View Full Version : Hi! Fostering babies, age of flyers?

09-02-2012, 10:49 AM

I have been a lover of squirrels, particularly chipmunks, for about 8 years now. I collect all things squirrelly. One day I was searching the Net for squirrel stuff and came across a rehabber in Florida (there seems to be a lot of you in your neck of the woods!). Then, I searched for someone closer to me, and low and behold, there is someone 20 minutes from me! TSB member SquirrelRefuge (Hi Jackie!). Soon I was fostering 6 Eastern Grey squirrels! The oldest 4 (named Coffee, Cream, Sugar, Cocoa) have been weaned and moved to their soft release outdoor cage. The younger 2 (Milk and Tea) are about 6-7 weeks.

If this wasn't exciting enough, yesterday I got 4 baby flyers!! They are so soft and sweet and eating like champs! I was wondering if someone could give me an age on them. I will post pics as soon as I am able (or someone can post for me). The older 2 are about 75 grams, which according to one rehab website, puts them at 16 weeks. The younger 2 are about 25 grams, ~6-7 weeks. Can someone tell me if this is correct?

I have been reading TSB for weeks now, and I think I'm doing everything right. It is fun to meet people who are as crazy about squirrels as I am!


09-02-2012, 11:00 AM
What an impressive lot you have!
You must be one proud momma!
Can't wait to see pics of them!!!
I love the names!
Can't wait to hear more of the story
Btw Jackie is a sq super hero.
She is a force of nature!!

09-02-2012, 04:54 PM
This past February I did a presentation on Southern Flying squirrels at our annual Gathering in Orlando, FL. It includes many pictures of flying squirrel babies. Look under The Breed Specific section, then flying squirrels. You should be able to age your babies from those pictures. BTW, you are really going to fall hard for flyers :D :jump .

09-02-2012, 04:58 PM
As a squammy to a flyer, yes, you will love them! Welcome! Can't wait to see pics.

09-02-2012, 05:05 PM
I'm one of those crazy flyer people.
At 75 grams, those are pretty much adults.
A 25 gram flyer would be barely be four and half weeks, five at the most.
They will need feeding of formula for a sveral more weeks.
Please consider aquiring and feeding them some as soon as possible.
This is very important for their health and growth.

09-02-2012, 06:27 PM
Thanks for all the warm welcomes!

Oh yes, they are on FV every 4 hours at 5-7% of weight. Nothing but the best for my babies!

Do you think I should keep the 4 together? I am feeding the older-ones squirrel appropriate diet (based on the healthy squirrel diet page here). Squirrels learn from each other, so it wouldn't be bad to keep them together? The rehabber wants to release them all together.

They are Northern flying squirrels. Two were found when their tree was cut down, and two were found when an old house was being taken down.


09-02-2012, 10:32 PM
I can't find the "Go Advanced" button, so perhaps I can't post pictures yet?

Babies are doing great!


Jackie in Tampa
09-03-2012, 06:07 AM
:Welcome :wave123

SKUL and MrsSkul know the flyers...
stick with their advise..!

09-03-2012, 09:23 AM
Photos!! The first 2 are of the small flyers, 3rd one is a large flyer, and last one is the day my Eastern Greys went to the outdoor cage.

I'm in love!

09-03-2012, 09:26 AM
p.s. Don't worry, that's not blood on the first one! The person who found them put red nail polish there.

09-03-2012, 02:07 PM
Oops, Northerns!
Their weights run a little more than Southerns.
Do me a favor, weigh them again.
The smaller ones look much more the 25g.
Just keep an eye on how they get along right now.
If there is a noticable size difference, I would seperate them as a precaution if the larger seem to dominate.

Judging from pix alone, I'd say 5 1/2 weeks and 7.

09-03-2012, 06:12 PM
Thanks for your help, Skul!

New weights: 35 g, 40 g, 70 g, 75 g. My scale is non-digital, so about the closest I can get is down to 5 gram increments.

They seem to be getting along well. Only difference is the smaller ones tend to be on the heating pad and the older ones are not.

What tend to be flyer-favorite foods? I've been giving them a variety, but kale seems to be the most popular.


09-03-2012, 09:45 PM
Whoa! Northerns! Don't see those a whole lot. Really cool.

I have a southern, but she really likes avocado. Then again she hates kale... :dono

09-04-2012, 09:07 AM
The two smaller kids should remain on formula for a while longer.
If the larger will still take some, let them.
You can give pieces of Hazelnut, almond, pecan and acorn.
Mine also enjoy kale, so that's good. Other things to try are...
endive, sliced cucumber, cherry tomato, avacato(no skin or seed), mushroom, small bits of apple or pear, cooked egg, cooked chicken, and the drumstick.
Flyers do need a high protein diet. Live mealworms and/or waxworms. (Some folks feed the freeze dried ones.)
There are lot of different things, this will just get you going.
Just do small portions and see what they eat.
Keep in mind, today they hate something, tomorrow they crave it.
Picky little monsters.

09-05-2012, 07:50 PM
I forgot the brocolli.:rotfl

Mrs Skul
09-08-2012, 12:28 AM
:wave123 Hi Kristina
I wrote something yesterday and lost it. :shakehead
Northern and Southern Can Not be kept to gather!!! Their is a parasite that one carries and it is Deadly to the other!!! :shakehead
Northern should have a Darkgray to Smoky Color fur. (More Black) When you separate the fur you will see this dark color. (It goes to the Root.)
The skin is a darker. (Check the Tummy.) Southern Flying Squirrels have a Cream to Whitish Fur on the Tummy and Pink skin. Are you in Florida??? :thinking Their is no Northern Flyers Reported that far South.
It would be nice to get a few other Pictures of the Tummy and with them looking face forward, and side shot. Then one with all to gather.
Rememberer that Northern Flying Squirrels are a Protected Species.
In some Northern States they are still Listed ENDANGERED! :eek:
If it is found to be Northern Babies. It needs to be documented where you found them. Hear is a link of what Northern Flyer Look like. Minus the fur loss. :D

09-08-2012, 12:46 AM
I'm way up in WA state. More pics tomorrow. Think they are all Northerns.

Sent a PM.


Mrs Skul
09-08-2012, 01:25 AM
Yes they are!! :D
The Northern have not immunity to this Parasite That the southern Carrie. I would over winter them if you can and do a Spring Release. :)

09-08-2012, 11:31 AM
Hi and welcome I also have three northern flyers and live in washington st. Just love the little ones. Where in Washington are you? I also have a vet that will see squirrels if u need one. The Skuls are the best squirrel peeps. :Welcome

09-08-2012, 01:36 PM
The issue with the parasitic worm is primarily in the eastern staes.
I doubt you'll have a problem.
If you get a chance, contact SQUIRRELSAREME.

09-14-2012, 01:58 PM
This photo is for Mrs. Skul. It has actually improved somewhat and the fur is drying out. The rehabber will see her today.

09-14-2012, 09:16 PM
This photo is for Mrs. Skul. It has actually improved somewhat and the fur is drying out. The rehabber will see her today.
What am I? Chopped liver?

On the serious note. Looks pretty good.
Gotta weight?

09-14-2012, 09:49 PM
No chopped liver! Skul, you are free to comment as well! 45 grams and growing well. The rehabber thought it was just urine and gave me some shampoo, but C suggested just plain water. Baths for the babies tomorrow!


Mrs Skul
09-14-2012, 10:56 PM
It looks like she might have either pee on her self or laid in it. (Which is not normal!) Could you have not gotten all the sop off her? :thinking
Have you tried to wash her off with warm water? (Just the lower half.) :D Then just dry her off or use a blow dryer on med heat 6 inch away. Keep it moving back and forth.
She is looking good. :thumbsup3
Is their any smell /oder to the fur? Is it Sticky, or just Stiff?

09-14-2012, 11:20 PM
The squirrels are doing just fine, dear.
You worry too much.

Mrs Skul
09-18-2012, 09:34 AM
:wave123 Squirrels and ChippyLover :morning
Glad the Babies are doing so well! When you get time. I would Love To See some Pictures!!!:D

09-19-2012, 10:10 PM
Yes! When I find my misplaced camera.....

09-20-2012, 12:47 AM
I squirrel proofed the bathroom and gave the large flyers some playtime. Actually, they didn't quite know what to do with themselves....but I suspect they will get the hang of it. The small babies are up to 50 grams! Does anyone else think that flyers look like bats with tails?

09-20-2012, 01:36 AM
I love flyers I had a couple and they def stole my heart. Great looking kids they look almost grown with those fat tails

Mrs Skul
09-25-2012, 05:18 PM
:wave123 Hi Kristina
Yes they look just like Little Bats. If you go to Darla & Spankys thread. I know we have some Pictures of them Hanging Up Side Down eating. :D
They love to hang upside down and Try to catch the Little Pantry Moths. They can hang their for quite some time.
I am glad you fixed the Bathroom for the little ones. If you can find a Fresh Oak tree limb with acorns and Leafs on it. Spray it down with the water hose to get the bugs off. Then Tie it down good, in the Bathtub area. Put a Blanket under it.
(To catch them when they fall.) I am so Glad they are doing so well. Do they like the Flying Squirrels Blocks? You might take the 2 little one in the Bathroom when the others are out playing. (Just make sure to hold on to the Little ones. )
Let the bigger one come smell them on you. That way they will know who they are when they are Old enough to put them all together. :thumbsup3 It would be nice to release them all together. (When the time comes.)
We need some pictures of the Little one.
HO! By The Way!!! What are the Names of them all. :D

09-26-2012, 10:27 AM
The top photo is one of the "little ones." Not so little anymore....

Names are Hazel (hazelnut) and Phil (filbert) (same nut since they are siblings) and siblings Amy and Amelia (famous female flyers).

They are doing very well!

Thanks for all your help, Skuls -- truely a wealth of flyer knowledge!


09-26-2012, 10:39 AM
It is SMILING in the top photo! Eee! Too adorabuhl.

And, yes, flyers are totally gliding bats. Yet another reason why I love them! :Love_Icon (Bats are so cool... I can watch them for hours at the zoo.)

09-26-2012, 01:03 PM
It's surprising how different Northerns look, than Southerns.
The big kids ought to be flying now.
I dare you to try and get a photo. :poke :D

09-29-2012, 07:42 PM
No flying yet! But they are doing great at jumping! I can't wait when they find their wings!
