View Full Version : Antibiotics?
09-07-2012, 08:20 PM
I have a 6 week old squirrel. I'm almost positive she has phenmonia. She was sneezing so I gave her yogurt daily and it went away fast, but I made the mistake of letting a friend feed her and she did it waaay to fast and the formula went up her nose. So now she is sneezing again and doing that clicking noise. I'm giving her yogurt again but...
I can't get my hands on any human antibiotics. I've already tried. I even asked my sisters friend who is a nurse. No luck. I believe Petsmart carries a medicine for guinea pigs or rodents..? I think it was liquid drops you put in their water. Would it be ok for me to use this and put a drop or so into her formula? When my guinea pig was a baby I bought her and that same day she was sneezing and they told me to use those. But I didn't need to because it went away on its own.
What other things can I do to help?
09-07-2012, 08:25 PM
Baytril or Cipro (human antibiotic) is recommended.
I think this is pretty serious and you should go to the vet ASAP and get medicine :D
Yogurt is good for tummies, but has no antibiotic (germ fighting) ability.
Call all the people you know and ask for Cipro.
Someone will come along that is expert and help with dosage and stuff.
It is important to start ASAP
p.s. God Bless your Squirrel and Keep Him safe.
09-07-2012, 08:25 PM
she needs baytril or cipro for humans. where are you located maybe one of our members can help?
09-07-2012, 08:27 PM
i see your in ohio. I am in michigan in warren depending on where at in ohio it may not be a far drive for you to get some from me
09-07-2012, 08:29 PM
i see your in ohio. I am in michigan in warren depending on where at in ohio it may not be a far drive for you to get some from me
Because of the lake I think its actually pretty far and my cars got a lot of miles. I could paypal you some money and you could mail it?
I'm real upset because I've had her for 3 weeks and shes had a complete turn around and doing great other than the clicking! :(
09-07-2012, 08:31 PM
Baytril or Cipro (human antibiotic) is recommended.
I think this is pretty serious and you should go to the vet ASAP and get medicine :D
Yogurt is good for tummies, but has no antibiotic (germ fighting) ability.
Call all the people you know and ask for Cipro.
Someone will come along that is expert and help with dosage and stuff.
It is important to start ASAP
p.s. God Bless your Squirrel and Keep Him safe.
Yeah I've been searching for those but have had no luck. I've asked everyone. I have some antibiotics but not the ones everyone says to use.
09-07-2012, 08:32 PM
i dont think its legal to mail meds or I would no need for money. but If she has pneumonia she wont last until they get to u
09-07-2012, 08:34 PM
I bet if you go to a vet and tell them it is for orphan squirrel they will hook you up :D
I am so worried about the little guy cuz I got one that age too!
I talked to a Vet today and he said he thought they made LIQUID BAYTRIL, which might be just the ticket for giving with formula.
He was not sure, though and said he would check tomorrow for me so I can lay in an emergency supply.
If money is issue, see if vet will charge the bill, and let us take up a collection or something.......
Keep us posted on the little guy OK?
In my Squirrel prayer list today
09-07-2012, 08:36 PM
i dont think its legal to mail meds or I would no need for money. but If she has pneumonia she wont last until they get to u
I had no idea that was illegal.. hmm. kinda silly.
And its possible shes had it for 2 weeks so I'm not sure?
09-07-2012, 08:42 PM
I bet if you go to a vet and tell them it is for orphan squirrel they will hook you up :D
I am so worried about the little guy cuz I got one that age too!
I talked to a Vet today and he said he thought they made LIQUID BAYTRIL, which might be just the ticket for giving with formula.
He was not sure, though and said he would check tomorrow for me so I can lay in an emergency supply.
If money is issue, see if vet will charge the bill, and let us take up a collection or something.......
Keep us posted on the little guy OK?
In my Squirrel prayer list today
Unless its really expensive, I think I should be able to afford it. I'm just not sure if the vet would let me have any. How much is it usually?
09-07-2012, 08:44 PM
by me vets are only like 50 dollars for a visit or 75 but i dont know about one who will see a squirrel
09-07-2012, 08:46 PM
oh and yes it is but its a human antibiotic and i am pretty sure mailing any kind of human script is illegal or at least thats what i found on google. if she had it for 2 weeks she would be gone already. when did the clicking start?
09-07-2012, 08:47 PM
Unless its really expensive, I think I should be able to afford it. I'm just not sure if the vet would let me have any. How much is it usually?
Call the vet or go by and tell them what is wrong. Yuo may not have to bring in the squirrel.
The medicine will be like $10 for all you need.
I would call ASAP so the little one has a chance to live.
09-07-2012, 08:47 PM
When people are saying ask friends for cipro the name is actually Cephalexin. I believe thats the correct spelling. If you know anyone with a baby that has recently been sick they might have that in a suspension and will give you a little. I was fortunate and had some onhand because my daughter had a uti recently and it was still in the fridge.
The baytril I believe I saw when browsing Amazon... it was for dogs. I could be wrong here though. If I'm right, maybe it can be overnighted to you.
Another idea I had when I was frantically searching was Tractor Supply. They carry a lot of antibiotics for animals and this is true of any farm store supply. I'm not sure what kinds though. If you can find this or it's equivalent then there are people here who can figure the dose.
If you live near a small farm town there will be a farm supply somewhere. Call them. But for the fastest possible solution start calling your friends with babies especially. If your on facebook I would mass message those who are in your area...
Just ideas because I did this franticly just a few days ago!
NOTE: Just checked and the Baytril I saw is no longer listed...
09-07-2012, 08:52 PM
squirrels can have amoxicillin i think they carry it for fish so if you can i would get that for now something is better than nothing
09-07-2012, 08:54 PM
squirrels can have amoxicillin i think they carry it for fish so if you can i would get that for now something is better than nothing
Yes they do have that for fish over the counter. I'm not sure it would work but would be better than nothing I would think.
09-07-2012, 08:55 PM
When people are saying ask friends for cipro the name is actually Cephalexin. ..
I am a Registered Nurse, I didn't look it up, but pretty sure Cephalexin (sp?)
is known as KEFLEX, not Cipro.
Dunno what meds are good and/or bad for squirrels tho...
09-07-2012, 08:57 PM
when my first squirrels had pneumonia the vet gave them amoxi drops and it worked
09-07-2012, 08:57 PM
squirrels can have amoxicillin i think they carry it for fish so if you can i would get that for now something is better than nothing
At a store like Petsmart? How much would I give? How often?
09-07-2012, 08:58 PM
When people are saying ask friends for cipro the name is actually Cephalexin. I believe thats the correct spelling. If you know anyone with a baby that has recently been sick they might have that in a suspension and will give you a little. I was fortunate and had some onhand because my daughter had a uti recently and it was still in the fridge.
The baytril I believe I saw when browsing Amazon... it was for dogs. I could be wrong here though. If I'm right, maybe it can be overnighted to you.
Another idea I had when I was frantically searching was Tractor Supply. They carry a lot of antibiotics for animals and this is true of any farm store supply. I'm not sure what kinds though. If you can find this or it's equivalent then there are people here who can figure the dose.
If you live near a small farm town there will be a farm supply somewhere. Call them. But for the fastest possible solution start calling your friends with babies especially. If your on facebook I would mass message those who are in your area...
Just ideas because I did this franticly just a few days ago!
NOTE: Just checked and the Baytril I saw is no longer listed...
I believe I have some Cephalexin
09-07-2012, 08:58 PM
I am a Registered Nurse, I didn't look it up, but pretty sure Cephalexin (sp?)
is known as KEFLEX, not Cipro.
Dunno what meds are good and/or bad for squirrels tho...
I think I have Cephalexin
Would it work?
09-07-2012, 08:58 PM
I am a Registered Nurse, I didn't look it up, but pretty sure Cephalexin (sp?)
is known as KEFLEX, not Cipro.
Dunno what meds are good and/or bad for squirrels tho...
you are correct :thumbsup
09-07-2012, 09:01 PM
Theres a lady here called Jackie. If she's not on check over some of her posts. I think she has posted the calculations. I will look too.
09-07-2012, 09:03 PM
Hey everyone, I have Cephalexin.
500mg capsules.
is this something I could use?
09-07-2012, 09:03 PM
can have keflex how much does the lil fuzz ball weigh?
09-07-2012, 09:05 PM
can have keflex how much does the lil fuzz ball weigh?
i don't believe I have any way of weighing her.
the best thing I could do to give an idea is take a picture of her next to a ruler and maybe someone could estimate? thats the best I can do tonight :(
Milo's Mom
09-07-2012, 09:06 PM
I read through this fast so I may have missed some details, but here goes...
1. YES they do indeed make Liquid Baytril
2. You may try calling a vet, but I would NOT take the squirrel into the vet, as they will most likely take the squirrel.
3. Have you tried to contact any rehabbers in your state?
4. I would NOT buy Baytril off the internet...most likely it's NOT made in the US and who knows what it really is in that bottle.
5. I do not think Baytril is made for fish and not too sure if fish meds will work on a mammal (our experts will have to comment on this).
6. Is the squirrel clicking with EACH & EVERY INHALE & EXHALE? Put the squirrels chest up to your ear and listen. Just because formula comes out of their nose, does not mean instant pneumonia.
7. What county/city are you in? We have members in Ohio and some of them are rehabbers.
8. Someone said something about Amoxi...not strong enough or quick enough for pneumonia
9. Before anyone can dose a med for you, they will need to know the exact weight of the squirrel in grams. Do you have a scale?
10. You said you have some meds. Please list EVERYTHING you have on hand. We need to know the Name of the drug, Strength of the drug, Expiration date, and anything else it says on the label, word for word.
09-07-2012, 09:08 PM
you are correct :thumbsup
Yes, you are right it's not cipro; I just looked it up. Cephalexin is what I used on my baby though and he did okay with it.
Thanks for the correction.
09-07-2012, 09:13 PM
I read through this fast so I may have missed some details, but here goes...
1. YES they do indeed make Liquid Baytril
2. You may try calling a vet, but I would NOT take the squirrel into the vet, as they will most likely take the squirrel.
3. Have you tried to contact any rehabbers in your state?
4. I would NOT buy Baytril off the internet...most likely it's NOT made in the US and who knows what it really is in that bottle.
5. I do not think Baytril is made for fish and not too sure if fish meds will work on a mammal (our experts will have to comment on this).
6. Is the squirrel clicking with EACH & EVERY INHALE & EXHALE? Put the squirrels chest up to your ear and listen. Just because formula comes out of their nose, does not mean instant pneumonia.
7. What county/city are you in? We have members in Ohio and some of them are rehabbers.
8. Someone said something about Amoxi...not strong enough or quick enough for pneumonia
9. Before anyone can dose a med for you, they will need to know the exact weight of the squirrel in grams. Do you have a scale?
10. You said you have some meds. Please list EVERYTHING you have on hand. We need to know the Name of the drug, Strength of the drug, Expiration date, and anything else it says on the label, word for word.
Great advice. I did see she had the cephalexin which is great. On the fish antibiotics I searched the boards here and everyone said those are a big nono :nono The only baytril that is available without a script is otic which is another big nono :nono
09-07-2012, 09:25 PM
I believe I only have two human antibiotics, I'll get you guys the info for those in a min. I know one is expired.
I do not have a scale that will weigh her because all my scales only show weight in pounds.
I took a picture of her next to a ruler but I know that isnt the best :(
From bottom to nose about 6 inches. And yes shes missing her tail.
But it give a rough estimate of her size. Her belly is round, she just ate and is pooping like crazy ha.
Also, her poop is a very light/pale yellow color. At first it was black because her moms milk, then brown, now yellowish.
09-07-2012, 09:30 PM
i cant help you any further because I dont know how to dose or how to guess a weight but I am sure jackie or admin or someone will be able to help you soon :)
09-07-2012, 09:33 PM
I read through this fast so I may have missed some details, but here goes...
1. YES they do indeed make Liquid Baytril
2. You may try calling a vet, but I would NOT take the squirrel into the vet, as they will most likely take the squirrel.
3. Have you tried to contact any rehabbers in your state?
4. I would NOT buy Baytril off the internet...most likely it's NOT made in the US and who knows what it really is in that bottle.
5. I do not think Baytril is made for fish and not too sure if fish meds will work on a mammal (our experts will have to comment on this).
6. Is the squirrel clicking with EACH & EVERY INHALE & EXHALE? Put the squirrels chest up to your ear and listen. Just because formula comes out of their nose, does not mean instant pneumonia.
7. What county/city are you in? We have members in Ohio and some of them are rehabbers.
8. Someone said something about Amoxi...not strong enough or quick enough for pneumonia
9. Before anyone can dose a med for you, they will need to know the exact weight of the squirrel in grams. Do you have a scale?
10. You said you have some meds. Please list EVERYTHING you have on hand. We need to know the Name of the drug, Strength of the drug, Expiration date, and anything else it says on the label, word for word.
Shes sleeping on the back of my neck right now so I can hear pretty well and sounds as if its coming from her nose. The video that everyone talks about on here, doesnt show up for me. Is there a link I can go to, to hear it?
09-07-2012, 09:34 PM
i cant help you any further because I dont know how to dose or how to guess a weight but I am sure jackie or admin or someone will be able to help you soon :)
Cephalexin is ok to use on her though? You just dont know the dosage?
Milo's Mom
09-07-2012, 09:35 PM
My suggestion to you is to CONTACT A REHABBER.
I personally will NOT dose a med without a weight. Others here may, but I will not. You do not have a scale and looking at a pic of her and ruler ain't cutting it for me, sorry.
And, about the scale, if you are not weighing her, how do you know if she's getting the correct amount of food? After they have fur and you can no longer see the milk line the best guideline for feeding is based upon weight.
Also, please answer the rest of the questions I posted previously. If they were not important to know, I wouldn't have asked.
09-07-2012, 09:36 PM
Shes sleeping on the back of my neck right now so I can hear pretty well and sounds as if its coming from her nose. The video that everyone talks about on here, doesnt show up for me. Is there a link I can go to, to hear it?
Nevermind, I held her chest to my ear and its louder on her chest actually. Hard for me to tell if its on each breath in AND out. Shes breathing so fast. But it is constant. And seems loudest when she sleeps.
Milo's Mom
09-07-2012, 09:36 PM
Shes sleeping on the back of my neck right now so I can hear pretty well and sounds as if its coming from her nose. The video that everyone talks about on here, doesnt show up for me. Is there a link I can go to, to hear it?
Pick the squirrel up and put her next to your ear!
Listen to her LUNGS, not her NOSE.
Is the clicking with EVERY SINGLE breath from her LUNGS?
09-07-2012, 09:39 PM
My suggestion to you is to CONTACT A REHABBER.
I personally will NOT dose a med without a weight. Others here may, but I will not. You do not have a scale and looking at a pic of her and ruler ain't cutting it for me, sorry.
And, about the scale, if you are not weighing her, how do you know if she's getting the correct amount of food? After they have fur and you can no longer see the milk line the best guideline for feeding is based upon weight.
Also, please answer the rest of the questions I posted previously. If they were not important to know, I wouldn't have asked.
I'm doing as much as I can as fast as I can. I fed her, looked for a scale, took the picture, looked for the meds I had.. I was getting to replying. And yes I have contacted a rehabber close to me.. She told me about formulas and amounts but that was a week and a half ago. Before this started. I haven't talked to her since and don't want to call this late. Im in Ohio.
09-07-2012, 09:40 PM
Pick the squirrel up and put her next to your ear!
Listen to her LUNGS, not her NOSE.
Is the clicking with EVERY SINGLE breath from her LUNGS?
I just answered this and I said I believe its coming from her lungs.
Milo's Mom
09-07-2012, 09:42 PM¤t=MVI_0318.mp4
this is the direct link to the video. I just followed the link from the Sticky and it worked just fine.
Milo's Mom
09-07-2012, 09:42 PM
I just answered this and I said I believe its coming from her lungs.
Yes, I saw that and you posted it as I was typing the question.
09-07-2012, 09:44 PM
Yes, I saw that and you posted it as I was typing the question.
Just saying because I feel like youre almost yelling at me... I'm new to the site as well and didnt know what a sticky was. I'll go try.
Milo's Mom
09-07-2012, 09:44 PM
I'm doing as much as I can as fast as I can. I fed her, looked for a scale, took the picture, looked for the meds I had.. I was getting to replying. And yes I have contacted a rehabber close to me.. She told me about formulas and amounts but that was a week and a half ago. Before this started. I haven't talked to her since and don't want to call this late. Im in Ohio.
I know you're in Ohio, I can see that. I am asking which county or city so I know where to direct you...I am trying to save you from calling rehabbers on the wrong side of the state.
If you have already been in contact with a rehabber and you now have a sick baby, I'd call her again. She's probably still up feeding babies.
I am only trying to help you, not piss you off.
09-07-2012, 09:48 PM
I know you're in Ohio, I can see that. I am asking which county or city so I know where to direct you...I am trying to save you from calling rehabbers on the wrong side of the state.
If you have already been in contact with a rehabber and you now have a sick baby, I'd call her again. She's probably still up feeding babies.
I am only trying to help you, not piss you off.
Well its stressful because Ive had her almost 3 weeks and shes grown so much and has been doing so well. I want to make sure she does well and I'm scrambling doing as much as I can as fast as I can.
edit: I live in Summit county, but I'll call the rehabber I called before.
Milo's Mom
09-07-2012, 09:50 PM
Did the link to the video I posted work for you?
Have you been able to confirm what meds if any you have on hand?
Milo's Mom
09-07-2012, 09:55 PM
Also, is she a grey or foxer? I could not be positive by looking at the pic. And, yes it does matter because foxers are bigger and weigh more.
09-07-2012, 10:08 PM¤t=MVI_0318.mp4
this is the direct link to the video. I just followed the link from the Sticky and it worked just fine.
Just watched and actually, that doesnt sounds anything like what I'm hearing. Ill try to take a video and see if the sound picks ups. My squirrels doesnt appear to sound as loud and theres a lot less space in between. The 'clicking' im hearing is much quicker and sounds more like if she has snot in your nose. I'll try to get a vid and hopefully it shows better what Im explaining.
09-07-2012, 10:10 PM
Also, is she a grey or foxer? I could not be positive by looking at the pic. And, yes it does matter because foxers are bigger and weigh more.
ill post a better picture. i think its a fox but as she gets older he coat gets greyer. her legs and head are a red/brown though.
Milo's Mom
09-07-2012, 10:11 PM
Aaaaah, very good!
Yes, please try to take a video to capture what you are hearing.
Baby squirrels do make A LOT of different noises all the time and some of them are "clicking" type noises.
Also, if you listen to her lungs, it will sound like she's breathing through cobwebs.
Milo's Mom
09-07-2012, 10:12 PM
ill post a better picture. i think its a fox but as she gets older he coat gets greyer. her legs and head are a red/brown though.
what color is the fur on her belly, white or orange?
I'm thinking she's a grey,as she does not look orange enough to be a foxer.
09-07-2012, 10:19 PM
pictures.. these are a few days old.
09-07-2012, 10:20 PM
what color is the fur on her belly, white or orange?
I'm thinking she's a grey,as she does not look orange enough to be a foxer.
white belly
Milo's Mom
09-07-2012, 10:21 PM
Yup, she's a grey.
How many cc's is she eating per feeding and how many hours apart are her feedings?
09-07-2012, 10:33 PM
Yup, she's a grey.
How many cc's is she eating per feeding and how many hours apart are her feedings?
4-6 cc's depending on if I add yogurt and depending on how far apart they are. The times apart vary a little because of my work but never gone longer than 5 hours apart. I usually do them 3 1/2 hours apart and typically 5-6 cc's of formula. Sometimes 4 cc's of formula and 1 or 2 cc of yogurt. She has a huge appetite though and I've debating giving her more.
edit: actually I'd say more like 4 hours apart ever since her eyes opened 10 days ago. My mistake.
Also, do baby squirrel grind their teeth? Could this be some of what I'm hearing? At first thats what i though it sounded a bit like. When its at its quietest, it sounds and feels like shes grinding her teeth. I can feel her jaw moving when she sleeps in my hand.
09-07-2012, 10:48 PM
Here's a video I just took. You can't see her much because I have her face up to the mic on my camera. It seems as if the noise is going alonf with her sniffing, more so than her breathing. Currently she has stopped this noise you hear in the video and I listened to her chest and all I hear is a heart beat.
At the end she jumps out of my hand, onto my camera with all fours. So ignore the laughing :P
Not sure this link will work.
09-07-2012, 10:56 PM
Did the link to the video I posted work for you?
Have you been able to confirm what meds if any you have on hand?
ic cephalexin 500mg capsule(capsule, dark green side & light green side) expired on 6/27/12
ic sulfameth/tmp ds tab (a large white pill, solid form) hasnt expired*
09-07-2012, 11:15 PM
Here's a video I just took. You can't see her much because I have her face up to the mic on my camera. It seems as if the noise is going alonf with her sniffing, more so than her breathing. Currently she has stopped this noise you hear in the video and I listened to her chest and all I hear is a heart beat.
At the end she jumps out of my hand, onto my camera with all fours. So ignore the laughing :P
Not sure this link will work.
Im going to repst this video, because I think this thread may have died off now and no one will see it & Id like to know asap so I can know whether to give meds or not. Just saying, I'm not spamming.
09-07-2012, 11:42 PM
i saw it and sent you a message on here =)
Jackie in Tampa
09-08-2012, 03:38 AM
her chest will click...with every breath, whetherv asleep or awake..
in all positions etc..
it will be very distinct.
Sqs make many mouths sounds..
yes they grit/grind their teeth.
09-08-2012, 04:48 AM
her chest will click...with every breath, whetherv asleep or awake..
in all positions etc..
it will be very distinct.
Sqs make many mouths sounds..
yes they grit/grind their teeth.
i'm having a hard time telling.. but what's on the video is what i'm hearing. does that sound like it? its stopped a lot since I made that video.
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