View Full Version : Higher fat formula

08-28-2012, 03:06 PM
I read somewhere that once the squirrels get to 5 or 6 weeks to switch to the higher fat content blend. I need to order more food soon so I thought I'd check. She is getting pretty chubby as is, so I'm almost afraid to add a higher fat content. My best guess at age is 6 weeks, but she just opened 1 eye last night if that helps. I have had her for 5 weeks now, and she still barely had her black belly button when I found her.

I have put some rodent blocks in the box with her, but so far no nibbling or anything. I'm still just feeding 7% every 4 hours. She'll eat like mad until I stop still. I was out of town the last couple of days so I don't have an exact weight, but I'll be weighing here again in the morning. She was 155 on Friday. I can't believe how much she's grown since then so who knows.

Anyway... thoughts?

I also have to get a cage figured out asap now that eyes are open. Thoughts?

08-28-2012, 07:15 PM
You can change over to Fox Valley 20/50 once they are past 4 weeks old, and spread their feedings out to every 6 hours.
At 7 weeks old you can add the hhb squirrel blocks and introduce vegetables, wild plants, fruits and nuts a few weeks later.

Fox Valley:


Squirrel Diet:

08-29-2012, 07:30 PM
I'm feeding every 4 hours now with the lower fat stuff. Do I need to wait until I get the higher fat stuff to spread out the feedings? She's 212 g right now if that helps. She gladly takes 16 ccs at each feeding which is the 7%. Do I need to drop to 5% or 6% when I get the higher fat food?

Another question: If I'm feeding every 6 hours, that means 8am, 2pm, 8pm... 2am seems unreasonably late, but 12 seems too early. Can I just do a last feeding at midnight?

Dang: Just thought of another question. She's starting to relieve herself on her own. Watched her get up and go to the other side of the cage and pee then go back under the blanket. Do I still need to stimulate?


08-29-2012, 07:48 PM
She IS a chubber! Reminds me of my Betty... she was a BEAST!

If she's started eating solids, you can probably start feeding her 4 times a day (7am, 12pm, 5pm, 10pm ish?). No way would I feed in the MOTN at this age... that's just crazy talk. Get your sleep. Also, I only went down to 3 formula feedings a day (breakfast, lunch & dinner) once the kiddos were on a good variety of solid foods... around 9 weeks, I guess?

ETA: Feed her whatever she wants as long as her poops are nice and firm. If that happens to be 7% then great :) If the poops get mushy, cut back.