Squirrely Steve
09-02-2012, 11:42 PM
Hi Friends :wave123
Need a little help with a 300 to 400 gram Grey Male Squirrel.
He was bit by a Lab Dog yesterday afternoon.
I got from the people yesterday they called me and said the squirrel got caught by the lab dog and they got right away from the dog and tried to let back go.
The squirrel is acted not right and kept running around tree slow and hurt like...
So they put in a crate and called me.
I picked up and brought back to the farm.
I checked him out some.
He is moving slow like...I do not see any big cuts or punctures.
There is a light fur scrape across the top of his head.
No Blood or much fur missing just can tell a tooth was run across the area.
I think Lab Dogs have bird picking up mouths and are cushioned.
He let me check him out not too bad.
Seems like he is in not much pain,
I been handling with gloves but he is not biting.
Just slow.....
Loves to have his chin scratched.
I put him in the rehab room in a medium size wire cage....heating pad and blanket and water and some squirrel food...apple and grapes and a couple of shelled almonds.
I left him for about a hour alone...then got him back out quick checked him out and tried to give him some Fox Valley Eletro Stat Electrolyte.
I got 2.0cc to 3.0cc in him ...he did not like much.
he seems hydrated ...
I gave him 3.5 cc Baytril
I put him back in cage.
I tried a couple of times during the evening and today three four times to give him the...he only takes a sip here and there and kind of fights me.
The food is all still there..He is not eating..not sure on the water drinking..
I gave him 3.5 cc Baytril again today
He is sleeping a lot...I seen him pee a couple of times...pooping ok too..
Not sure what do do....
I have not had many adult hurt squirrels ...come in...
Do I keep pushing the FV Electrolyte ?
The Baytril ?
Keep in smaller cage he is in ?
I will try to get some pictures.
I would Greatly Appreciate any Help or Suggestions.
Many Thanks :thankyou
Squirrely Steve :wave123
Need a little help with a 300 to 400 gram Grey Male Squirrel.
He was bit by a Lab Dog yesterday afternoon.
I got from the people yesterday they called me and said the squirrel got caught by the lab dog and they got right away from the dog and tried to let back go.
The squirrel is acted not right and kept running around tree slow and hurt like...
So they put in a crate and called me.
I picked up and brought back to the farm.
I checked him out some.
He is moving slow like...I do not see any big cuts or punctures.
There is a light fur scrape across the top of his head.
No Blood or much fur missing just can tell a tooth was run across the area.
I think Lab Dogs have bird picking up mouths and are cushioned.
He let me check him out not too bad.
Seems like he is in not much pain,
I been handling with gloves but he is not biting.
Just slow.....
Loves to have his chin scratched.
I put him in the rehab room in a medium size wire cage....heating pad and blanket and water and some squirrel food...apple and grapes and a couple of shelled almonds.
I left him for about a hour alone...then got him back out quick checked him out and tried to give him some Fox Valley Eletro Stat Electrolyte.
I got 2.0cc to 3.0cc in him ...he did not like much.
he seems hydrated ...
I gave him 3.5 cc Baytril
I put him back in cage.
I tried a couple of times during the evening and today three four times to give him the...he only takes a sip here and there and kind of fights me.
The food is all still there..He is not eating..not sure on the water drinking..
I gave him 3.5 cc Baytril again today
He is sleeping a lot...I seen him pee a couple of times...pooping ok too..
Not sure what do do....
I have not had many adult hurt squirrels ...come in...
Do I keep pushing the FV Electrolyte ?
The Baytril ?
Keep in smaller cage he is in ?
I will try to get some pictures.
I would Greatly Appreciate any Help or Suggestions.
Many Thanks :thankyou
Squirrely Steve :wave123