View Full Version : Picky Eater

08-28-2012, 12:23 PM
Ive spoken with almost everyone here about my picky eater. I switched up her foods and added kale and snow peas and green beans. I also ordered the FV. She wont eat the FV or the boo balls made with it, She wont eat her HHB and only wants to eat nuts, green beans and snow peas and the peas from our garden. Should I put her HHB's in her cage and give her nothing more till she eats them? I give her baby cereal mixed with her formula in the evenings, should I stop that as well? Im so scared shes gonna develop MBD. Ive started putting pieces of tums in her cage to stave this off she will nibble on them but thats it. She 6 months old and I fear im the cause of this. Anything she wants she gets. It wasnt till I found this site that I realized what I had done. She doesnt care for fruit so Im at a loss. Someone please help me get this right. I also dont have a UV light for her and I read somewhere that I should. All I could find were for reptiles. I was afraid those would be to harsh. Please help!!

08-28-2012, 12:51 PM
Yes, especialy after having spent her formative time caving to her every wish, she needs a little tough love.

I would give her the HHBs and fresh water in the morning. Hopefully by lunch time she will have gotten hungry enough to give in and eat some. At that point she can have some veggies.

My boy is a pretty good eater - I worked hard on that. He gets to come out of his cage for about an hour and a half or two hours at night (he gets out in the morning and at lunch but not for that long) in my room, with treats hidden and places to play and he just LOVES this. He knows he gets his favorite treats - cooked sweet potato, a sugar snap pea or two, a piece of cereal, and some small pieces of nut...but NOT if he hasn't eaten his blocks! If that happens, I bring THEM in and NO treats! I have only had to do it once or twice - lots of times I get home from work and find he hasn't eaten his blocks...but 15 minutes later when I go to get him they are HISTORY! LOL!

She will learn. I would continue giving her the formula mix - she does need food - but don't cave too early.

08-28-2012, 12:57 PM
Try mushrooms ( store bought white ones) My guys love just the black gills under the crown...You should see them rip into them... mushroom going all over till they get to the gills.... They eat two a day. Good for squirrels that don't get natural sunshine. for their Vit-D.
I even remove the stems. wipe them off with a wet paper towel, and trim a little to expose the gills... ( They're not spoiled...No Way )

Itchiku's dad
08-28-2012, 01:06 PM
Here's a little trick to try with the FV. put a small scoop full in a bowl add a bit of sesame butter and mix it. Then, put a bit of boiled water and mix it well. Put it in a shallow dish and offer it to her. That's how I give it to my boy.
, as he won't eat it.
Did you see my reply to your UV lamp query?

08-28-2012, 03:36 PM
Itchikus dad I didnt see the post on the UV lamp. Did look at you link and your boy is beautiful.

Thanks Critter Mom. I guess your right. Tough love it is. Its gonna hurt me more that it will her I think.

Stosh Ive tried mushrooms to. Turns up her nose.

Thanks so much everyone.

08-28-2012, 07:54 PM
Reptiles have no hair and thin skin I doubt a UV lamp a few hours a day is a problem:D

08-28-2012, 08:12 PM
If you have a uv lamp it wont hurt. I had one for sam and she did great with it..:D have you tried to warm up the HHBs? sometimes that helps.. Yes TSB I do listen.. {{{sometimes}}} {{joking}} I always do:crazy how about avocodo, carrots, kale, collord greens, a small peice of tomato, colored bell peppers? not all at once just one at a time..

09-02-2012, 09:25 AM
Sorry its been a few days since I got back online. Issac threw us for a loop. We got no damage but went without power for a few days. Thank god for battery operated fans!!!! Lucky was not happy with the lack of AC. I put a fan on her and all she would do was pancake in front of it. lol As soon as the lights came back on I was dancing a jig and so was she in her cage. lol I got her out and first thing she did was stand on her back legs under the vent and started sniffing. lol Ive ordered her some picky eater bites from henrys and have been giving her all the high calcium veggies she likes (stocked up before the storm) till they come in. Also been breaking up a tums for her to nibble on till it comes in. I hope everyone involved with this storm came out ok and know that Ive been praying for everyone especially those of you who have these precious babies. I wasnt worried for me but I did worry for my baby as Im sure the rest of you were. Thanks of all the inspiration and help and for being here when my neurotic self needs the help. lol

09-02-2012, 09:38 AM
try soaking the hhb until its soft and turn it into mush and mix it with fv and baby cereal and a baby food veggie she will eat then slowly add less and less of the fv cereal and baby food until you are left with just mushy hhb then give her hhb and she should eat it but adding it to stuff she likes will slowly get her accustomed to the taste

09-02-2012, 09:46 AM
I will try that Carlala. Didnt think of that!!! Hopefully that works.

09-02-2012, 10:17 AM
my last 2 wouldnt eat and it worked for me so hopefully it works for your little one

09-02-2012, 11:58 AM
I soaked the blocks and made the mush like you said Carlala. She did eat some of it!!:wott Not alot but some. But then she has had some veggies to so she isnt that hungry. How long should I leave it in there? I dont want it to spoil and make her sick.

09-02-2012, 01:31 PM
i wouldnt leave it in there too long maybe a few hours then take it out

09-02-2012, 01:37 PM
I've got a very spoiled gray named Sammy who is ridiculously picky. Just stick to your guns. They do NOT starve themselves. Put the blocks in and just wait her out. I had to do it for days and it darned near killed me. Of course he just carried on like "I'm not gonna eat that Mama..." but guess who did eat them and has been every day since! I buy the picky blocks and give only blocks in the morning. Nine times out of ten, they are gone within a half hour. If not, they are gone by the time I feed him his luncheon salad. Be stronger than that little fusspot! You can do it! I know darned good and well that she can!:sanp3

09-02-2012, 05:45 PM
She didnt eat alot of the mush block but she did eat some so I see some hope. Gave some veggies for lunch and gonna make some more mush block for dinner. Its hard not to give in when she starts nuzzling my hand looking for her treats but Im hanging in there.

09-02-2012, 05:48 PM
Try cutting them in quarters.

09-03-2012, 09:17 AM
got up this morning and went to lucky's cage and what do you know....she ate 3 of the quarter pieces of block I had put in there before bed. Got her out kissed her all over danced around the living room told her what a good girl she was. Went to the kitchen to warm up another block for her and she found the bag of hazel nuts she gets for a treat. I let her have it since I was so proud of her. While she was laid out on the counter eating her nut I went to her cage to straighten it up and put in her new block. What did I find? The three quarter pieces I thought she had eaten were buried underneath her blankets. She got me good on that one. lol But I got her back. When I went to the kitchen and put my hands on my hips she gave me this look that said "Im so busted." lol So back in the cage she went with her block to try to get her to eat them again. I so hope the picky eater blocks come in today.

09-03-2012, 09:59 AM
awww that lil brat lol they r just so smart =)

09-03-2012, 10:00 AM
You can microwave a bit of almond butter and toss the quartered blocks in it to coat them. Then let them cool a bit and see if it helps.
Then, maybe try standing on your head and whistling her favorite tune while playing the piano...:rotfl It is ridiculous what we go through for these fussy little knuckleheads!

09-03-2012, 01:55 PM
Carlala and Sammysmom you are so right. I think standing on my head is the only thing I havent done...lol. But I wont quit. I refuse to let a 6 month old do me in (I hope). lol

09-04-2012, 09:03 AM
Well another day of waking up this morning and she hasnt touched her block. I take that back, she ate the nuts out of them. Hopefully the picky eater blocks come in today. Dang storm has messed up everything. lol

09-05-2012, 10:05 AM
Well I broke down and gave Lucky a hazel nut yesterday. I just couldnt take it when she kept nuzzling my and would look up at me with those eyes. I wanted to cry. So I gave her one. She didnt eat her blocks but she did eat her veggies and I made sure she at some of her baby cereal with formula in it. Hoping today the picky eater blocks will be in and she will like those. If that doesnt work I dont know what to do other than get some supplements to put in her water and food.

09-05-2012, 01:54 PM
:wahoo The picky eater blocks came in. I had already given some veggies to Lucky but I gave her one of the blocks anyway. She sniffed and ate the pecans out of it. arrrrrggggg. Maybe she is just full. Not giving her anything else but blocks tonight and tomorrow. Everyone keep your fingers crossed.

09-05-2012, 02:07 PM
good luck:thumbsup

09-05-2012, 04:06 PM
I had a picky eater too.
I did exactly what I've done many years ago with my picky eater daughter: no desert until the healthy food remains on the plate. :nono

Put the HHB into the cage in the morning and nothing else.

Trust me... it works! but you HAVE to be firm.

Hunger speaks to the reason. :D

Good luck. :thumbsup

09-05-2012, 05:26 PM
I think these may work. She has been nibbling off and on this evening. Tomorrow Im sure will be a different story. In a good way I hope.

09-06-2012, 08:43 AM
I woke up this morning and she had eaten some but not all of the HHB picky eater. I cut the block in quarters and warmed it in the microwave. She ate about 1 and a half pieces. So this morning I put in a fresh block. Should I wait to give her any veggies until she eats all the block?

09-06-2012, 10:27 AM
i think the fact that she ate some deserves a treat but not much else

09-06-2012, 10:54 AM
I agree with tough love....until she eats the appropriate amount of block no other foods. I have a picky human child so I know how hard it is but at least that one can't talk and follow you around crying and grabbing onto you:D

09-06-2012, 05:40 PM
SHE ATE HER BLOCK!!!!! Im so happy she ate her block for dinner.:jump I took some pics of her trying to sleep in her little hanging nest now let me see if I can figure out how to download them.

09-06-2012, 05:41 PM

09-06-2012, 06:07 PM

09-06-2012, 06:09 PM
http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t420/Donnak01/bth_5c573381.jpg?t=1346930889 She my sweetie pie

09-06-2012, 06:13 PM
What a good girl!!!:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

09-06-2012, 09:56 PM
SHE ATE HER BLOCK!!!!! Im so happy she ate her block for dinner.:jump I took some pics of her trying to sleep in her little hanging nest now let me see if I can figure out how to download them.


She is a beauty! :Love_Icon :grouphug

09-06-2012, 10:22 PM
awwwww what a cute little baby =) she is so adorable :Love_Icon

09-07-2012, 07:31 AM
She is her mommy's little girl. As you can see from the gray t-shirt in her little nest she loves sleeping with her daddy's things. He set 3 of them aside just for her. She's usually so calm through out the day when its just me and her but when daddy comes home she is running, jumping, climbing his legs, growling and fighting with him. She even does what I call her dance where she runs on 2 legs and then flips. lol She is such a ham.

09-08-2012, 08:42 AM
Well she didnt eat her block last night. Could be because hubby decided to give her 1 to many peas from the garden to eat. lol Put her a fresh one in this morning and she hasnt touched it. Hope Im not having to start all over. uuugggghhhhh Either way, she aint gettin out or gettin nuttin else till she eats it!!

09-09-2012, 08:13 AM
She ate her block. glad of that. Hope the good trend keeps up.

09-11-2012, 11:03 AM
Didnt eat much of her block yesterday or last night. Waiting to see how it goes today.

09-11-2012, 11:12 AM
...and didn't eat anything else?