View Full Version : I'm a new member and mommy to a baby squirrel :)

09-01-2012, 02:29 PM
Hi all! I just joined this site...just about 6 weeks ago I became a caregiver to a tiny baby squirrel (estimating her age then was between 1 & 2 weeks). I came across this site and got a lot of information that helped me a lot. My orriginal thoughts were to release my baby girl when she was old enough, but the last couple of weeks I have really gotten attached to her and am scared for her life if I were to let her go. So I decided to just keep her :) I have done a lot of research on how to care for her and realized that it will be tough but I know I can handle it. She has just started eating fruit and absolutely loves it! Her fave is watermelon and cantalope, not too fond of strawberries or banana. I do have a question tho...I have read that you can litter train them but at what age do you start? I read that they usually go in one corner of their cage and to put a small litter box in that corner but my sweet Sandy just goes anywhere in her cage...so i'm guessing she just isn't to that age yet...also what age should I start giving her nuts, i'm scared she will choke on them and since she is only about 8 weeks old I feel like that is too young.

09-01-2012, 02:44 PM
Watch all that fruit it is nothing but junk food and should be a special treat not a main staple. At 8 weeks formula is still the most important part of their diet and then rodent block like henry's rodent block for squirrels. I recently took 2 in who's mamma had died. I have grown attached as well and sincerely understand the desire to keep them, but they just aren't pets and it isn't right unless they have a condition that would make release deadly and unsafe. With their age and winter fast approaching they'll have to stay till spring, but then you need to give them back to the tree's they came from because that is where they will be most happy. It is easy to humanize cute fuzzy things, but they don't want to be pets:(

09-01-2012, 02:57 PM
I do give her formula still, I have a chart that I follow depending on her age and weight for how much formula to give her and how often to feed her but i give her fruit in between times...i also read that fruit & vegie's should be about 40% of her diet and the rodent block should be 50% of her diet and that nuts should only be 10% of her diet and given as treats after she eats everything else...I only give her little bits of fruit right now just to introduce it to her thats all.

09-01-2012, 03:20 PM
Not sure where you read that but the internet is full of misinformation for sure. Here is the guideline most here follow and also happens to be the site you can buy the rodent block from: http://www.henryspets.com/pages/Healthy-Diet.html

Fruit breaks down to sugar and water while full of empty calories. Sure there are vitamins but those same vitamins are found not only in the block, but in the formula and many of the vegetables listed:) Is s/he on the fox valley formula?

09-01-2012, 09:08 PM
No she is on perki-lac puppy formula that is what she has been on the whole 6 weeks that I have had her...

09-02-2012, 06:35 AM
Not familiar with that formula though puppy formula has been known to cause issues which is why I asked:) Fox Valley 20/50 is actually formulated for squirrels and $11 for a whole pound of it so easy to obtain- here is the site http://foxvalleynutrition.com/prod/products.asp?PLID=1

Being on the right block from Henry's and using this formula are two ways to know for sure they are getting what they need, encourages correct growth/weight gain, and will prevent MBD. Even when they are growing well and active there can be all sorts of deficiency's going on unseen by the eye. That's why companies like these two formulated specific block and formula just for squirrels. I think giving them a try is a great idea:)