View Full Version : New Cage

08-28-2012, 01:37 PM
Just a couple of questions. My little guy Squirt is about 5 weeks now and just opened his eyes this past saturday. :wahoo Also he was just introduced to his first henrys block which he absolutely loves. His new cage will be here tomorrow. when can i put him in it? he is extremely active now and running around and even jumping/hopping and climbing. Hes peeing and poopin on his own even though i still stimulate him and he's been staying away from the heating pad too. when do i stop with the heating pad? do some squirrels just mature quicker than others? he seems so full of energy. any input is great, thanks!!

Jackie in Tampa
08-28-2012, 01:41 PM
Just a couple of questions. My little guy Squirt is about 5 weeks now and just opened his eyes this past saturday. :wahoo Also he was just introduced to his first henrys block which he absolutely loves. His new cage will be here tomorrow. when can i put him in it? he is extremely active now and running around and even jumping/hopping and climbing. Hes peeing and poopin on his own even though i still stimulate him and he's been staying away from the heating pad too. when do i stop with the heating pad? do some squirrels just mature quicker than others? he seems so full of energy. any input is great, thanks!!how big of a cage? if it is a hamster cage...cool...they are perfect and small...everything is done in baby steps:thumbsup
tight bar spacing is a must...1/2 inch is reco'd

08-28-2012, 01:44 PM
hi Jackie. it's 30x18x18 with 1/2" spacing. i dont want to put a hammock or anything in it yet just his blankie but im nervous if he crawls up the bars and falls down.

Jackie in Tampa
08-28-2012, 01:47 PM
and you should be nervous, he is too young still..
look on craigslist for small cage..use bleach first to disinfect it and rinse well...
pad the bottm with lots of fleece..
if you think I am wrong, plaese do use the hammock to help break his fall..
I strongly urge you to NOT.
They have thin small bones and because we have interrupted their momma milk, there is that issue also..
best to do baby steps...he'll get to use that new cage if you do!

08-28-2012, 01:52 PM
thats why i wanted to know if he was too young. i wont put him in it for another 1-2 weeks, he'll just have to deal with his box for now which is the same size as the new cage, its just not a cage.

Jackie in Tampa
08-28-2012, 02:47 PM
this is about as big as I would go with a first cage..
finch flight cage..
I usually start off with smaller than this..

08-28-2012, 03:12 PM
whats the size of your cage?