09-04-2012, 01:45 PM
I am so torn as to what to do please advise me on this. Friends found 2 baby Douglas squirrels over a week ago in a park, mom killed. We have been feeding them (Fox Valley) and they are doing good for now after some don't want to eat moments, estimating probably 6-8 weeks old. They have started to nibble on rodent block and squash. I just got off the phone with a local Wildlife center called For Heavens Sakes in Olympia WA who rehabilitate...should I take them there for them to raise and release back into the Wild. I have the time to raise them but what I worry about is that I can't release them here in our backyard because we only have eastern grey squirrels right here in our immediate area. We have raised 2 greys years ago and released them here in our yard.These Douglas squirrels came from a park about 20 miles from our house. I don't know what to do. Please help!!!