08-27-2012, 08:10 AM
Hey all, a friend of an acquaintance brought me a little guy who had been caught by their cat. :shakehead
He seems to be a young one, around 30 grams.
His back legs are either broken or sprained, possibly some damage to his pelvis.
I have him on baytril, of course. I have him in a medium sized rubbermaid container so he can't climb around. I can't get prednisone for his legs and I don't want to use ibuprofin because of the next issue.
He's been a wee bit bloated since the morning after he was brought over. If you're looking at his belly, there is a rather hard dark mass to the right of his bladder. I wasn't sure what if what I was looking at was normal or not, because I rarely examined my other chippies' bellies, but it didn't seem life threatening.
Now, I'm wondering if he is or was bleeding internally. The mass has grown and looks uncomfortable, but I don't know if there's anything I can do about this. Apart from the dark mass, his belly is bloated but still jello-ish (not hard, but there's fluid or gas in there for sure). If the dark stuff is fecal matter, I have to say this little guy is super duper regular and has healthy poops very frequently.
I did manually express his bladder (and will continue to if he needs it). I'm not 100% sure if he's urinating on his own. It helped a little bit.
I started giving him "baths" in luke warm water and gently massaging the area downwards (he seems to like that, actually).
Otherwise, I'm not sure what to do.
In almost three days he's gone from totally dragging his back end around (and his whole body was twisted up) to now using his one leg and being able to somewhat get his other leg occasionally up underneath himself. His legs aren't really my primary concern right now... I'm just wondering what's causing this bloating.
Could it be the baytril?
He seems to be a young one, around 30 grams.
His back legs are either broken or sprained, possibly some damage to his pelvis.
I have him on baytril, of course. I have him in a medium sized rubbermaid container so he can't climb around. I can't get prednisone for his legs and I don't want to use ibuprofin because of the next issue.
He's been a wee bit bloated since the morning after he was brought over. If you're looking at his belly, there is a rather hard dark mass to the right of his bladder. I wasn't sure what if what I was looking at was normal or not, because I rarely examined my other chippies' bellies, but it didn't seem life threatening.
Now, I'm wondering if he is or was bleeding internally. The mass has grown and looks uncomfortable, but I don't know if there's anything I can do about this. Apart from the dark mass, his belly is bloated but still jello-ish (not hard, but there's fluid or gas in there for sure). If the dark stuff is fecal matter, I have to say this little guy is super duper regular and has healthy poops very frequently.
I did manually express his bladder (and will continue to if he needs it). I'm not 100% sure if he's urinating on his own. It helped a little bit.
I started giving him "baths" in luke warm water and gently massaging the area downwards (he seems to like that, actually).
Otherwise, I'm not sure what to do.
In almost three days he's gone from totally dragging his back end around (and his whole body was twisted up) to now using his one leg and being able to somewhat get his other leg occasionally up underneath himself. His legs aren't really my primary concern right now... I'm just wondering what's causing this bloating.
Could it be the baytril?