View Full Version : not pooping

09-04-2012, 09:09 PM
Hi, I have a 5 week old squirrel I've been raising for 4 weeks. bottom fell out of his nest at about 1 week old. I was giving him Similac, then switched to GNC puppy formula, and have now ordered Fox Valley, it should be here tomorrow. He's not putting on weight very fast, and has very little hair- mostly just his head and tail. I attribute that to nutrition and hope the FV will correct.

A few days ago he started getting bloated and pooing less. I've been back and forth with the pedialyte, also some apple juice and pepto bismol. Today he has only pooped once, a small amount of soft dark brown poo. I have been doing the warm water massage baths, stimulating him, to no avail. Any other suggestions to get him to poo? He only eats maybe 2 cc's at a feeding every 3-4 hrs, but his litle tummy is so bloated I hesitate to give him more.

Any help is appreciated.

09-04-2012, 09:19 PM
I would try some natural pumpkin mix...... it usually produces a bowel movement with in a few hours,
make sure you get the natural kind and not the kind in the can that has spices in it.

I would also keep up the warm soaks --10 to 15 minutes at a time.

09-04-2012, 10:27 PM
My boy loves the Jackie Emergency Goat Formula, sure did straighten him out.

one cup Goat Milk (if canned supposed to dilute somehow)
one third cup Vanilla yogurt
one third cup of heavy cream

There are some brand specific suggestions, I am sure the little fellow would love it like the General, who is pooping and peeing real good after a few days of the yummy Goat Milk. He loves it.

OH you have to rub their bellies and anus after you feed them to make them wanna go. I use a cotton ball dipped in warm water.


Jackie in Tampa
09-05-2012, 02:17 AM
best to NOT FEED anything until the bloat is gone..
I am sure you have fixed this by now..
all natural apple juice helps constipation if that's what you are thinking the issue is..and as rhapsody has shared, so does pumpkin.
warm water soak and gentle tummy massages for bloat:thumbsup

bloat can be from cold baby, cold formula, spoiled formula, air in formula, improper formula

let us know if you are still having issues.

09-05-2012, 08:45 PM
Thanks, all. Been 24 hrs with 1/2 pedialyte, 1/2 apple juice. He started pooping a little last night and some today. It's just dark brown soft poo, the color is from the pepto, I'm sure. the FV didn't arrive today, so tonight I gave him a little puppy formula diluted, with Karo syrup in it, hoping that will suffice until the FV comes in. I've raised a pair before, but they were about 8 weeks old. This is the first teeny tiny 1 week old I've tried to survive. And we are 4 1/2 weeks into it. His name is Squirmy. He goes to work with me in a box I have under my desk. My entire staff is on board with him surviving. Plus he has a Facebook following as well. He's got to make it.