View Full Version : New mom of 6!!

09-01-2012, 12:40 AM
Hello, everyone!

I'm a new mom of 6 babies. I sort-of just fell into this by way of my boyfriend who works for animal control. The local rehabbers that the shelter uses were full so he brought home a girl and a boy who were about a week old. The girl died in less than 24 hours because she was handled by a cat. The boy "Baby Boy" stayed with me for about another 4 weeks until he suddenly passed and I still have no explaination other than chronic diarrhea. I have been heart-broken about him, certain that it was my ignorance that killed him and that I should have brought him to a vet. (I rehydrated him, had him on Fox Valley, fed him every 3 hours, had him warm, everything I could do...there was something I missed.)

A few weeks after Baby Boy died, my honey brought me a little girl who was about 5 or 6 weeks old and she saved me from my sadness. Her name is Sophie and she is about 3 months old now. A week after I got Sophie, my honey brought me a little boy, Sonny, who is about the same age as Sophie. Those two have been together since I got them and will start the release process in another month or so.

A couple of weeks ago I got a little boy, Simba, who was probably 3 weeks old. His eyes are open now and he's growing fast. Shortly after him, I got a boy and girl who were accidentally cut out of a tree by a tree service. The worker's mom is a friend of mine and asked me to take care of them. Their names are Rosalie and Emmet and they are about 7 weeks old now. And last but not least, I got a little girl, Lizzy, who was found by a mom and daughter who called animal control and my honey brought her home to me. She almost died but a new friend of mine who has been rehabbing squirrels for the last 30+ years gave me amazing advice to bring the baby out of hypoglycemia. She's an adorable baby. I'm getting the feeling that she's "special" though and am waiting to see how she develops.

So, in the last couple of months I've had a total of 8 babies...6 of which are currently living with me. They are truly spoiled, elaborate cages, fed an assortment of veggies, boo balls, rodent block, Fox Valley formula for the little ones, and the occasional nut for the big ones.

I've been reading the forums since I started doing this and can't say enough how helpful you all have been. I've learned so much and hope to learn more as I travel this road of squirrel rehabbing.

I have pics (TONS) and will upload them here shortly. It's nice to meet you all! :)

09-01-2012, 01:03 AM
Welcome! :Welcome

You and your honey make a great team :thumbsup
I am close by in Sanford.
We have members near you in Orange City and the sorrounding areas as well.
Feel free to holler if you need anything.


09-01-2012, 02:29 AM
Here are pics. I'm not sure how to caption them individually...

1. Sophie and Sonny are the two big ones in the cage. Sonny is eating in the background while Sophie is coming to check out what I'm doing. Sophie is also in another one alone eating a boo ball. She's my favorite because she got me over the death of my first squirrel. Sophie touches noses with me and lets me kiss her belly...still. :-)

2. Simba is the TINY one who is also sleeping on his back with his paws up.

3. Rosalie and Emmet are the two together being held up. Emmet is the one with the darker nose. These are the two that were knocked out of their tree by the tree service.

4. Lizzy is the one I'm holding with my left hand trying to take a pic with my right hand. She's the one I think is "special" and she's my favorite next to Sophie.

Jackie in Tampa
09-01-2012, 05:17 AM
They're precious!
:Welcome :wave123

09-01-2012, 06:40 AM
OMG!!!! :Welcome :Welcome :Welcome They are too cute for words!!!

09-01-2012, 07:07 AM
How on earth do squirrels do it???
No matter how many you see THEY ARE ALL CUTE! :rotfl

09-01-2012, 07:21 AM
Great pictures. Thanks for sharing. :Welcome

09-01-2012, 08:04 AM
:Welcome You're home now! This is a most helpful site, jam packed with squirrel information. All your babies are precious and so adorable! Glad you got them all over the hump :D .

island rehabber
09-01-2012, 09:39 AM
:Welcome to you, the BF, and those preciously adorable babies!!! dajrenspace9 is so right -- nomatter how many baby squirrels you see, each new one makes you smile and smile like you've never seen one before :multi.

shonnuf, for your future knowledge I believe your little one who passed from diarrhea probably had coccidia. Baby squirrels are particularly susceptible when they've been down, without mom, for awhile, and it causes killer diarrhea. Antifungal agents like metro, albon and others are used to cure coccidia, but untreated the outcome is never good. So sorry. :(

09-01-2012, 10:52 AM
All of your babies are so very cute! I especially love the shot of little Simba with paws up. Looking forward to more pics! :)

09-01-2012, 02:15 PM
Love the pics.:thumbsup