View Full Version : Help Sissy is throwing up sick!
02-07-2007, 05:26 PM
I hope I'm not over reacting, but it is sure scaring the heck out of me. It all started today. Earlier I took her outside in a smaller cage to let her get some fresh air. I gave her some limbs to chew on, some daffidale blooms, and some new grass that was coming up. She ate everything except the grass. I had put her a pot of sand in there and a few nuts for her to hid. I took the bottom of the cage off so she could feel the grass, and ground and start getting use to it. She played and played in the dirt, dug up an old stick and chewed on it, etc. After I brought her inside around 2pm, I fixed her a plate of food, that had sweet peas, carrots, pine nuts, zucunnie squash, 2 peeled grapes and a few small peeled pieces of avocado. When I came into the room with her plate she was in her nest. She just peeked out and looked at me. I showed her the plate and she refused everything except 1 small piece of avocado. She has eaten it before with no problems. Then about 1/2 hr. later, she is out of her nest and throwing up. She has thrown up at least 7 times since we came inside around 2pm. She is alert, but near alert as normal. She is just sitting there looking pitiful right now. I listened to her heart, and I swear it was racing a mile a minute. I have never heard it this fast before. I was trying to listen to see if I could hear her stomach rumbling, which I heard none. She is now hiding in her corner and when I open her cage, she turns away from me. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in adance for your help.
Has she settled down a little or is she still throwing up?
02-07-2007, 05:44 PM
She has settled some, I thought maybe whatever she ate, she would have it all thrown up by now. She just sits in her corner with her head hid. I'll go listen to her heart rate again, and see if thats calmed down any. Awhile ago when I picked her up, she let out a little squeek, so her stomach maybe hurting her. Do you think maybe something might have poisioned her, and if so is there anyway to reverse it? She didn't drink more water then normal when we came in, but she didn't drink much when we were outside.
Apple Corps
02-07-2007, 05:47 PM
Sissy - I would be sure to have plenty of water for her.
Gabe - someone mentioned activated charcoal as a treatment for absorbing "bad stuff" - any thoughts?
daffodils are poisonous. They can cause the symtons you discribe. How much did she eat? I've called poison control and was told the danger is in her becoming dehydrated. All we can do is supportive care. Try getting fuids into her. go slow See if she can keep it down. Keep us posted.
Took Sissy into chat room, she is on the way to the store for activated charcoal now and will post when she returns.
02-07-2007, 06:18 PM
Uh! I have searched several sites and read squirrels will not touch dafodills?
I will be praying for her.
Rippie, that is what I love about this board. We rehabbers learn so much from the pet people here. Things are different with long term squirrels. Perhaps he had not been outside and seen a daffodil before, he had no mother and no peers to teach him. I'm not saying this as a bad thing, but as a thing that helps us to continue to grow in our knowledge and thereby making all of us here better caregivers. We are learning that those of us here are the exception to the rules. I myself am constantly learning something new from the people with pet squirrels, I then am able to use this knowledge in my rehabbing world. Hopefully others here are learning from us. That is what makes this board so unique.
Actually, I think someone ought to research and compile a list of poisonous plants for the squirrel board. It sure will come in handy in the future. Any takers?
02-07-2007, 06:38 PM
Ok, I went to the drug store and got the charcoal. I have given her 1 teaspoon, which was no fun. She took all of it, but now I have a black faced grey squirrel... I put her back in her cage, her heart had slowed down alot before I gave her the charcoal. She is now sitting quietly eating her dinner. I hope she is going to be ok, I'm going to be up most of the night, or all night monitoring her. I hope she holds down dinner. I just washed and cleaned her water bottle and filled it with cool water. I gave her an extra grape too, hoping that would help with the dehydration too. Just now before I even finshed posting she only ate some of her food, and went to bed. I'll let you know if there are any changes. Thank you so much for all your help so far and support. Keep your fingers crossed, I've got mine.
P.S. She was feeling frisky enough to bite the crap out of my finger when we were finished with the charcoal and I was cleaning her mouth. Pay back I guess
Let her rest, do not encourage her to eat or drink, let the charcoal get started in her system
02-07-2007, 06:45 PM
Ok Gabe, thanks so much for everything, I will check on her every hr. or so, just to make sure she is still ok. I am going to take her food out, so she won't be tempted. I think I might have panicked, but you know how it goes, they are our kids. :D
02-07-2007, 06:47 PM
I hope she is feeling better really soon!
island rehabber
02-07-2007, 06:48 PM
I'm with Gabe on this one, Sissy -- leave her be and let nature take care of itself for awhile. In her excitement about trying all kinds of new outdoor things she probably ate something that did not agree with her and barfing is the natural remedy for that. Just make sure she idoes take some water tomorrow and she should be fine. My first squirrel, on his first day out, ate some tiny pears off a flowering pear tree. He threw up AND had diarrhea all night. But he was perfectly ok the next day. :)
02-07-2007, 06:50 PM
Gabe, I agree with you about compiling a list of poisonous plants and stuff for the board. I really don't know anything to add to it though.
As for Sissy. Is it possible that she swallowed anything that might be obstructed in her stomache or somewhere along the way? I am not sure but I think I remember reading in some Veterenary book that this could be a cause of throwing up. The food can't pass by the obstruction so they throw it up. Just a possibility. Poisoning from something that she ate also sounds like a good match.
How is she doing?
02-07-2007, 06:55 PM
So happy to her Sissy is feeling a little better. Please keep us posted on her progress.
Sissy ate three unopened daffoldil blossoms, they are poisonous. Sissy vomited 7 times after that, then was given activated charcoal to coat the GI Tract and prevent the absorption of anymore poison.
02-07-2007, 07:01 PM
She is doing a little better right now, she is up again and looking all over for food. I removed her food bowl, so the charcoal could do it's thing. She did find a piece of walnut that she is eating, and responded to me when I went over to talk to her. At least she isn't staring off into outerspace now, and seems more alert. She has eaten something before that caused her to throw up a few times, then she was fine. I was just hoping that was the reason this time too. But after about 5 or 6 times, I knew something was wrong.
02-07-2007, 07:08 PM
glad to hear that she is doing better. You're a good Mom.
Is it possible to child proof a garden?:D
Mrs. Jack
02-07-2007, 07:23 PM
this is very good to hear. I will be hoping she keeps getting more and more well. I'm glad you were with her, Sissy.
I have a list of plants that are poisonous to cats, however I am not sure if it is the same for squirrels, there's differences what is to one than to another animal..
02-07-2007, 07:29 PM
So sorry to read this, but it seems she is doing better (tho I imagine you won't get much sleep even if she does :) ). Hope all is ok tomorrow! Amazing how very well this Board works, with knowledge and experience almost instantly at hand! :thumbsup :thumbsup :thankyou to the rehabbers that jumped instantly to help :grouphug
Re Gabe's suggestion someone ought to research and compile a list of poisonous plants for the squirrel board. ... I seem to recall that someone was looking for a research prooject for school, but can't recall who -- anyone remember??
:grouphug to Sissy and her mom
02-07-2007, 07:33 PM
Its good to hear that Sissy is doing good now.
Im compiling a list of poisonous plants...( Well...i was doing it for some time.:D )
Give me another 24 hours and it will be here..and then we can add more as we learn.:thumbsup
Mrs. Jack
02-07-2007, 07:41 PM
go go ghosts!
02-07-2007, 07:46 PM
hopefully she will be ok ,alot of sad stories lately and too many. prayers sent
02-07-2007, 08:03 PM
Hope Sissy has a good night. I will be praying for both of you.
I received this pm from LynninIN and thought I would just post it here for you to see.
"Sissy wasn't vomiting anymore, right? Activated charcoal is usually not given until vomiting has stopped or your must watch for aspiration closely. Hydration is important to allow the charcoal to move through the GI tract. Usually this is given IV but frequent small quantities of oral is okay as long as vomiting does not occur. Pedialyte or something electrolyte balanced would be best. Remember the feces will be black. I suggest she introduces soft foods ensure/baby food) first in am and progressive diet the following day."
Hope this helps you in making choices of what and when to feed to Sissy.
02-07-2007, 08:26 PM
Yes, thank you again, it is very helpful. Yes her vomiting had stopped. I myself thought the same thing, that if she was vomiting, it wouldn't stay down and do any good. She hadn't vomited in over 45 minutes when I gave her the charcoal. Good News! She will not go to bed, and is up bouncing all over the cage and acting like she is starving. She has been drinking alot of water, I will go get her some Pedialyte and some ensure. I'm hoping she vomited most of it up before it did to much damage on the inside. I'm still learning, and this is the best place to learn!
:thankyou :thankyou :thankyou
Momma Squirrel
02-07-2007, 09:33 PM
Good news on Sissy, keep a close eye on her and please keep us posted.
02-07-2007, 10:22 PM
Poor little sweetie, I'm glad to hear that she is doing better! :Love_Icon
Roxy is holding a daffodil in my avatar. I didn't know they were poisonous. She had taken it from a vase. Thank goodness she just smelled it and didn't eat it!
02-08-2007, 07:43 AM
One time I was going to buy as a treat from Lowes a bunch of clearanced flower bulbs....Dafadills! :shakehead I remembered that there was one bulb they were really allergic to and then didnt buy them. Thank goodness I didnt!:thinking
This was when the kids were still babies..Preston would have tore into them like mad. Sissy little girl you may have gotten a real bad tummy ache but you could have now prevented another squirrels death. You go sissy!!
island rehabber
02-08-2007, 08:24 AM
How is Sissy this morning? Hope she's feeling much bettter....:)
02-08-2007, 12:00 PM
Ok, we made it through the night, she wouldn't settle down unless I held her. So until 4am I sat here and held and stroked her softly. She slept very soundly, and fussed alittle when I put her back in her nest. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to post before work. When I got up at 6:30am she poked her head out of her nest and was very alert. When I came home about 11:30am she was up waiting for me and very very alert. I let her out and all she wanted to do was play. I think she is going to be just fine, but that sure did scare me last night. You can just see it in their eyes, when something is wrong, and it's scary. She has drank about 1/8 th of an 8 ounce bottle of pedylite and stuck her hands in the baby food. I put some on a nut and held it, so she would lick it off. She did eat some, but not much. She just wants to play. I've checked her for dehydration, and there seems to be none. To be on the safe side do you think it would be ok to just offer her pedylite to drink inside of water, for today. I will try again later with the baby food. But she is back to her ole self again today, which is wonderful! I can't think everybody enough for all the support, advice, and prayers. What a wonderful family we have here! :grouphug
We love you guys!!!
02-08-2007, 12:13 PM
I cant offer you advice on the liquid but I have been worrying so like it was my child, wondering how she was she is much to sweet and pretty to have to endure any pain or tummy upset.:nono She is just a favorite of ours here on this end and many well wishes here. We love you sissy.:Love_Icon I am sure with Mommys good care you will be tearing around as normal soon.:peace
I'm so happy she is doing so well. I would offer the pedialyte if she likes it, otherwise water is better than nothing. Do you have any applesauce? Sometimes they like that. If she won't eat the baby food or applesauce just start with some soft, bland foods. Think of yourself after a day of vomiting, you don't tend to go to burger king, instead you sip ginger ale and have some chicken soup.
Somebody's Mother
02-08-2007, 12:48 PM
i just saw this thread. sorry i have been busy lately. but so glad sissy is okay. scared me to read the beginning so i skipped to your latest posts to find out if she was okay. i am so relieved.
island rehabber
02-08-2007, 01:15 PM
Ahh...good news is SO needed around these parts. Yes, I'm with Gabe on the Pedialyte, and I am going to move your thread to the Non-Life-Threatening forum. (I love being able to do that.) :)
02-08-2007, 02:26 PM
I am SO glad to hear good news about Sissy!! :Love_Icon :Love_Icon :jump
02-08-2007, 06:50 PM
So happy to hear Sissy is doing well!:multi
02-08-2007, 07:51 PM
Get well soon, Sissy!
02-08-2007, 10:09 PM
Sissy just wanted me to let everybody know, she is back to normal except regular food, which we will start off slow with tomorrow. She wants to thank everybody, (and so do I) for all the love, help and support you gave during her time of need. I don't believe I could have gotten any better help or faster then I received here. God Bless whoever started this board, because it is a wonderful thing. Thanks a million times over again, and I only hope I can repay the favor one day!
God Bless each and everyone of you! :grouphug
island rehabber
02-08-2007, 10:20 PM
isn't she a gorgeous girl....give her a nice squirrelly smooch for me, OK? :D
02-08-2007, 11:38 PM
So glad she's doing better!! That's great news. :thumbsup :grouphug
02-09-2007, 12:50 AM
Smooch her for me too, she is so sweet! :Love_Icon
Momma Squirrel
02-09-2007, 08:22 AM
Great news, so happy to hear she is feeling better. :thumbsup
BTW I just love the brownish/orange coloring around her feet and face, beautiful.
Mrs. Jack
02-09-2007, 08:45 AM
She's a doll. So glad she's doing well.
Twirly Squirly Squirrel
02-09-2007, 10:58 AM
i just saw this thread. sorry i have been busy lately. but so glad sissy is okay. scared me to read the beginning so i skipped to your latest posts to find out if she was okay. i am so relieved.
Ditto to that!!!:thumbsup Keep up the good work, Sissy!
That's great news and we need more of that these days. Give Sissy a kiss for me!:grouphug She is beautiful!!!
02-09-2007, 12:12 PM
She is a beauty queen, Boy she and Preston would make beautiful babies.:shakehead
Love her markings also. She looks so happy! (and let her steal all the scarfs she wants). I will shut up now or lose my babysitting job for sure.
02-09-2007, 03:39 PM
So glad Sissy is better. She is a beautiful girl. :D
02-09-2007, 06:53 PM
Sissy is beautiful! Glad she is feeling better!
Somebody's Mother
02-09-2007, 07:06 PM
so glad sissy is feeling better.
her coloring is so interesting. are there reddish brown stripes on her other two feet?? i love the reddish brown face. so gorgeous.
Apple Corps
02-09-2007, 09:12 PM
Really bright eyed - glad to hear the good news :-)
02-10-2007, 01:33 AM
:) Glad that Sissy is doing a lot better, she is a real cutie.....:D
If it wasn't so late, I would drag henri out and look at him real good, he has the red on his feet, but not the red on his face.
I have been reading this for a awhile, and it has settled a issue that happened once (squirrels do throw up.) :shakehead
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