View Full Version : 4 week old storm survivor

08-28-2012, 09:56 PM
I have a 4 week old baby and I am SO glad that I found this board - it has been very helpful and I've learned a lot. I've called 10 state parks, 20+ rehabbers and 6 vets since finding this little guy on Saturday - we have had major storms. I do not intend to rehab him myself but I keep hitting dead ends so here is my situation:

I am assuming that he's about 4 weeks old. His eyes are still closed but he is furry and has bottom teeth. He has not been bitten, has no injuries and is peeing and pooping normally (did the pedialite per instructions on this board). He is eating 4-5 ml of goats milk Esbilac (which I now know is bad! going to buy supplies for the temp formula tomorrow until the Fox stuff comes in) every 4 hours but he eats like a maniac and has aspirated some but not choked or coughed (I'm watching him like a hawk for clicking- lethargy etc.)
He seems strong, looks healthy etc...sleeps a lot but is very active when awake.
Keeping him warm with a covered lizard warming pad that doesn't auto shut off. I'm worried that it's not warm enough...
I would love to find someone to take him - I am due to have a baby in 4 weeks...not the best timing.

I am not really familiar with this platform but I would like to post pictures/video for guidance. Is there an email address I can send them to? I have 3 kids but this is MUCH harder and more stressful than taking care of a newborn human. LOL


Stacey Kyser

08-28-2012, 10:31 PM
You can email your pictures to me and I will post them for you. It will take a day or so for you to be able to post pictures.
So glad you have ordered the Fox Valley, it really is best. Until then you can use the goat's milk formula. Goat's milk is easier for squirrel babies to digest.
Heating element should keep baby at sibling/ mommy warmth of around 102 degrees. Heat source should be under only 1/2 of container so baby can move off if too hot.
Hope a rehabber near you can be found to finish caring for this little one, you are doing a great job so far. Sounds like you have been searching the threads and learning :thumbsup !


08-28-2012, 11:24 PM
Hi Stacey. Where are you? I'm in Richmond VA and have little ones about the same age as yours.

Jackie in Tampa
08-29-2012, 12:14 AM
Hi Stacey. Where are you? I'm in Richmond VA and have little ones about the same age as yours.
Your babies couldn't be in a better place..
TY Pat:Love_Icon :bowdown

08-29-2012, 04:37 PM
Just an update. Stacey is a VERY compassionate person absolutely in love with a sweet little guy who she is giving into my hands next Tuesday. We all know what it's like to love a teeny little baby. Stacey is earning her sainthood suspenders with a hole in her heart, knowing she's doing what's best for her little boy. He'll have a sister and a brother about the same age--family to run the trees with. Yaaaay Stacey!!!!!!! :thankyou

08-30-2012, 05:53 AM
Yay Stacey,

Thanks so much for caring. I was hoping that ChickenLegs would answer your post. All is set up.:jump :jump

Nancy in New York
08-30-2012, 06:01 AM
Just an update. Stacey is a VERY compassionate person absolutely in love with a sweet little guy who she is giving into my hands next Tuesday. We all know what it's like to love a teeny little baby. Stacey is earning her sainthood suspenders with a hole in her heart, knowing she's doing what's best for her little boy. He'll have a sister and a brother about the same age--family to run the trees with. Yaaaay Stacey!!!!!!! :thankyou

I love finders like Stacey, doing what is best for the squirrel, even if it breaks her heart.:bowdown
And I love members like this, who ALWAYS step up to help out.:dono

08-30-2012, 12:38 PM
Thank you all for providing so much info (and scaring the crap out of me) and thank you to Chickenlegs for being willing to take this little guy. He is a REALLY wild eater - makes a huge mess and tries to shove the syringe down his throat:) We have to go REALLY slow because he's such a maniac! Since he came to us the same day that our Russian foreign exchange student arrived, we name him Vladimir - he certainly is going to rule his world, wherever his little life takes him:)

This photo is from his 2nd or 3rd day here. He's already filled in a lot more. I wish I could upload a video of him eating. It is crazy!


08-30-2012, 09:56 PM
Here is an updated photo of Vladimir:)

08-30-2012, 10:53 PM
Super adorable:D Thanks Stacey for saving little Vladimir:thumbsup

08-30-2012, 10:59 PM
He's a mirror image of Dewy. You know "Vlad the impaler" was quite the colorful historic figure. Hope he doesn't end up biting the crap out of us! Squirrel toofies sure can impale!

09-04-2012, 09:38 AM
Now there are 2. My neighbor called me because she found a baby in her yard yesterday. She moved him to the other side of her fence (she has a big dog) but he was back in her yard this morning. Might be Vladimir's brother but he's a little bigger. Congrats, Chickenlegs, you are getting twins! LOL

He has no signs of trauma or injury.
This one is warming up now...haven't started rehydrating him yet. Should I transport them today still or wait a day to get him warm and stable? I have them separate in case this one has bugs or is sick. With all of the storms this week, I would be shocked if he's from the same litter and has survived..unless mom moved him and then left him.


09-04-2012, 10:55 AM
I like to think that they are siblings, and are going to be reunited and they will have so much fun at Chickenlegs house.

Hurricane Isaac storms were sure hard on the babies....


p.s. What a cutie pie

09-04-2012, 11:12 AM
I love finders like Stacey, doing what is best for the squirrel, even if it breaks her heart.:bowdown
And I love members like this, who ALWAYS step up to help out.:dono

Ditto that!! :thumbsup

Stacy you ROCK! :bowdown
We could only wish there were a lot more finders like you who can look past their own emotions and put the needs of these babies first.
You've done a wonderful thing here... :grouphug

09-04-2012, 12:16 PM

09-04-2012, 12:32 PM
I would like to tell every finder on this board: think long and hard about your ability to provide adequate respite care. I know, it feels so good to think that you are saving them but the commitment is way bigger than playing house vet for a few days or weeks. It doesn't mean that you aren't smart enough or that you aren't capable. Baby squirrels, especially injured ones, are so delicate and require a lot of work. Even with the best instincts and intentions, there are several ways to accidentally make them sick or kill them.
It shouldn't be an emotional decision. They are wild animals, not pets, and they deserve to be rehabilitated properly and thrive in their environment. The few that remain as house pets are the exception, not the rule.
There is nothing heart-breaking about doing the right thing:) If you really care, don't let your ego or pride get in the way!

09-05-2012, 01:31 AM
I would like to tell every finder on this board: think long and hard about your ability to provide adequate respite care. I know, it feels so good to think that you are saving them but the commitment is way bigger than playing house vet for a few days or weeks. It doesn't mean that you aren't smart enough or that you aren't capable. Baby squirrels, especially injured ones, are so delicate and require a lot of work. Even with the best instincts and intentions, there are several ways to accidentally make them sick or kill them.
It shouldn't be an emotional decision. They are wild animals, not pets, and they deserve to be rehabilitated properly and thrive in their environment. The few that remain as house pets are the exception, not the rule.
There is nothing heart-breaking about doing the right thing:) If you really care, don't let your ego or pride get in the way!

Beautifully stated! :bowdown

09-05-2012, 04:02 PM
Stacey drove down from Hampton this morning. There are four little babies mighty glad she is in their little lives. Vladimir is a hoot. He's decided it's way more fun to hang out with Dusty and Dewy--somebody to rassel with. He is a PIG! Then there's Pete--the sweetest little ragmop you ever saw (and you WILL!) Poor little guy is exhausted. He's older than Vlaimir but he's almost 20 grams lighter and has that "kitten fur" look to him. He's missed some meals fer sure and I'm not sure he doesn't have some neuro issues. What a heart melter!

coming attraction!!!

Dusty, Dewy
Vlad and Pete

Thank you Stacey sooooooooo MUCH!

I'll be taking some pix as soon as I get everybody fed

Mrs Skul
09-06-2012, 03:20 AM
:wave123 Hi ChickenLegs
Please Keep an eye on his little Left back foot. Their is one toe swollen. Not sure if he get his little toe stuck in the Towels she was using.
He sure is a cutie.:grouphug