View Full Version : When to move to full cage??

09-05-2012, 11:30 AM
The terrors are officially 7 weeks today and boy are they playful:D Right now they are in a cage approx. 2 feet long, 14 inches tall, and 14 inches wide; but they are all over that thing.

I would like to order this cage: http://www.henryspets.com/henrys-house-exotic-pet-cage/

I have already ordered bail outs, cozy cubes, tunnels, and hammocks, but am not sure what the safe age to be homed in here is. Naturally I am worried they will fall and break a leg if I do it too soon, though I am also worried they are going to chew through the cage they are in and will soon become cramped. I also am concerned about how to provide additional heating in this cage since I can't put a heating pad in here without them getting to the wires, and while a heat lamp could work that would only heat a small top portion of the cage.

At what age is heating not such a biggie?
How soon can the wilds get a real home??:D

09-05-2012, 12:18 PM
That is an excellent cage and like my Annie's I have on the second floor, plenty of room for both until they are ready to move to their release.
You can always pad the floor with fleece and hang their "toys" midway and move them up as they grow.
I moved mine in pretty early although they were first in a tall type bird cage, will have to check on approx. age and get back to you. Will also send you pics with the set up I used in mine to provide some light & warmth as needed.

09-05-2012, 12:38 PM
I ordered that cage from Henry's for my babies as well. I asked the same question about how old they should be and Leigh said 11-12 weeks and they should be able to climb very well. :)

09-05-2012, 01:08 PM
Oh these monkey's can climb very well, lol. They now run to my daughter's bed, jump up, race around, hop off, and do crazy circles around the room for the first few minutes they are out. I just went in there because I could hear them playing ping pong in the cage so now they are out with me, lol and they were just out at 12 for 30 minutes of crazy time. They are begging for more room to go nuts in:D

I like the idea of keeping their toys lower though so they don't have to utilize all the levels in the cage it is just the heating I am squeamish on. I can clamp a heat lamp to the side or maybe even two but then i worry about cooking them and unless it is clamped up top I can't angle it as high up so it's not directly on them. Waiting for pics from stepnstone I am sure he has it down pat by now:D