View Full Version : Transition to Wild

08-27-2012, 12:58 PM

My name is Scott Fields. Found baby squirrel in backyard. She is ~4 wks--eyes not open yet. Thanks to you guys, She in on Fox Valley (2nd day moving over 50/50 ratio). Currently in small animal carrier. Feeding every 4 hrs ~4-5mls with nipple. Has constant heat (cool side and warm side) My question is this: She was a single orphan. Raised as such. My intent was to raise her to adult hood and release. Will she be able to transition back to wild without any squirrels to teach her "squirrel" things?

08-27-2012, 01:34 PM
Yes, once she is four months old and you place her in a outside release cage and stop all contact with her other than at feeding time her natural instincts will take over and she will wild up during her 30 days in the outside release cage........ this is called a soft release.

08-27-2012, 01:45 PM
Yes, once she is four months old and you place her in a outside release cage and stop all contact with her other than at feeding time her natural instincts will take over and she will wild up during her 30 days in the outside release cage........ this is called a soft release.
:thumbsup :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :thumbsup

08-27-2012, 02:09 PM
Once again, Thanks for help. Also, at four weeks she sleeps most of day. Believe this to be normal and activity will increase when eyes open. Can you please verify this. Had to move her to small pet carrier this weekend. Crawled over and out of box she was in.

08-27-2012, 02:12 PM
Oh Yes, when the eyes open and they are more steady on their feet.... they will become more active and start to move around much more and in time they will even start to climb and chatter at you.