View Full Version : found hurt juvie

08-30-2012, 06:50 AM
Neighbors girls found a hurt juvenile squirrel and I told them I would try my best. It's a male with a fully fluffy tail. I put him in a cage with a heating pad and am going to grab him some food. What kinds of fruits and veggies should I get?

He doesn't appear to have any cuts or abrasions. I think he might have internal injuries or broken arms. Besides not walking he looks healthy. I think all I can do is keep him safe , waem, and hydrated. But I would like to know besides pecans, what fruits and veggies are safe.

I'll take a video when I get back from the store and share it.

08-30-2012, 07:01 AM
you may want to go just veggies and some pecan is good not much fruit.maybe a small peice of apple. here is a guidline to go by. how much dose he weigh, does he have teeth how good can you handle him?

Jackie in Tampa
08-30-2012, 07:06 AM
Neighbors girls found a hurt juvenile squirrel and I told them I would try my best. It's a male with a fully fluffy tail. I put him in a cage with a heating pad and am going to grab him some food. What kinds of fruits and veggies should I get?

He doesn't appear to have any cuts or abrasions. I think he might have internal injuries or broken arms. Besides not walking he looks healthy. I think all I can do is keep him safe , waem, and hydrated. But I would like to know besides pecans, what fruits and veggies are safe.

I'll take a video when I get back from the store and share it.
calm dark and quiet..
and a vet ..
florida is a legal state

where are you in florida..
if he is in shock he will not eat..
always start with hydration..

08-30-2012, 07:09 AM
:thumbsup Jackie:thumbsup

08-30-2012, 10:02 AM
I can't afford a vet right now. He is actually able to walk and jump and climb. I tried putting him in a dog crate and he got out, here is the video of me transferring him back to the aquarium. I syringed some pedialyte to him but he wasn't interested and he looks hydrated. By the way this video is after a bathed him with diluted hibiclense. He had one scratch on his right shoulder that was bleeding a tiny bit. He is actually pretty fiesty. Please excuse my messy spare room/office in the video.

I just want to let the guy rest until he is well enough to release. He seems healthy and he didn't bite me .... Yet... But I was super careful. Oh and he does have top and bottom teeth. Very long bottom teeth.


08-30-2012, 11:14 AM
I am not trying to be heartless or anything but do you think if I give him a safe place to recuperate that he would be able to be released in a few days or so? He is spunky. I took him out and gave him a little more water with a syringe. Just a few drops in his mouth. He still hasn't touched any of the food. I offered the squirrel pecans, almonds, and peeled apple slices and he isn't interested. He gets defensive when I open the top of the aquarium. I hate having him in such a small container but there is a heating pad under one side so he can stay warm enough.

Aside from a vet, what can I do to aid him in recuperating naturally? Squirrels are in an overabundance here and considered a nuisance. But I have a soft spot for animals and the little girls across the street were so concerned about him, and of course now my kids are concerned about him as well, they are 3 and 5.

Should I be concerned about the squirrel carrying rabies? Any input on his behavior in the video? I think he was mostly being defensive. I was trying to be as gentle as possible with him.

Jackie in Tampa
08-30-2012, 11:21 AM
He should be confined to a small dark container..
he is terrified..darkness will help him feel safe..he feels vunerable.
please put him in a box with a cover over the top...

If we have someone near you, will you surrender him to them...
we have many people in florida, where are you?
No to rabies.

08-30-2012, 11:53 AM
I put a towel over the small aquarium so he can rest. I am a registered nurse and I rescued a squirrel a few years ago thanks to this site, I ordered the fox valley formula for him and henerys squirrel food at that time. unfortunately that one did well for weeks and passed away suddenly overnight. Then I used the same formula to help my inlaws rescue a flying squirrel they still have. If you tell me what to do, i will do it. I don't think there are any vets nearby that take squirrels anyway, maybe in ocala. I have a few water bottles for rodents with metal dispensers and I may be able to get a larger cage for him. I just esnt to keep him safe and nurtured until he is well enough to release. he moves all his extremeties and can climb. How many hours should I leave him alone before I check on him again? He is in a secure small aquarium with a screen top that I put a towel over.

I live in lake county.

Do squirrels not carry rabies? Can they be a vector for any other diseases of concern like toxoplasmosis, or parasites? I didn't see any fleas when I washed him.

08-30-2012, 12:08 PM
Parasites would be excreted in his feces so obviously wash up after handling and you should be just fine. I have no clue how old he is but the formula is probably a good main staple along with the henry's healthy block. If you can get a weight on him someone here can tell you how much and often to feed. It will take him some time to get used to a syringe so be patient.

08-30-2012, 12:13 PM
Jackie is right he is terrified and needs a dark and quite place. It not easy from the video the see what is wrong with him. It would be best for him to go to someone that know how to handle him and rehabilitate him then release.

Jackie in Tampa
08-30-2012, 12:26 PM
and again...will you relinquish him to an experienced reahbber?..
children and pets can be terrifying to wildlife...
I appreciate your being a nurse, however a reahbber is needed, really.
WE do have people in lake county..please.:)

08-30-2012, 12:56 PM
I second that...let an experienced rehabber do the assessment and release.
I would not post here and ask you to walk me through a nursing procedure on a human just cause I can fix a squirrel, you know.
I appreciate your willingness to learn and want to help and if you had no other access to a rehabber, it would be the only choice,
but you do have help offered and available so please accept it.
I'd be happy to come and check him out if you'd like.
I'm close by on SR 46...and yes we do have vets to treat our wildlife.

08-30-2012, 02:59 PM
well the kids and I let him go this afternoon. He scampered off and looks fine. I am going to leave to nature. Thank you so much for your offers to come and take him, that is incredibly sweet! The kids feel like they helped him which is important to them. If I find a squirrel that is in more dire need I will most definitely contact you guys here again.

08-30-2012, 05:21 PM
Also wanted to mention that he was able to climb all the way to the top of a huge oak tree in my back yard without falling. I think he just needed a place to rest after whatever trauma he encountered. He was not limping or anything. Had he not been able to get up the tree I would've been happy to relinquish him to one of you guys. One of my neighbors told me old mcdonalds farm has people who do wildlife rehab as well.

Nancy in New York
08-30-2012, 05:46 PM
I second that...let an experienced rehabber do the assessment and release.
I would not post here and ask you to walk me through a nursing procedure on a human just cause I can fix a squirrel, you know.
I appreciate your willingness to learn and want to help and if you had no other access to a rehabber, it would be the only choice,
but you do have help offered and available so please accept it.
I'd be happy to come and check him out if you'd like.
I'm close by on SR 46...and yes we do have vets to treat our wildlife.

Couldn't have said it better....:shakehead
I'm not quite sure why you looked for help, found it, and didn't take djarenspace9 up on her offer. I just don't get it!

08-30-2012, 09:11 PM
Couldn't have said it better....:shakehead
I'm not quite sure why you looked for help, found it, and didn't take djarenspace9 up on her offer. I just don't get it!

because the squirrel was doing just fine and I had released it by the time I got the offer for help. I would've gladly relinquished it, or met up somewhere to let them have it. I didn't realize there were people so close and I don't have the gas money to drive all over the place. squirrels in my area are considered a rodent pest. I happen to be an animal lover and brought it in the house and put it in a dark container, posted the message, then I went to take my children to school and get all my errands done (bills, grocery shopping, etc) because I have to work from 645 am to 715pm tomorrow. When I got home I gave it a bath in hibiclense and took a short video of me transferring it from a dog crate (that he got out of), back into a small aquarium with a screen top. I let him rest until I had to leave and go pick up the kids from school. At that time I posted the video and was waiting for responses. When I got home the squirrel was running all over inside the aquarium and hanging from the screen top. So the kids and I took him to the back yard to see how he would do. He ran out of the cage and up a tree with no signs of injuries. Had he not been able to make it up the tree I would've let someone in the area come and get him.

I am sorry if the sequence of events bothers you. I could've left the squirrel outside to be carried off by a cat or a dog, at least he has another chance at life. He wasn't moving much when I first brought him in. There are a lot of stray cats that catch birds and squirrels all the time, it is the chain of life and I accept that. The kids however felt compassion towards the squirrel and had an excellent learning experience in releasing it and me explaining that it is a wild animal and wild animals do not make good pets. Again I am sorry if I have offended anyone. At least I took the time to try.

08-30-2012, 09:21 PM
Ashleynicole :thankyou for caring and watching over this baby.
you did what you thought was best. Just keep an open eye for him and please update us if you should see him. :grouphug

08-30-2012, 09:22 PM
Ashleynicole :thankyou for caring and watching over this baby.
you did what you thought was best. Just keep an open eye for him and please update us if you should see him. :grouphug

Thanks, will do