View Full Version : Male Genitalia of Squirrels... Why does my squirrel's doohickey look different?

09-07-2012, 04:38 PM
An odd question, but I have only seen 2 Boy squirrel's in my life. (They just won't hold still long enuf in the wild lol)

Anyways... my first squirrel's pee pee was just sorta pink and hung there like a little lipstick or something.

and General Forrest"s peepee seems more normal looking and can't be seen because it seems sheathed in skin with fur on it.

But I thought Gen Jackson's peepee was normal )only one I ever saw).

So the question is... Why do they look different? Was Gen. Jackson defective in that department too?

Just curious


09-07-2012, 05:05 PM
To me it sounds like he may have sucked it out of his sheath....
Did he suck on himself?
It happens some times and requires surgery.
I'm not a prof so I couldn't say for sure.

09-07-2012, 07:37 PM
oh the poor thing! He never complained about it.

I had him 7 months before he died. I rescued him from some mean people who were starving him. I'm sure he may have sucked it cuz he was hungry when THEY had him, but I never saw him suck on it.

THEY asked me "Does that squirrel still SCREAM all the time like he did here?"

I never heard that squirrel complain once.

poor baby, if only i had known..... :(


09-07-2012, 10:19 PM
Question: How was the squirrel supposed to complain to you? :dono

09-07-2012, 11:03 PM
This is my first squirrel & yes little boys will suck their pee-pee:dono Even when he's not hungry I notice he will do this not that often but sometimes!!!!
I take him out & try to feed him even it's not time, maybe he's still hungry sometimes he'll eat a bit more & sometimes not.... I just keep him out & play with him & tire him out:osnap Maybe it's because mine is all alone & it comforts him, like a ninnie:thinking I just try to divert his attention to something else, lucky he hasn't done any damage still looks normal i've had him since he was a few days old so i know what his winkie looks like:D

09-08-2012, 03:48 AM
Question: How was the squirrel supposed to complain to you? :dono

I have psychic powers and my squirrel and I communicated telepathically!!!!!!!

I meant that my squirrel seemed happy and never screamed for attention after I took him from those bad people.

The squirrel with the messed up peepee is DEAD. I am trying to learn about squirrels so I can take better care of the one I have.