View Full Version : baby aspirated! baytril near miami??
08-29-2012, 11:54 PM
The baby may have aspirated...I hear the clicking noise. I am willing to take work off tomorrow and drive to anyone that has baytril available. If there are any rehabbers anywhere near here that are available to take care of him I will drive...he needs help!
08-30-2012, 12:28 AM
I have amoxcicillin tablets 100mg...don't know if this helps any? I put him in the bathroom with steam for a good 10 min. But I don't know what else to do.
08-30-2012, 01:01 AM
I have amoxcicillin tablets 100mg...don't know if this helps any? I put him in the bathroom with steam for a good 10 min. But I don't know what else to do.
Baytril of course is the med of choice but amoxicillin can also be used for respiratory. Amox can cause gastric upset so it's advised to give a probiotic 2 hours before or after the med to help control this.
Hopefully someone with the experience will come on soon that can help you with dosing 100mg. I only have a chart for dosing 50mg and wouldn't want to steer you wrong as my math bites!
Do you know/have a weight on him? That's vital for proper dosing.
08-30-2012, 01:36 AM
Baytril of course is the med of choice but amoxicillin can also be used for respiratory. Amox can cause gastric upset so it's advised to give a probiotic 2 hours before or after the med to help control this.
Hopefully someone with the experience will come on soon that can help you with dosing 100mg. I only have a chart for dosing 50mg and wouldn't want to steer you wrong as my math bites!
Do you know/have a weight on him? That's vital for proper dosing.
He weighs 60 grams...I hear clicking mostly when asleep and he is breathing fast.
Jackie in Tampa
08-30-2012, 02:29 AM
amoxy can be used for aspiration pnuemonia.
Let us know if he is clicking with everybreath.
08-30-2012, 05:37 AM
amoxy can be used for aspiration pnuemonia.
Let us know if he is clicking with everybreath.
He is not clicking anymore, but still breathing fast. Is it normal for clicking to come and go? I am sure he was clicking last night.
08-30-2012, 06:38 AM
he could have still had a piece of dry milk in the nose.. he probably sneezed it out. just rememmber they will try to take food fast just go slow with it and stop if they get too bossy about it and start it is scary believe me I know.. do you feel any vibrating or reattling from his chest when you are holding him? and how is his eating?
08-30-2012, 07:39 AM
he could have still had a piece of dry milk in the nose.. he probably sneezed it out. just rememmber they will try to take food fast just go slow with it and stop if they get too bossy about it and start it is scary believe me I know.. do you feel any vibrating or reattling from his chest when you are holding him? and how is his eating?
This morning he was eager to I fed him as slow as I could even though with him its really hard because he gets demanding with food. I don't feel a rattling or vibrating but I do hear some sort of clicking noise. Right after he ate he wasn't breathing so hard but now he is back to breathing fast.
08-30-2012, 07:50 AM
amoxy can be used for aspiration pnuemonia.
Let us know if he is clicking with everybreath.
He is clicking is not with every breath though. His breathing is fast and it is fast clicking to just not simultaneously with the breath.
Jackie in Tampa
08-30-2012, 07:51 AM
can you post a pic of him and also of his belly? do you think he has bloat?
Jackie in Tampa
08-30-2012, 07:52 AM
can you call an exotics vet and ask if they know any wildlife rehabbers in your area? that can take him in?
If he DOES have aspiration pnuemonia...he absolutely WILL DIE with out antibiotics. 100%
there is not alot of time..these little ones go down hill fast.
TSB does not have any rehab connections for miami/south florida.
please call around, ty
08-30-2012, 08:08 AM
The attachments are not working right now so I can't attach a pic...but his stomach does not feel bloated, its soft.
08-30-2012, 08:27 AM
Jess if you can send pics to my email I will post for you.
Hold his chest up to your ear and listen to his breathing and for clicking no matter how light it may be. As been said, if it is AP he can go downhill fast.
08-30-2012, 08:42 AM
can you call an exotics vet and ask if they know any wildlife rehabbers in your area? that can take him in?
If he DOES have aspiration pnuemonia...he absolutely WILL DIE with out antibiotics. 100%
there is not alot of time..these little ones go down hill fast.
TSB does not have any rehab connections for miami/south florida.
please call around, ty
Listen to jackie she know her stuff:thumbsup
08-30-2012, 08:53 AM
Update: Jess has been unable to find a rehabber in Miami since we have almost no resources there, she has been in contact with a member that has referred her to a trusted vet at Avian and Exotics and has taken off work and will try to get an emergency appt this am. :thumbsup
08-30-2012, 09:00 AM
good luck hope all is well with him. :grouphug
Jackie in Tampa
08-30-2012, 09:27 AM
Update: Jess has been unable to find a rehabber in Miami since we have almost no resources there, she has been in contact with a member that has referred her to a trusted vet at Avian and Exotics and has taken off work and will try to get an emergency appt this am. :thumbsupgood vibes being sent...hope all goes well!
TY SS for update...
thank you jessie for following thru and doing your all:bowdown
get well baby sq:Love_Icon
08-30-2012, 09:59 AM
Jess is/was already on her way to vet, hoping for a good update when she returns...
08-30-2012, 06:03 PM
Do we have an update on this little one?
08-30-2012, 06:05 PM
I was checking in too..:grouphug
08-30-2012, 06:45 PM
Update on baby Alvin: The vet checked out his lungs and did hear some rattling, so in fact he did have AP. He sent me home with the antibiotic Sulfatrim, 5 units to be given every 12 hours. Alvin seems to be responding just find to the meds. In no way has he lost his appetite so because he is so desperate when it comes to the food I was advised to feed him 1-1 1/2 cc's every 1-2 hours...just so he won't be sooo desperate during feeding time. His diarreah has slightly improved and thanks to the savior of my sanity, Leigh, I will be giving him dystat to help harden the stool. So it seems that our little Alvin will be doing fine in no time.
I want to thank ALL who have responded to me with your advice during my moments of panic. This has definitely been an experience-in better words a rollercoaster lol. If it wasnt for all of you Alvin would not have made it as far as he has. I bow down to all you rehabbers :bowdown , and know your work has not gone guys are A M A Z I N G!!!!!!!!:thankyou
08-30-2012, 09:47 PM
Happy to hear little Alvin is going to be o.k. :multi
...And don't sell yourself short. :nono
You cared enough to do what was best for this little one. The advice of any rehabber only becomes as good as the person receiving it.
You sought out help, you listened, you responded. And that is as good as it gets.
You are also to be commended for your unselfish caring to seek out and do what was best for the welfare of little Alvin. :grouphug
09-01-2012, 12:48 AM
So Alvin still has diarreah. Started him on Dia Stat on Thursday night...0.5 cc between feedings. I also started transitioning him to Fox Valley from Goats Milk mixture. I have been mostly doing 25% FV to 75% Goats Milk. His diarrhea didn't get any worst so I started 50% to 50%. Now its getting a little more watery so I had to go back to the 25% FV 75% Goats Milk. I also feel he is dehydrated. I did the pinch test and his skin tents. He is on Sulfatrim every 12 hours for his AP so I don't know if it's the medication that has anything to do with dehydrating him. I am following the vets orders on his feeding schedule : 1 1/2 cc every 2 hours. :dono
Jackie in Tampa
09-01-2012, 05:19 AM
how's he doing this morning?
09-01-2012, 06:58 AM
how's he doing this morning?
Still has watery yellow diarrhea with little white chunks. He is still dehydrated because his skin tents.
Jackie in Tampa
09-01-2012, 07:27 AM
see you girls drive sfae...:thumbsup
09-03-2012, 12:46 AM
Alvin update: he is now in squirrel central! I thought kelly was playing when she said if she was a squirrel in her next life jackies house is where she would want to live...I get it now as I will be joining kelly! Lol Although I will miss him very much...I am confident he is in great hands:thankyou
Jackie in Tampa
09-03-2012, 05:30 AM
Alvin is a whirlwind..oye the boy is doing great..
Thank you all for driving up...
stay in touch:Love_Icon
Did you girls get any Walter pics?
ya'll let me know when the time comes..:grouphug
Walter can live out his life here :Love_Icon
Thanks again...:wave123 :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :Love_Icon
Jackie in Tampa
09-15-2012, 03:13 AM
Jackie in Tampa
02-06-2013, 11:24 AM
Alvin will be released soon ... he is still with two kids from oneocean!
Jess, I am needing some help down there... sending you a PM..It is urgent... Thank you
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