View Full Version : Triplet grey babies

09-06-2012, 03:10 AM
Hello everyone my name is Amy Jo I'm new here I have 3 beautiful little girls Bernadette, Penny, and Leslie they were brought to me when a friend of my cut down a tree and didn't know there was a nest in it till he found them he didn't know what to do with them he was going to kill them but my WONDERFUL boyfriend (DB) happen to drive by and decided to stop in and they showed him the babies they told him what happen what they were going to do and no told them no you can't KILL them give them to me I will take them to Amy Jo so in walked DB with a shoe box and handed it to me in side I found three grey baby squirrels all little girls about 4 weeks eyes were still shut this was last wednesday 8/29/2012 that weekend all have open their eyes so I'm talk g it they are between 5-6 weeks they are doing great they eat they sleep they pee and poop everything a healthy little one should do darling boyfriend is in process of building a cage 2 ft wide 3ft deep and 5ft tall right now they are in a clear bin with lid the lid has a hole dear boyfriend cut in it and added screen they also have heating pad under it. My question is the only syringe I have is in MLs not CCs the marking on it are .625, 1.25 and 1.875 right now they eat 1.875+1.25 MLs every 3-4 hrs they are aging weight hard to get a read when they move so much last weight was yesterday morn when they would let me and all weighed in at about 76-77 grams I hope this is good likei said they eat and pee and poop so nothing is wrong just want to make sure they are getting enough bc when they eat 1.875+1.25 they have full round little bellies but act like they want me I don't want to over feed them and end up with dirrhea right now the formula is Premixed liquid esbilac 1tsp with 1 1/2 tsp water and 1tsp yobaby yogurt they love it. I have read out the esbilac and I have not had any runny or loose poops on it yet. I have also put rodent block in with them they nibble and shred it not quite into it yet but please let me know if I am feeding them enough or if they should have more likei said I do t want to over feed them haven't had any problem since I got them a week ago thank you and sorry if this is long just want ya to know what's happened thanks again will try and get pics on here right now typing this from my phone computer acting up like always lol thanks again:jump

Jackie in Tampa
09-06-2012, 03:18 AM
:Welcome :wave123
ml and cc are the same:)
many reason to not feed esbilac...
please check out the Fox Valley before you purchase anymore Esbilac.

We love happy sq stories and we love pics:poke :D
great names, thank you for the rescue...
you are going to have a fun fun winter!:crazy :crazy :crazy

09-06-2012, 03:23 AM
Ok thank you I wasn't sure on the ml and cc thing thanks for getting back quick I have 3 cans of liquid left from where boyfriend went out and got it and I dont want to waste it but are they getting enough at 1.875+1.25 MLs or should I give more like I said they eat that and have cute little round bellies but act like they want more till I clean their faces these are my first babies and the guy who found them did leave them for momma all day and she never showed just to let ya know they did give momma a chance

Jackie in Tampa
09-06-2012, 03:31 AM
in general you would feed 5-7% of their body weight..
do you have a way to weigh them in grams?
I would think they should be eating 7ish ccs of formula every 5 hours.. and maybe more.
They like formula very warm..like their moms body temp...
we have forums dedicated to baby sq info..
feeding techniques, housing examples etc..:thumbsup


We have several members in Va..where are you?
maybe someone can share good syringes with you, they make a world of difference if they are O ring syringes..:thumbsup

09-06-2012, 03:37 AM
:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou Yes I have a scale that weighs grams hard to get a reading bc they like to get active when I try to weigh them lol they all are about 76-77 grams I'm in Lanexa https://m.facebook.com/home.php?refid=9#!/photo.php?fbid=492821460728930&id=100000032419182&set=a.324462047564873.88761.100000032419182&ref=bookmark&__user=100000032419182 I'm posting from iPhone bc computer on the Frits

09-06-2012, 03:01 PM
HI! I''m in Richmond and will be glad to share some syringes with you. You need to give your BF a big ol smooch on the lips from everybody here for rescuing those sweethearts. I guess you're finding out by now that you're exhausted and it's way worth it when you snuggle a squirrel baby. As to the Esbilac, some folks still swear by it and doctor it up so the babies don't suffer from killer diarrhea. I think the canned is better than the powder these days but several years back the formula was changed to make it better for puppies. Great for puppies, but awful for baby squirrels. Keep a close eye on your darlings. Don't want any tummy issues cause they can go downhill SO fast. Fox Valley seems to suit babies better--or the goats milk formula. Too bad there's no "squirrel milk" to be had at the supermarket. PM your address and I'll put some syringes in the mail for you and a couple of nipples (I'd send more of those but I need to order more). The O ring syringes stick and it's REAL easy to pump a big gush of formula into a little one. It's like getting a big snoot full of water in the pool--only if it gets in the lungs it sets off a nasty infection and they'll need antibiotics NOW. Don't use the O ring syringes more than once or twice. Give those darlings smooches on their sweet noses :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

ps--Turn the scale on (I'm assuming it's digital), put a little plastic container with a tissue on the bottom on the scale and hit the on button again--should set it to 0 and you can get an accurate weight on a wiggly baby. Or if it doesn't reset, just weigh the container separately and subtract.

09-09-2012, 02:53 PM
this is the first day i got them 8-29-2012
this is Bernadette taken today
this is Leslie taken today
this is Penny taken today
here is all three of them from left to right Bernadette,Leslie,and Penny taken today

09-09-2012, 05:53 PM
:grouphug :Love_Icon They are such cuties! :Love_Icon :grouphug :wave123

09-09-2012, 07:48 PM
Love the pics...:thumbsup

09-09-2012, 08:46 PM
They're BEAUTIFUL! Such a pretty dark smoky gray with red highlights. Yeah--this is gonna be a GREAT winter. You got SQUIRRELS!!!!!! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :Love_Icon

09-09-2012, 08:51 PM
:Welcome :Welcome :Welcome

09-09-2012, 09:30 PM
Yes they are beautiful Bernadette has a lot of red on her Penny is the lightest colored one and Leslie is in between the two and they love to cuddle they don't want to go back in their box after they eat they wanna be held close and snuggle. Such sweet baby's getting big too they are now 85g gain some everyday and they are starting to wrestle with our fingers and running and jumping up us getting active

09-10-2012, 10:34 AM
They're almost as big as Vladimir and Dewy. Dusty is a little bigger. I'm making a play cage for my babies today with things to climb on and a hammock and a climbing log. the cage isn't really big but bigger than what they have and they can't fall and get hurt.

09-10-2012, 10:38 AM
They are beautiful and you have obviously done a wonderful job :bowdown . Where in VA are you located?

09-10-2012, 10:53 AM
Thank you I'm in lanexa they are growing everyday so I guess I'm doing a good job that's the proof I am haven't had and problem with diarrhea or bloat or constipation or aspiration and im using Esbilac liquid can formula with a little bit of yobaby yogurt in it and they eat up they are staring to get more active specially when I try to weigh them I used a bigger container and they are almost jumping out of that one about time to go to a bigger container for weighing lol they are so sweet

09-24-2012, 08:26 PM
thought i would update you guys on the kids they will be 8 weeks this comming wednesday sept 26 they are getting big and fast they are gaining some everyday last weigh in was 7:30 this morn will update tomorrow to let ya know what they weighed in at pics were taken this after noon after their feeding but i know you guys love pics so here they are

Bernadette weighed in at 141g at 7:30am this morn


Leslie weighed in at 152g (my lil PIGGY)

Leslie 2

Penny weighed in at 141g my littlest one is getting bigger now

Penny 2

09-25-2012, 10:11 AM
Update on weight like I said I would Bernadette now weighs in at 148g Penny now weighs 148g and Leslie now weighs in at 158g I weigh them every morn at 7:30 after peepee and poopoo and before feeding so empty everything

09-27-2012, 03:39 PM
They're BEAUTIFUL-er--nice floofed tails!!!!! Squirrels are the BEST. If folks knew how wonderful it is to raise squirrels there's be no overpopulation--AND don't have to send em to college--they already know it all!!!!

09-27-2012, 04:51 PM
Oh yes their tails are very fluffy they fluff even more when they chase one another around the cage they are really testing their jumping skills they love waiting till we open the door to the cage then jump on us they are very good jumpers lol