View Full Version : Baby help asap
09-06-2012, 06:09 PM
The finder of the Bristol baby from 2 days ago just found another one. I am not sure if I should just tell him pedialyte or GM formula to hold over until tomorrow when I can pick it up. He said there was one dead one in the tree branches and this little one was crying next to the dead sib. So mom has been gone since at least Monday night. Help!
Milo's Mom
09-06-2012, 06:14 PM
The finder of the Bristol baby from 2 days ago just found another one. I am not sure if I should just tell him pedialyte or GM formula to hold over until tomorrow when I can pick it up. He said there was one dead one in the tree branches and this little one was crying next to the dead sib. So mom has been gone since at least Monday night. Help!
The baby does need calories, but at this point I think the dehydration is more deadly. I'd do the hydration fluid. Give as much as the baby will take every 2 hours.
09-06-2012, 06:14 PM
With no formula until I can go tomorrow? I have to relay this to the finder. Thank-you!!!
09-06-2012, 06:18 PM
Dont forget to warm the baby first...:thumbsup
09-06-2012, 06:21 PM
Oh yeah Laura...I am pushing heat like you wouldn't believe!!!
Milo's Mom
09-06-2012, 06:22 PM
My reasoning comes from our Emergency Baby Care...Never feed a dehydrated baby.
I'd do nothing but the hydration fluid for at least 12 hours every 2 hours (from right now) at an absolute minimum, then if they have FV, maybe do some at a 4:1 ratio, with hydration fluid in between the feedings.
If the baby has gone that long without Mom, it's gonna be really dehydrated (and emaciated)...if it's too dehydrated the food could kill it, so personally, since it was just found, I'd do the hydration. Dehydration is more deadly than lack of food.
This is what my gut is telling me and IR always tells me to go with my gut. Hopefully the experts will be on soon and can advise differently. But for RIGHT NOW, do ONLY hydration fluid.
09-06-2012, 06:24 PM
My gut said the same thing!!! :thumbsup
Milo's Mom
09-06-2012, 06:29 PM
My gut said the same thing!!! :thumbsup
Your gut and my gut the hydration asap
09-06-2012, 06:34 PM
Baby is warming now and will get pedialyte when warmed properly. I am going to pick up tomorrow morning if it works for the finder. Hopefuly Chris can take another one so sibs will reunite.
Jackie in Tampa
09-06-2012, 06:39 PM
pedi is great for now and dilute formula in the morning...
hoping for the best..
Sammysmom, TY!:Love_Icon :bowdown
09-06-2012, 06:44 PM
I have the FV to bring along for pick-up time! I am just a bit worried that it needs nourishment due to mom being gone for so long that we know of. I * am so sad that one of them died in the tree trying to get to help.
Finder says it has mites. what dilution for dawn and water?
09-06-2012, 06:49 PM
oh happy day! Sibs re united, they will be so glad to see each other again.
good luck
09-06-2012, 06:49 PM
:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou
09-06-2012, 07:01 PM
Is the dawn mixture for fleas the same as for dishes?:dono
Milo's Mom
09-06-2012, 07:04 PM
I am not sure of the mixture...I would think as long as you rinse well, it should not be a problem. Make sure the little one does not get chilled...does NOT need that right now...needs to save as many calories as possible and not waste them trying to stay warm.
How about just making up a warm snuggly soapy washcloth and wipe him down with it, then rinse the cloth and wipe him down again.
09-06-2012, 07:07 PM
That's what I told them to do. They are trying to do just the right thing. I just want to be sure to give good info. Thank-you for helping!
09-06-2012, 10:03 PM
I went and picked up the baby tonight. I doubt it will make the night. TSB prayers are needed for sure...
island rehabber
09-06-2012, 10:07 PM
SM do everything slowly, in small increments, but often. Warm him SLOWLY. Hydrate SLOWLY, a little bit very hour or so. Diluted formula tomorrow morning. And lots and lots of those TSB Prayers.....:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug
09-06-2012, 10:23 PM
Our friend Chris is going to take her tomorrow morning.:bowdown :bowdown :bowdown Unfortunately her brother didn't make it.:shakehead
09-06-2012, 10:37 PM
Okay this is going to sound like such a stupid question...but I have to ask...
This little one is rolled up into fetal position always. How the heck do I get her unrolled to drink without feeling like I'm going to hurt her. I haven't even gotten a good look to see if she is a she! She is so frail...I am so worried about her...:shakehead
Nancy in New York
09-06-2012, 10:37 PM
Our friend Chris is going to take her tomorrow morning.:bowdown :bowdown :bowdown Unfortunately her brother didn't make it.:shakehead
Oh Gayle I am so sorry to hear this.
I'm glad the little one is with you....thank you for always helping so much!
Sorry I missed your call again....I turn the phone off while feeding, which lately is all day long....:rotfl :rotfl
09-06-2012, 10:39 PM
I had the funniest pic of you with your gang in my head when you didn't answer...:jump
Nancy in New York
09-06-2012, 10:41 PM
Okay this is going to sound like such a stupid question...but I have to ask...
This little one is rolled up into fetal position always. How the heck do I get her unrolled to drink without feeling like I'm going to hurt her. I haven't even gotten a good look to see if she is a she! She is so frail...I am so worried about her...:shakehead
If you can take her little chin and just try to slightly pull it back, get the syringe ready, and kind of tickle her mouth with it, or put one drop on her lips.
They can be strong, and you will feel like you are forcing her....which may be the case, but she needs hydration, so pull the head back a little, and put your thumb there (where her little head was) so she cannot curl it back under.
If you are unsure of what I mean I swear to you, I can wake a squirrel up and demonstrate, and tape it....they just ate, so they will not want to put their heads up..
09-06-2012, 10:45 PM
It is just what I was doing when I felt like I was gonna pop her head How much should she take each time? I think she's about 5 weeks.
09-06-2012, 10:47 PM
Aww so sorry to hear the one didn't make it.
So sad to hear.
When my General died I was so mad at God for not answering my prayer and saving Stonewall Jackson. Now I intend to pray every day for at least 10 squirrels just to get even ;)
On my prayer list
Crazy Sq. Lady
Nancy in New York
09-06-2012, 10:48 PM
It is just what I was doing when I felt like I was gonna pop her head How much should she take each time? I think she's about 5 weeks.
Right now, she is just so dehydrated, you may just have to do drop by drop. I doubt that she will be sucking too much down, and don't be alarmed if there is no long as her tummy does not get hard and bloated.
I would say that right now, if you can get even 3 cc's into her now, go ahead....and then in another hour I would give her more.
Let's just take this one step at a time, it really may only be drop by drop.
So she is a 5 weeks old squirrel probably has gone without for a while...I am going to guess....just a more than 70-80 grams.
09-06-2012, 10:54 PM
The finders said that she took 5-6ccs before I picked her up. She has taken about 3ccs more with me in the last couple of hours. God I don't want to lose this little sweetpea...:Love_Icon :shakehead :Love_Icon
I mean, she survived since Monday at the latest if she is from the same litter which I am sure she is. Found hanging by her hands next to her dead sib in a tree screaming for help. She deserves to live after all of that trauma!:soapbox
Nancy in New York
09-06-2012, 11:09 PM
The finders said that she took 5-6ccs before I picked her up. She has taken about 3ccs more with me in the last couple of hours. God I don't want to lose this little sweetpea...:Love_Icon :shakehead :Love_Icon
I mean, she survived since Monday at the latest if she is from the same litter which I am sure she is. Found hanging by her hands next to her dead sib in a tree screaming for help. She deserves to live after all of that trauma!:soapbox
Poor little peanut....she is in excellent hands Gayle. You can do this, she's a fighter, and I know you will NOT give up on her.
Rule of thumb, hydration should be given in the amount as formula, 5-7% of their body weight, if she wants more give it, that's a good sign, just no hard tummies.:thumbsup
09-06-2012, 11:11 PM
How often though at that amount?
Why do I feel so darned incompetent!?!
09-06-2012, 11:25 PM
You're doing the best job :D
Keep up the good work!
Rooting for ya!
island rehabber
09-06-2012, 11:40 PM
She WANTS to live, Gayle :) You are her assistant, helping her do so. Don't fear being in control of her fate, because you're not. You're the helper :)
You're doing great. When they curl in a ball, they are cold. Wrap her and warm her, or pre-heat the fleece you wrap her in, and she will relax. :thumbsup
Nancy in New York
09-06-2012, 11:41 PM
How often though at that amount?
Why do I feel so darned incompetent!?!
Are you talking about 3 cc's?
Can you do every 2 hours?
09-07-2012, 12:17 AM
I was told no question is stupid. :) Usually when I place my (warm) hand in the box and scoop them up they unroll themselves looking for Moma or a nipple. Otherwise just a liitle rub on the nose seems to get a response. Hope that helps. Prayers sent.
09-07-2012, 06:51 AM
Thank God so far she is alive! I am sure TSB prayers are helping because I am a nervous I gave her homemade pedialyte every 1.5 - 2 hours all night. At about 3:30 I did introduce some 4:1 FV just because she is starving as well as dehydrated. Got the ok from one of the best before doing this. She is on a heating pad rolled up in a warm fleece cocoon so being cold shouldn't be an issue. I'm pretty sure she is rolled up because she is starving to death.:shakehead Incredibly she had some very hard small dry poop this morning! As far as I can see she hasn't eaten since Monday at the most recent time possible. I am going to weigh her as soon as I finish here. I am almost afraid to see how little she weighs! She has quite long bottom teeth too! Thank-you for all of your support! I never would have made it through the night without knowing I can always come here for help!:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
09-07-2012, 07:06 AM
Congrats on the new one I remember those first few days worrying about every little thing, but it sounds like she is in fabulous hands:)
island rehabber
09-07-2012, 07:06 AM
Thank God so far she is alive! I am sure TSB prayers are helping because I am a nervous I gave her homemade pedialyte every 1.5 - 2 hours all night. At about 3:30 I did introduce some 4:1 FV just because she is starving as well as dehydrated. Got the ok from one of the best before doing this. She is on a heating pad rolled up in a warm fleece cocoon so being cold shouldn't be an issue. I'm pretty sure she is rolled up because she is starving to death.:shakehead Incredibly she had some very hard small dry poop this morning! As far as I can see she hasn't eaten since Monday at the most recent time possible. I am going to weigh her as soon as I finish here. I am almost afraid to see how little she weighs! She has quite long bottom teeth too! Thank-you for all of your support! I never would have made it through the night without knowing I can always come here for help!:Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug :thumbsup:thumbsup
09-07-2012, 07:12 AM
Prayers for the little one. :grouphug
Nancy in New York
09-07-2012, 07:22 AM
Bless you for hydrating her all are giving her the best possible chance. I wouldn't change a thing from what you have done/are doing.:Love_Icon
09-07-2012, 07:24 AM
Lord she needs prayers... I'm afraid she is now clicking:soapbox
I have been so darned careful! I'm gonna get her up to Chris asap this morning! Hopefully she can fix whatever the heck I did :shakehead
She weighs 80 gms
Nancy in New York
09-07-2012, 07:27 AM
Lord she needs prayers... I'm afraid she is now clicking:soapbox
I have been so darned careful! I'm gonna get her up to Chris asap this morning! Hopefully she can fix whatever the heck I did :shakehead
She weighs 80 gms
This is NOTHING that you did. We have ALL gotten in babies that develop pneumonia without US aspirating them.
Remember too that there were the finders that had her before you.
Don't panic now....take a what you need to do to get to Chris, and things will be fine...deep breath....:Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon
09-07-2012, 07:28 AM
SM lots of prayers for this little girl. :grouphug :grouphug
09-07-2012, 07:32 AM
Loads of prayers. Being alone, w/o mom, stress, exposure, all can facilitate pneumonia. You did NOTHING wrong!!!! she is a fighter, she has lived this long. Come on baby, hold on, you can do this!!!
Nancy in New York
09-07-2012, 07:33 AM
She weighs 80 gms
Did you happen to see what I guesstimated her weight as last night....:D
So she is a 5 weeks old squirrel probably has gone without for a while...I am going to guess....just a more than 70-80 grams.
09-07-2012, 07:36 AM
You rock Nancy!!! :thumbsup I just love all the knowledge you have stored in that pretty little head of yours!:grouphug
Now to see if I can stop crying before going to see I am afraid the combo of lack of sleep and worry ain't pretty around here this morning!:nono
09-07-2012, 07:46 AM
My male did the same thing- you probably did nothing at all. Being exposed with no heat, no food, being moved, and stress are all reasons for infection. Get the baytril and don't overdose it like me- it works fast!!
Nancy in New York
09-07-2012, 07:47 AM
You rock Nancy!!! :thumbsup I just love all the knowledge you have stored in that pretty little head of yours!:grouphug
Now to see if I can stop crying before going to see I am afraid the combo of lack of sleep and worry ain't pretty around here this morning!:nono
Gayle, you are doing everything you can possibly do.....and I know that this little one is here this morning because of YOU!
Deep breath honey.....:grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug
Jackie in Tampa
09-07-2012, 07:55 AM
XOXOXOX to all involved..
sending Centrals most powerful good vibes...
love ya' two are in our thoughts:grouphug
09-07-2012, 09:16 PM
I want to say thank-you for all of your prayers. Bristol went to Chris this morning where she was SubQ'd immediately. I am hoping that I will get good news tonight or tomorrow morning. I am just shocked that a baby so young has the will to live for so long with no water, no food and no mama. This is the sort of thing that makes me step back and think about how strong these creatures really are. I just can't help but wonder if I myself would be able to tough it out and just keep calling for help when things seem so bleak. Then accept the help from a giant scary creature who just hauls my butt out of my tree and stuffs me into their
God please let her pull through... she tried so hard and I really don't want it to be for nothing...:shakehead
I'm sorry for being so maudlin, this little bub just touched my heart for some reason... (I know...who am I kidding :jump they all do!)
Jackie in Tampa
09-08-2012, 03:41 AM
sending positive vibes to baby and Chris..
right there with ya gail..
09-08-2012, 08:25 AM
Just reading the posts makes my eyes water. I can they make us fall in love with them... sooo fast? :Love_Icon Prayers being sent up now.
09-08-2012, 08:29 AM
You won't believe this! There is yet another baby in Bristol! :sanp3 I have a call in to Chris to see if she can take it, but I guess I will be picking it up either way..:shakehead The finders say this one is totally infested with fleas and in really bad shape. Heaven help me if it is that much worse than that last one...
09-08-2012, 08:45 AM
Get out the rice buddies and the comes the calvary!!! God bless you, Gayle, and all these babies! Praying little Bristol will keep fighting and improve!
09-08-2012, 09:16 AM
Bristol is still alive and I am on the way to pick up her sib and bring her to Chris too. Yeah Chris!!!:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou to TSB for the prayers!!! They work!
Nancy in New York
09-08-2012, 09:20 AM
Bristol is still alive and I am on the way to pick up her sib and bring her to Chris too. Yeah Chris!!!:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou to TSB for the prayers!!! They work!
Unbelievable.......OMG Gayle, you are really a saint. And a HUGE shout out to Chris too! Both of you ladies are awesome.:Love_Icon :grouphug :Love_Icon
09-08-2012, 09:30 AM
You won't believe this! There is yet another baby in Bristol! :sanp3 I have a call in to Chris to see if she can take it, but I guess I will be picking it up either way..:shakehead The finders say this one is totally infested with fleas and in really bad shape. Heaven help me if it is that much worse than that last one...
09-08-2012, 02:02 PM
Well so far so good... The two babies were snuggled up in a pile of fleece at Chris' when I left. They are far from out of the woods, but they are with one of the best. Their condition is odd. They seem to do well and then suddenly not at all. There is something about the way their eyes look and they are quite lethargic. Chris did say that they are not in the worst shape she has seen as far as being emaciated and/or dehydrated either. She is an expert and they are causing her to scratch her head and wonder what is going on with them. Both of us did wonder if poison might be a factor. The apartment complex is right next door to Home Depot so either of them might be putting out poison for rats or even for squirrels if they are destroying something. I will keep updating on the situation as it really is a odd one.
Again though, thanks for the TSB support and prayers!:grouphug
09-08-2012, 06:43 PM
Prayers going out for these two. Let us know when you get updates.
09-08-2012, 07:27 PM
Got a text from Chris just now and she said they are both hanging on. Not out of the woods but both aive and they are eating even if they are really oddly lethargic. When I say that I mean in a somehow different way than is expected for those who have been totally without mom for almost a week. They are more lethargic and less dehydrated than you would expect. I am concerned that mom may have been poisoned and they nursed and therefore were also poisoned in a smaller dose. It was just pretty odd that the one today was more active and less emaciated. Made no sense at all! Finders watched it falling from 40 feet or so hitting branches and finally landing on a branch that they reached by him hoisting her onto his shoulders so she could grab the baby. They went way beyond what most people would. They truly cared and were honest enough with themselves to come here and find help when they realized they could not properly care for them. :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown
Nancy in New York
09-08-2012, 07:32 PM
Got a text from Chris just now and she said they are both hanging on. Not out of the woods but both aive and they are eating even if they are really oddly lethargic. When I say that I mean in a somehow different way than is expected for those who have been totally without mom for almost a week. They are more lethargic and less dehydrated than you would expect. I am concerned that mom may have been poisoned and they nursed and therefore were also poisoned in a smaller dose. It was just pretty odd that the one today was more active and less emaciated. Made no sense at all! Finders watched it falling from 40 feet or so hitting branches and finally landing on a branch that they reached by him hoisting her onto his shoulders so she could grab the baby. They went way beyond what most people would. They truly cared and were honest enough with themselves to come here and find help when they realized they could not properly care for them. :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown
Well I hope that these two little ones make it. They sure have been through a lot.
Chris is fantastic, if anyone can help them, it's Chris.
And speaking of fantastic....WOW have just been a squirrel angel this week. You definitely are my hero this week, because as went way above and beyond. Thank you for being YOU.:bowdown :Love_Icon
09-08-2012, 07:55 PM
I am used to just transporting... This was scarier!:osnap
Jackie in Tampa
09-08-2012, 08:11 PM
and they're together, makes my heart feel better..
SammysMom and Chris, ya'll rock:bowdown
09-08-2012, 08:18 PM
Oh Jackie I had to keep opening the container they were in to peek under the fleece and see them snuggling. I felt so happy for them! It was their fear part of it that made me feel so sad for them. I hate little ones being so scared and alone! It was why I felt like I had to rush up this morning as soon as they called. I wanted them back together whatever the outcome was in the long run. I'm sure I am assigning human emotions but it seemed to make them feel good too.:grouphug
09-18-2012, 07:53 PM
Just got a message from Chris...the babies are doing GREAT with her!!! tinfoil tinfoil tinfoil
Nancy in New York
09-18-2012, 08:38 PM
Just got a message from Chris...the babies are doing GREAT with her!!! tinfoil tinfoil tinfoil
Well this is just wonderful. I have thought of these little ones often. Hanging on to the branch....UGH. And now they are safe, protected and loved.
Thank you SammysMom and Chris.:Love_Icon :Love_Icon
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