View Full Version : Terribly dry skin????

Kelly Brady
08-30-2012, 02:12 PM
Theo and Pru are now about two weeks old.
I got them from Jackies last Saturday.

They have gained 10 grams each since Saturday and are doing well in EVERY way.

Let me say they are FULLY hydrated kids.

As of yesterday their skin started to peel in spots. Even more so today.

It is the kind of peeling that looks as if they were sunburned ???

Skin is so dry. Has anyone ever seen this?

Is there anything I can help this with. They are beginning the dark look on the skin like hair is beginning to sprout. Precious.

I want to rub something light on all of that peeling skin but of course I always ask first.

Thanks wonderful squirrel friends:wave123

08-30-2012, 02:41 PM
Use the emu oil:D

08-30-2012, 02:56 PM
I always use aloe vera juice with water, soak a cotton ball, wring out excess and gently wipe over body and then put in fleece on heat to help it to absorb into skin. Also, put a sponge in baby food jar that is wet and put it over where the heat is to help put some moisture in the air in their enclosure.

08-30-2012, 03:21 PM
Use the emu oil:D



Kelly Brady
08-30-2012, 07:01 PM
Thank you very much guys.

I was just concerned as I had not remembered this topic come up before.

I didn't want to risk the fact that something crazy like they breath through their skin and should never have anything rubbed on their bodies or something like that harm them.

I will fix them right up now that I know I can.

Pappy I had remembered a long time ago reading squirrely steves pinky thread and the suggestion of a sponge placed in there but couldn't remember why:D

Richard the babies and work keep me too busy to look it up. I don't know how all of you with tons and tons of critters do it.:osnap

Thanks as always:grouphug

08-30-2012, 07:28 PM
Just make sure to change the sponge out every couple of days, so no mold will grow (warmth and moisture...breeding ground for mold). I cut a big kitchen sponge up into small squares and run them through the dishwasher as I change them out (in the silverware tray).