View Full Version : Flyer age progression

09-05-2012, 05:13 PM
Does anyone know where I can find a picture of age progression in southern flying squirrels. I am trying to learn when they start getting their pigment, size in grams vs milestones, etc. If anyone can help I would be very grateful. Thank you Stacey

09-05-2012, 06:14 PM
:wave123 Stacey,

I sure do. See Anne's wonderful presentation at The Gathering of Nuts (Orlando) in Feb 2011.

Post #1 has the powerpoint document including pictures and descriptions. It's exactly what you're looking for. Post #4 even has the video.

Great job Anne! :thumbsup

09-05-2012, 08:00 PM
That was perfect! Thank you guys! According to Annes age progression my pinkie flyer is about six days old and I have had her for two days. She weighs 10 grams and I see NO hair anywhere..She has just started to get some of her pigment. Thank you Anne! I am going to love watching this little girl grow up, and it is allready arranged for her to be released right back where she came from, even in the same tree. Thanks again everybody. Stacey

Mrs Skul
09-07-2012, 12:01 AM
:wave123 Hi Stacey
If you get a chance. Stop in and see Darla and Spanky Skul Tiny Tyrants.
Now if you go to this link it will show Darla 3 days be for giving Birth. (It is page 62) Jan,5,2010 she had Piglet, Bucky, Bonnie, & Cricket
If you go to page 66 and Scroll down to #1303 Darla had just finished having the last baby and the Bag was still attached. If you scroll down to 2496 the babies are hr old.
May 23 2012 Darla had a Second litter. (They all went to MuffinSquirrels to be released.)
We documented the babies growth. Keep reading and you will see the weight as they grow. :thumbsup3
You could Check out Ardilla Thread. Penny and Otis Made Changes. Ardilla also documented Penny Babies from Day 1. Hers are documented better on the weight.
This is where Penny just had her 3 Babies. (Cassy, Hector, &Archie. If you scroll down to 2120 it starts their
She all so has pictures of the babies 1 week old and conpairs them to when they are new born. (side by side) Just keep looking. :D
If you never raised Flyers be for. Please Let me know if you run into any problems. Pinkies are feed Half Goats milk and Half FV.(From day old pinky up to 2 1/2 weeks old.) Flyers Need the extra fat. (Heavy Whipping Cream.)
FV with Yogurt and Heavy Whipping Cream only. You don't need to change them over to 20/50. :nono When they are older they will need a lot of Protein in their diet. I hope this helps you out a little.

Do you have Pictures of your Baby? Good Luck with raising a Pinky Flyer.
If you have any Questions Please feel free to give me a call.

09-17-2012, 09:27 PM
Hey everybody sorry I havent been here to reply. I am loaded with baby squirrels. I have eight greys ranging from 41 grams (eyes closed) to 200 grams, and one flyer that is still so tiny but doing well. All this and a full time job, yikes! I even come home at lunch to feed them. Stacey

Mrs Skul
09-18-2012, 08:17 AM
:morning Stacey
Do you have a weight on this baby? Do you know if it is a Boy or Girl?
:Love_Icon Its so so Cute and Tiny. Sure Looks Very Healthy. :Love_Icon
Boy OH Boy You are BUSSYYYY BUUSSSYYYY!!! :grouphug

09-23-2012, 05:10 PM
Well my baby Flyer has hair now and is growing nicely. She is a whopping 15 grams! For the moment she is being raised with a baby grey that came in about the same time she did and was also a pinkie. I didnt want either baby to grow up alone and they are to young to join any of my other babies. Stacey

09-23-2012, 06:23 PM
So cute. Looks like both are growing well.:D

09-23-2012, 08:03 PM
Thank you Anne, your age progression video has been a great resource since this is my first PINKIE flyer. Stacey