cream being applied shorty after the scratch, Mocha has regained some of her sight. I would go to the vet and have him look to see if there is an ear infection.

09-11-2012, 11:01 AM
Wow! Hammie eye is clouded with the crusty substance but isnt swollen or anything. the scab came off and his eye looked good. but there is another scab developing..

09-11-2012, 11:08 AM
Skul I am using a heating pad right now. it came with a cover. and I use a thermal baby blanket only when chilly other than the heating pad, i just place a small blanket down on one side of his cage so he can move from one side to the other if he gets too warm and vise versa. When I wash them I do not use fabric softener for fear of irritating Hammie's skin. I initially thought it was formula that had dried on his eye. I try to be very careful while feeding because he has a tendency to shift his head to the side in which drops of formula will wet the fur on his cheek below his eye. I wish I knew what it was, his eyes were great when he first opened them. I feel helpless to help him :(

09-11-2012, 11:13 AM
Been trying to send email to Milosmom but having troubles doing so something with my server. I will keep trying though :)

ALSO could someone tell me where I may find calcium drops with vit D3? Hammies new formula came today YAY!

09-11-2012, 11:39 AM
Here is a photo I took of Hammie yesterday. How is he looking to everyone? This is my first time with a baby squirrel and really want to make sure I am doing things right:Love_Icon

09-11-2012, 12:17 PM
Wow! Hammie eye is clouded with the crusty substance but isnt swollen or anything. the scab came off and his eye looked good. but there is another scab developing..

Mocha's eye wasn't swollen either. That's how big the scab got. Hammie looks adorable! What formula did you get? Did you order the Fox Valley? Make sure your transition him over to it. If the scab is coming back I would definitely bring him to a vet or a rehabber that has access to meds. Do you have a squirrel friendly vet?

Oh and why do you need calcium drops with vit d3?

09-11-2012, 01:00 PM
I got fox valley formula for him it is the day one 20/50. I am not sure about our vet, I will call and set an appointment if I can. When we call about an injury Hammie had they were able to provide with information about it and how to keep the area clean. So I am almost confident they know a little about it. I pray they do completely. Hammie's wounds were bad but none were internal. They have all healed very nicely. His right arm is scarred though. He fell 30 feet from where his nest was. He is my little miracle baby:Love_Icon :)

09-11-2012, 01:04 PM
There is a hard lump on Hammie's left elbow. He moves it great and doesnt act as though he is in pain at all. I read some information from a rehab site that suggest calcium drop with D3. I want to have the vet look at his arm too if he will. Rehabs here rejected to take him in. They have done that to me before when I found starling babies. They said they are invasive species and refused to help :( I wound up raising the baby birds on my own and releasing them. They rejected Hammie too for the same reason

09-11-2012, 01:10 PM
I agree with M&M.
Your baby needs to be seen by a veternarian and get the correct medicine for his eye.
I had a squirrel last season that came in, cat caught, and very thin. Rescuers had been feeding him KMR for a week. He too developed a white area in his eye. Thankfully we have a animal eye center here that treats wilds too. I got him in right away, gave him drops for a few weeks and was able to stop the progression so he still had vision in that eye. I was able to release him and the last I saw him,2 months after his release, his eye was normal and he was enjoying life.
There are many eye medications available for different problems. It would not be a good idea to randomly try one over another without a diagnosis. Some can injure the eye permanently and others will heal it.
Sounds like you love him and will do what it takes to keep him healthy.
He's adorable by the way.

09-11-2012, 02:32 PM
Hammie's got his first vet appointment today at 5pm EST! I pray to God all goes well <3

09-11-2012, 02:48 PM
Hammie's got his first vet appointment today at 5pm EST! I pray to God all goes well <3

:thumbsup :wott Hoping for the best :Love_Icon

09-11-2012, 05:12 PM
HAMMIE VET UPDATE: well here it is....the lump on his arm according to the vet, is one of two things. 1) he broke his arm when he fell from the tree and an infection set in 2) he broke his arm when he fell and his body is trying to heal itself by building calcium around the bone. He gave the best antibiotic there is if it is an infection. He said give it 2 days with the anitbiotic and if the swelling goes down keep giving it to him. if not then it is calcium build up and disc
ontinue the antibiotics. He said most wild animals do not respond to medicine. But if this works this kind would be the kind to do it.

His eye is permanently damaged resulting from his fall. Dr said he is probably already blind and to cover the eye with Vaseline to keep it moist 2x a day

He said Hammie had broken his jaw resulting from his fall and therefore does not eat properly and his jaw is not alligned. He cut Hammies teeth because they can not grind down like they are supposed too with the use of his upper teeth. He will need to have his teeth cut every two weeks permanently

All in all, he said Hammie looked good aside from the above factors. He did say that if Hammie gets sick, because he is wild and does not respond to medication there isnt anything they could do for him.

So my little angel is home and sleeping now. My heart breaks for him and no matter what happens I will do my very best to see that Hammie is as healthy as possible and happy as possible for as little or as long as he is in my care♥ I love my little guy <3 :)

09-11-2012, 06:07 PM
WOW Linda,
That was a lot of bad news today but DON'T despair. Hammie looks great to me . :thumbsup He is a little Fox squirrel, right. I wouldn't worry about that elbow if it doesn't seem to bother him. As long as he is on FoxValley, he doesn't need extra calcium so don't worry about that now. In regard to the eye, even if he is blind in that eye, he can live a great life as a Non release. Give it some time, no one knows what will happen. It might actually heal itself. Some people here have completely blind squirrels. Now about his teeth, I wouldn't worry about that either at this point because he is a BABY. He isn't using them yet. When he gets bigger and starts chewing things he might be able to file them down himself. If indeed they don't meet when he gets older they can be trimmed by the vet or YOU can learn how to do it. A lot of people here have learned to trim their squirrels teeth. Don't worry just enjoy your baby. He can live a long healthy life with a Momma that loves him.

He looks like a sweetie. Aren't they so cute at that age! I would transition him to the FV over a day or so. I'm NOT an expert on that or anything actually :rotfl but I have read that they mix both formulas as usual and then start mixing the two. (1) 25% FV and 75% GM mix or Esbilac (whatever you were using) then (2) 50% FV and 50% GM or Esbilac then (3) 75% FV and 25% GM/Esbilac and finally (4) 100% FV. While you are transitioning monitor his poop to make sure he is OK. You don't want him to get diarrhea from switching too fast.

It sounds like you have a serious case of squirrel love. Yes, we ALL understand. :thumbsup

09-18-2012, 08:21 PM

The squirrel I am rehabbing at the moment has the exact same scab - eye injury from fall - how long did it take to heal? Wonky is starting to rub it a lot like it is a close to healed scab (you know, when they *really* start to itch!). I was sure the little guy wouldn't make it - head trauma and all - but is doing AMAZINGLY. His eye scab is the only issue from the fall after R&R.

Thanks!! - Emily