View Full Version : Please Help! I think my squirrels are in danger!
08-26-2012, 07:47 PM
My neighbor two houses down appears to have set a live trap on the corner of his property. It appears to be the right size for catching squirrels. It was closed when I passed it, with no one inside (thank goodness). My intention is to check on it before I go to school tomorrow (if it's open, I'll poke it with a stick), but if it's still there I know the next step is to attempt to reason with my neighbor in the afternoon. I have never talked to the owners of this house in my life, actually I don't even know if they own their house. What do I say?! They have recently been fixing up their house, so I'm worried that their reason may involve having found signs of squirrel activity in their roof. In that case, I know it may be very hard to convince them to remove the trap. I'm terrible at talking to people I don't know. I'm sure most of my neighbors know I feed squirrels, as I feed Pola on my front porch. Unfortunately, I don't know most of them, so I can't ask for help. If my fears are correct, and if I can't reason with them, the next step is sabotaging their efforts. I have to protect my friends! Adding to my worry though is the fact that Pola didn't finish taking all the nuts I left out like she usually does. I need advice, and I need it quickly, which is why I posted this here. If it shouldn't be here, I don't mind if it's moved. Just please, someone help!
island rehabber
08-26-2012, 08:47 PM
Cleo this is such a tough one. In some locales, trapping squirrels or any wildlife is illegal without a trapper's license. In other places, our fuzzbutt friends are considered 'vermin' and nobody cares if you trap them. :(
Start by checking into the laws of your town. In the meantime, keep an eye on the trap and trip it whenever you safely can, so nobody gets into it. Your neighbors may tire of the whole idea and drop it. If you can speak to them, and if they have a problem with squirrels in their roof, give them the name of a HUMANE trapper in your neighborhood who can squirrel-proof the stupid roof. I swear, for the price of a couple feet of hardware cloth that would keep squirrels out, people go to all these ridiculous lengths of trapping, relocating, and infuriating those of us who love squirrels! :soapbox
Good luck, my friend!
08-26-2012, 09:16 PM
Cleo this is such a tough one. In some locales, trapping squirrels or any wildlife is illegal without a trapper's license. In other places, our fuzzbutt friends are considered 'vermin' and nobody cares if you trap them. :(
Start by checking into the laws of your town. In the meantime, keep an eye on the trap and trip it whenever you safely can, so nobody gets into it. Your neighbors may tire of the whole idea and drop it. If you can speak to them, and if they have a problem with squirrels in their roof, give them the name of a HUMANE trapper in your neighborhood who can squirrel-proof the stupid roof. I swear, for the price of a couple feet of hardware cloth that would keep squirrels out, people go to all these ridiculous lengths of trapping, relocating, and infuriating those of us who love squirrels! :soapbox
Good luck, my friend!
:goodpost :goodpost
08-27-2012, 08:46 AM
Cleo this is such a tough one. In some locales, trapping squirrels or any wildlife is illegal without a trapper's license. In other places, our fuzzbutt friends are considered 'vermin' and nobody cares if you trap them. :(
Start by checking into the laws of your town. In the meantime, keep an eye on the trap and trip it whenever you safely can, so nobody gets into it. Your neighbors may tire of the whole idea and drop it. If you can speak to them, and if they have a problem with squirrels in their roof, give them the name of a HUMANE trapper in your neighborhood who can squirrel-proof the stupid roof. I swear, for the price of a couple feet of hardware cloth that would keep squirrels out, people go to all these ridiculous lengths of trapping, relocating, and infuriating those of us who love squirrels! :soapbox
Good luck, my friend!
:goodpost :goodpost
08-27-2012, 12:08 PM
Good advice so far and in the meantime check to see if their home and remove them:D and yes I am serious!
08-27-2012, 12:32 PM
Good advice so far and in the meantime check to see if their home and remove them:D and yes I am serious!
I wasn't going to say anything but I've stomped many a trap I've come across, it's been between doing that and throwing them in a dumpster. :innocent
08-27-2012, 01:05 PM
Having lived through this nightmare I have a bit of advice for you to try. Start with the direct approach. Go over to the neighbor's house and ask why they are trapping. If they say it is because the squirrels are getting into their house ask if they know how they are getting in. What needs to happen is that they get out and then the holes are covered with hardware cloth. Advise them that squirrels will chew through wood if you close their opening with wood but that they are put off by hardware cloth. Tell them that there are a few easy ways to get them to leave on their own. They can place ammonia soaked rags up i the area they are using or they can play loud music in the area. Both of these things will cause the squirrels to move out and once they are out they can cover the hole or holes with hardware cloth. They will want to be sure that there are not babies so they will need to pay attention. If you have the time you might want to offer to help with the process. If you act very confident and knowledgeable they will probably jump at the chance for free help.
On another note... sprayiing ammonia on the traps will help to keep the squirrels from going into them!
08-27-2012, 01:17 PM
Thanks for the responses. I just got home from school, it was closed in the morning, but appears to be open now. I'm headed over shortly. It looks like there are people working in the yard though. This morning when I checked, there was a squirrel investigating it. Luckily it wasn't open.
08-27-2012, 01:28 PM
Alright. I went over there, and talked to a woman. Apparently, the trouble is squirrels chewing the siding of their house. I told her that I feed the squirrels, and that there are a few that I really care about, so could she please try to find another solution. She was nodding and saying yep the whole time. I think it would make sense for me to now give her some suggestions. Any suggestions?
08-27-2012, 02:27 PM
If sprayiing ammonia on the traps work to keep them away, would sprayiing ammonia on the area of the house they are messing with help? :thinking
You might also let her know since squirrels are in the area and obviously living in the area, relocating only creates a void. Another (or two) will fill the void created, it solves nothing... :shakehead
08-27-2012, 03:02 PM
Or just get her a squirrel feeder, lol
08-28-2012, 06:29 AM
Sounds like they're trying to nest in there (I assume?). Maybe putting up a squirrel house would deter them from wanting to nest in their house. Yikes!
08-28-2012, 11:18 AM
The trap is still there- I went out at 6:30 this morning and closed it. Then I went back to bed since I don't have classes on Tuesdays.
08-28-2012, 11:41 AM
My neighbor two houses down appears to have set a live trap on the corner of his property. It appears to be the right size for catching squirrels. It was closed when I passed it, with no one inside (thank goodness). My intention is to check on it before I go to school tomorrow (if it's open, I'll poke it with a stick), but if it's still there I know the next step is to attempt to reason with my neighbor in the afternoon. I have never talked to the owners of this house in my life, actually I don't even know if they own their house. What do I say?! They have recently been fixing up their house, so I'm worried that their reason may involve having found signs of squirrel activity in their roof. In that case, I know it may be very hard to convince them to remove the trap. I'm terrible at talking to people I don't know. I'm sure most of my neighbors know I feed squirrels, as I feed Pola on my front porch. Unfortunately, I don't know most of them, so I can't ask for help. If my fears are correct, and if I can't reason with them, the next step is sabotaging their efforts. I have to protect my friends! Adding to my worry though is the fact that Pola didn't finish taking all the nuts I left out like she usually does. I need advice, and I need it quickly, which is why I posted this here. If it shouldn't be here, I don't mind if it's moved. Just please, someone help!
Introduce yourself. Bring cookies on nice plate from Goodwill. Ask what are ya'll trapping?
If squirrels are in attic, offer to help affix exit traps and help fix entry points into attic.
Be a good neighbor and be nice :D
[Call the Turtle Man? I would cuz I think he is hot, but that is another conversation hahaha.....]
08-28-2012, 08:06 PM
That sounds like a good idea, so my sister is currently making a large batch of chocolate chip cookies. I'll take a plate over tomorrow. The good news is that they haven't reset the trap since this morning. My dad said though that he doesn't think they own their house, so their landlord might have the final say as to whether talking to them works.
08-28-2012, 08:49 PM
You already said something to them :poke don't become a nag.
Leave well enough alone...:nono
If they set the trap again close it again and so on. Try spraying ammonia by the trap. Don't let them know that it is you because it will come back to you. Be careful :thumbsup .
F@$% them with a smile...;) TRUST ME :D It took a long time for me to learn this.
08-28-2012, 09:05 PM
Alright, so I should abandon that plan? (More cookies for me:D ) I'm feeling confused as to what to do now. Wait and see perhaps? :dono
08-30-2012, 03:23 PM
THE TRAP IS GONE!!! They appear to have taken it down, so I'm tentatively declaring this a success.:wahoo :wahoo
08-30-2012, 04:06 PM
:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
Just be sure to loo around for a new spot.
08-30-2012, 06:51 PM
Hopefully :thumbsup
08-30-2012, 10:04 PM
Cleo, I feel your pain and can truly relate to your situation. I have a long relationship with my gray neighbors that spans many years and involves regular daily visits by many generations of their species.
I am always on the look out for things neighbors do that could be harmful.
Squirrels are very smart, very sensitive, have an amazing memory and can reason things out. They think. They are trying to do their best to survive in the wild where they have to find and fend for themselves. They have to maintain their body temperature which is similar to ours. They have to keep warm, find food, find water, and teach their babies for many months on how to survive in this hostile world. They do not purposely cause damage or do anything with hate or vengeance .
They are like us. They feel pain. They think and reason and if you enjoy bird watching, then certainly you should enjoy squirrel watching. They interact and relate to each other all the while trying to solve problems, build and maintain homes, teach their young and avoid predators that include most live things you see all around who want to kill them.
My point Cloe is that the best way to get others to respect squirrels, is not to emphasize your love for them, but rather your respect for them based on their skills and talents that deserve respect. If you come across as someone who loves animals, some small minded folks will simply write you off as a fool, or a softy or just as an animal lover. pain the A.
But if you can get the person to marvel at how much you know, the fact that you took all the time and interest in learning and all the details .. well i find that constantly people are saying, wow, I will certainly look at squirrels in a new light.
There are people who are prejudiced, and the antidote to prejudice is always education. Some people it is true, refuse an eduction, as their mind is made up. Others are sure they know, but can slowly learn there is a better way. And many are actually eager to learn, they just never had someone to teach them.
I hope they are not trapping.. But they could be on a different side of their property in a hidden way, or they could have decided to use poison instead.
So if you have a chance, try to keep an open dialogue. Find out how they are doing? Continue to offer suggestions. Explain what you know about squirrels and why they do the things they do.
If there are specific squirrels that have a history with you, you might share some of your history with your neighbors.
Some people are evil. Most are just ignorant. You can educate them and make them feel better. But again, you should speak with an educated voice not a sentimental voice.
For example, if they are about to rip down an old iron fence, and you really like that fence because you remember that as a kid you used to climb over it, or imagined some fantasy land behind it, you would be better to discuss the tooling, the craftsmanship, the detail that it has that no fence today might have... Its native strength due to its gauge or forged treatment simply not available today!
So if they look to you and see a person who really is "impressed" with these industrious, ingenious and intelligent creatures that can remember where they bury things and find them not by smell but from memory, its more likely they can be moved to appreciate these living creatures on their own merit, than if they see you as someone who finds them cute or sweet, or adorable.
I wish your gray friends well. May they stay free and healthy and continue to teach you more about them so you can pass the word!
08-31-2012, 01:43 PM
Never mind. It looks like they just moved the trap to a different location, and set it again:soapbox I'm going to attempt to discuss a few things with them, such as how taking the squirrels away won't solve the problem and why. I didn't say much last time. Don't worry, I'll do my best to seem nice.
It is now in a place where it would be very hard to reach it without attracting attention to myself. My sister just yelled at me, telling me that if I trespass on their property they might call the police on me so don't so it. They are at work in the mornings though. I'm thinking that if today doesn't go well, I'm getting some ammonia. I seem to recall reading a thread a while ago where someone sprayed ammonia from a distance with a large squirt gun when they couldn't reach the traps. I figure that they can see the trap from their window, so if I trip the trap too often they'll know it was me. They might not know right away if I spray the trap instead, so that the squirrels won't go near it. Once again, I'll try to be nice first. This is only if that doesn't work.
By the way, Pola didn't take her nuts again, and since the trap is now open I'm worried:(
08-31-2012, 02:28 PM
Super Soaker full of ammonia! They shoot FAR!:soapbox
08-31-2012, 02:34 PM
Maybe you can search your county and see if it is even legal to trap there, different counties set their own rules a lot of the time on what you can or can not do. Homeowner or not, one can not legally trap here not even for what may be considered a "nuisance" animal unless they are licensed through or affiliated with the Department of Natural Resources.
08-31-2012, 02:38 PM
I still say that offering to "help" with the process gets your foot in the door. What is often illegal is relocating "nuisance wildlife".
08-31-2012, 03:01 PM
I just looked it up, but I might not want to tell them. As far as I can tell, you need a professional to relocate, but if they are damaging property is is legal to kill them.:pissed
08-31-2012, 03:14 PM
All right. How am I supposed to talk to them if they won't answer the door! I'll check again later.
08-31-2012, 03:18 PM
Same here in Connecticut! It is a very difficult situation. I dealt with it by spraying ammonia with a Super Soaker and also destroying the traps when I had the chance. I released caught squirrels and bent the bar that attaches to the trip plate. They were using on of the wildlife trappers and paying $200 plus I believe $10 or $20 per squirrel. I offered the trapper $20 per squirrel on top of that to give them to me on the sly. He refused it! :soapbox
If they leave the trap out at nigh sneak over and take it or wreck it. I was relentless!
08-31-2012, 06:39 PM
Super Soaker full of ammonia! They shoot FAR!:soapbox
This is what I have been doing to one of my neighbors traps.:frustratedx
08-31-2012, 06:41 PM
Yep...then when you get the opportunity...oops...the trap BROKE!!!:sanp3
09-01-2012, 09:28 AM
I got up at 6:30 after a bad dream about the trap. I'm so glad I did because I ended up saving a squirrel that was caught. I'm still going to try to talk to them again, but I'm making sure to get some ammonia as soon as possible just in case. Actually, I'm debating whether or not to give up talking to them and just continue sabotaging their efforts, as I'm sure now that I've messed with the trap twice that they may be irritated.
09-01-2012, 09:47 AM
My goodness!
How mean people can be!
Perhaps you should get some sq houses up at your place.
However, I agree that you should be relentless!
I stopped the murder of a VERY young opossum just a few weeks ago!
Had been trapped by *gasp* rednecks and was on her way to a drowning!!!
I convienced them to let me have the poor scared baby and she was released on my 60 acres!
I am blessed to not have neighbors because I would just lose it!
For your sqls sake be calm but firm.
Offer help and advice (get the materials if you can!)
As far as the super soaker I say heck yes!
I hope the people are as detirred by the smell as the sqls!!
Nasty nusiance neighbors!!!:soapbox
09-01-2012, 09:50 AM
I got up at 6:30 after a bad dream about the trap. I'm so glad I did because I ended up saving a squirrel that was caught. I'm still going to try to talk to them again, but I'm making sure to get some ammonia as soon as possible just in case. Actually, I'm debating whether or not to give up talking to them and just continue sabotaging their efforts, as I'm sure now that I've messed with the trap twice that they may be irritated.
I wouldn't talk to them, because I they don't stop, they will know it is you sabotaging their efforts. I say keep up raids.
09-01-2012, 10:08 AM
It is also very possible that if a raccoon were trapped in the trap, it might get "damaged". When I released the squirrels fro the traps I definitely made sure the mechanism no longer functioned properly:nono Is the trap in a spot where you can sabotage it out of sight? Maybe when they go out?:dono
09-01-2012, 10:39 AM
It's in sight of their backyard facing windows. On the other side is a wall of trees and brush. Their neighbors (and our's) built this gigantic wooden fence all around their property, so they probably cant see it, and the last side is visible from the road. I'm getting some ammonia this afternoon, but it might be a bit conspicuous if I walk around the corner with a large water gun. I might just get up close and use a spraybottle. What is the least noticable way to destroy the trap?
09-01-2012, 10:42 AM
I bent the bar that holds the trip plate. Of course then I threw them across the I stopped worrying about being conspicuous after a few days of the same BS.:soapbox
09-01-2012, 01:38 PM
are they trying to trap squirrels, or other animals. ?
the idea of sabotaging i think has limited value.
its on their property.
if you really tick them off, they will only become more spiteful.
also, if you let a squirrel out of the trap, you are actually teaching the squirrel that it is safe.. she will go in, get the bait knowing she will be released...
so leaving it trapped for a bit, could be a more valuable education.
my opinion is that unless some meaningful dialogue could occur, hate will always have its day.
What do those people know about squirrels.
Perhaps they believe squirrels have rabies. or that they have six litters a year, or that they will keep breaking into the house.
here is an idea,.. suppose you left a note saying:
Now for this to work, TSB should have a page with a simple path like /LEARN .
That page would have info for squirrel ignorant persons. Basics. Not coming across as squirrel lovers, but as Ben Franklin saw squirrels.. a fascination worthy of respect !
My apologies to the BOARD if this is a hair brained idea.
09-01-2012, 02:15 PM
That squirrel that I let out was absolutely terrified as far as I could tell. He kept making these rrr-rrr-rrr sounds, and took off before I had even gotten it fully opened.
Still deciding my course of action here, but I did buy some ammonia. Should I dilute it if I end up using it?
09-01-2012, 02:24 PM
I use a spray bottle FULL strength. Be careful don't be in a down wind when you are spraying. GOOD LUCK. :thumbsup
09-01-2012, 08:11 PM
Some people give up, others redouble their efforts.
Its really important to find out WHY he is trying to trap squirrels?
Otherwise, when this does not work, he will try poison! Or just greater vigilance of multiple traps, or less humane trapping methods.
Maybe other family members, or friends could start a conversation to find out, if you are shy and reluctant.
Is it hate?
Is it fear ?
Is it ignorance?
Is it a petty preference for petunia's that he prefers over pinkies ( i could not resist! )
Is it a practical issue of home repairs that keep being undone?
As a neighbor, there is something to be said for 'good relations'.
You should be interested in understanding his motivation.. what is troubling your neighbor.. troubles you !
I just think that sabotage while good for an immediate saved life, is not a long term solution in most cases and repetition will likely lead to greater hostilities.
09-02-2012, 06:35 AM
I learned that the squirrels are chewing on the side of their house when I went over there the first time.
09-02-2012, 08:01 AM
OK, so it sounds like they are not evil, just frustrated persons.
The squirrels are doing that for one of several reasons :
Something about it they like to chew on : Treat the area with something they do not like and Find similar material and give them that on your property.
Using it for nest augmentation: Give them card boards from old liquor boxes or heavy corrugated boxes.. on your property.
They want to get in.. you did not say that they had broken in before.. so its probably not that. but maybe there are dead or dying babies inside from a nest that they had built in the house and have been locked out from
09-02-2012, 08:11 AM
I have a nest box on my property (thanks to a very generous member on here) that no one has discovered yet. Things have changed slightly, as Pola has disappeared. I last saw her a few days ago, so I think I will talk to them. I need to find out if they have already trapped any squirrels. I will be sure to find out any more information, and try to offer suggestions.
09-02-2012, 09:34 AM
I would put yummy treats in a few new nesting boxes and the one you already have and some nesting materials for them...
Lure them into your area and spoil them with some yummy stuffs.
09-02-2012, 10:19 AM
if they are decent people, and so far we do not have evidence to believe otherwise, they should be able to distinguish between squirrels and a specific squirrel or two that you have a relationship with... if you have photos.. perhaps showing that you have a bond with that squirrel.. as they might have with a cat or dog in the neighborhood.... or birds... they like to watch.
chewing on the house, is an easier issue to deal with than digging up their lawn, or digging out all their tulip bulbs, etc.
Pola needs nesting materials, food, water, bark like material to grind her teeth down.. the usual stuff...
if you give her those materials, and help the neighbor treat the house with an irritant, like ammonia, lemon juice, Pola should come to you.
Listen, if they hurt or kill Pola, they will have wronged a neighbor that instead of a friend will always rightfully have hate them.
I am sure you could do stuff to irritate and annoy and make them less than happy and which they could not really stop you from doing..
reasonable people should tend to be reasonable.
crazy people or hate filled people are a different situation.
From what you said, it seems they have pegged you as an animal lover and are could just tell you what you want to hear to placate you .. so my earlier suggestions.. are valid....
I am praying for Pola.
09-02-2012, 12:59 PM
I wouldn't talk to them, because I they don't stop, they will know it is you sabotaging their efforts. I say keep up raids.
:goodpost :goodpost :goodpost :goodpost
09-03-2012, 06:21 AM
I've just come back from their house. They've set up a new trap on a ledge that they built on the side of their house up by the second floor. Now what? :soapbox
09-03-2012, 10:00 AM
i am so terribly sorry to hear this. i was thinking about Pola and hoping that you would have good news about seeing her. It is sad that as smart as animals can be, there is no way for them to avoid the actions of stupid people who rely on generations of research.
I still think communication is key.
some information to put things in perspective.
What does the neighbor actually think of squirrels. What does he know about them. is it factual? Does he ate humans too ? Is that why he is not speaking to you ?
09-04-2012, 08:02 PM
They don't seem to have caught anyone with the new trap yet, as I check several times a day and it's always still open. I really wish I could close it, but it is way out of reach. Pola still hasn't come back. The stress is really messing with me. The last four nights I've had really dark dreams involving traps and dead squirrels. On top of that I woke up before seven every day over the weekend to check on the traps, and didn't always go back to sleep when I was done. I'll be going to bed shortly. I need to talk to them, but they never seem to be around. It was raining most of today. I'll try again tomorrow.
09-04-2012, 08:14 PM
I will tell you that the squirrels NEVER went into the traps that were set up on the roof of the neighbor's house. They readily went into the ones on the ground :sanp3
I am keeping you and your squirrels in my prayers...:grouphug
09-04-2012, 08:16 PM
Thank you. I'm glad to hear that, as they haven't reset the one on the ground since I released that one squirrel. (I'm still going to keep checking on it though).
09-04-2012, 08:25 PM
SAve those squirrels girl :D :D :D
good luck
09-05-2012, 08:39 AM
I have a few wilds by me that disappear and reappear a few days and sometimes weeks later. My wife's little one was gone for months one winter till one day he was sitting on the steps waiting for her when she left for work.
She will come back :thumbsup :grouphug
09-05-2012, 08:58 AM
here is my suggestion when all else fails........make them move!!!:D do everything you can possibly think of to drive them crazy. and break the traps eventually they will give up just use some wire cutters and cut them up every time they get a new on :thumbsup
Milo's Mom
09-05-2012, 09:42 AM
here is my suggestion when all else fails........make them move!!!:D do everything you can possibly think of to drive them crazy. and break the traps eventually they will give up just use some wire cutters and cut them up every time they get a new on :thumbsup
That's a real good idea Carlala :shakehead...then if Cleo gets caught doing this or the neighbor sees it being done, the law has been broken in many aspects...trespassing, destruction of property, etc., there will be fines to pay, the property that has been destroyed will need to be replaced and the neighbors will know without a doubt who it is and they will make it their mission to trap and KILL the squirrels. Yeah, Carlala, that's a simply fantastic :shakehead
Cleo, I have not commented on this because it is a tricky situation; however, at this point I feel your best bet is to talk to them and befriend them. Be sympathetic to their concerns and efforts, as they are legitimate...squirrels can cause mass destruction, even house fires if they move into the wall space or attic of a house....we all know that.
While listening to their concerns you need to appear that you are genuine (you already are, just a little different aspect), and at the same time provide them with some education and offer to help them keep the squirrels out of their house. Teach them about the squirrels, show them some of the astounding pictures of remarkable moments (Paco presenting Kelly with her baby), help them learn to love and admire our fuzzy little friends (okay maybe not love and admire, but at least respect).
When people are uneducated about something they normally go about stuff in a haphazard "dumb" way, whereas if they are educated they will have a different perspective/understanding and usually tend to go about things in a much wiser fashion.
I have neighbors on ALL sides of me (front, back, left, and right). When I was building the Release Cage for The Fuzzy Five I felt it was only appropriate for me to talk to my neighbors (the ones on the left & right of me), since they would BOTH be able to see the RC, which is on MY property, from within their own homes (and it's not the prettiest structure for yard decor). I was very nervous about it, but I knew it was the right thing to do. The neighbor to the left of me was fine with it and even asked if they could come see the babies once they were in the forward to today, they place fresh water out every morning (at 3 different locations) and also their veggie scraps (after they checked with me to see if it was okay for them to eat)...they cherish being able to sit in their house and watch the squirrels come for a fresh drink and some grub. Most recently, they came asking about what is best to feed in the winter since fresh veggies are a little more scarce...they genuinely care. The neighbors on the right are "city folk" living in a "country setting" so they are a little more skeptical, but they too ask lots of questions and when they installed their backyard pond they came to me and asked how to make the pond safe for the squirrels...I made them 2 hardware cloth ladders. They also asked if there were particular plants that they could plant in pots on their deck, which would provide the squirrels with some yummies and of course fun.
Long story, sorry...but, I wanted to share with you how my neighbors reacted when I talked/communicated and provided them with some education about my squirrels...better than I could have dreamed. Maybe I am just lucky, maybe it's different because they both own their homes and are not renting, I do not know, but if I were in your shoes, I'd certainly be talking to them BIG TIME!
Sending many good thoughts your way!!:grouphug
09-05-2012, 12:33 PM
maybe my way wasnt the best idea and I wouldnt do it as a first choice but if nothing else worked I would some people dont want to understand and they dont care but it is our responsibilities to protect our babies so if trying to be nice and reason didnt work then I would move on to more creative solutions
09-05-2012, 04:32 PM
That's a real good idea Carlala :shakehead...then if Cleo gets caught doing this or the neighbor sees it being done, the law has been broken in many aspects...trespassing, destruction of property, etc., there will be fines to pay, the property that has been destroyed will need to be replaced and the neighbors will know without a doubt who it is and they will make it their mission to trap and KILL the squirrels. Yeah, Carlala, that's a simply fantastic :shakehead
Sending many good thoughts your way!!:grouphug
:goodpost :goodpost
I have had big problems with neighbors and trust me they don't move that easy it only gets worse.
Try talking to them again...:grouphug
09-05-2012, 04:46 PM
That's a real good idea Carlala :shakehead...then if Cleo gets caught doing this or the neighbor sees it being done, the law has been broken in many aspects...trespassing, destruction of property, etc., there will be fines to pay, the property that has been destroyed will need to be replaced and the neighbors will know without a doubt who it is and they will make it their mission to trap and KILL the squirrels. Yeah, Carlala, that's a simply fantastic :shakehead
Cleo, I have not commented on this because it is a tricky situation; however, at this point I feel your best bet is to talk to them and befriend them. Be sympathetic to their concerns and efforts, as they are legitimate...squirrels can cause mass destruction, even house fires if they move into the wall space or attic of a house....we all know that.
While listening to their concerns you need to appear that you are genuine (you already are, just a little different aspect), and at the same time provide them with some education and offer to help them keep the squirrels out of their house. Teach them about the squirrels, show them some of the astounding pictures of remarkable moments (Paco presenting Kelly with her baby), help them learn to love and admire our fuzzy little friends (okay maybe not love and admire, but at least respect).
When people are uneducated about something they normally go about stuff in a haphazard "dumb" way, whereas if they are educated they will have a different perspective/understanding and usually tend to go about things in a much wiser fashion.
I have neighbors on ALL sides of me (front, back, left, and right). When I was building the Release Cage for The Fuzzy Five I felt it was only appropriate for me to talk to my neighbors (the ones on the left & right of me), since they would BOTH be able to see the RC, which is on MY property, from within their own homes (and it's not the prettiest structure for yard decor). I was very nervous about it, but I knew it was the right thing to do. The neighbor to the left of me was fine with it and even asked if they could come see the babies once they were in the forward to today, they place fresh water out every morning (at 3 different locations) and also their veggie scraps (after they checked with me to see if it was okay for them to eat)...they cherish being able to sit in their house and watch the squirrels come for a fresh drink and some grub. Most recently, they came asking about what is best to feed in the winter since fresh veggies are a little more scarce...they genuinely care. The neighbors on the right are "city folk" living in a "country setting" so they are a little more skeptical, but they too ask lots of questions and when they installed their backyard pond they came to me and asked how to make the pond safe for the squirrels...I made them 2 hardware cloth ladders. They also asked if there were particular plants that they could plant in pots on their deck, which would provide the squirrels with some yummies and of course fun.
Long story, sorry...but, I wanted to share with you how my neighbors reacted when I talked/communicated and provided them with some education about my squirrels...better than I could have dreamed. Maybe I am just lucky, maybe it's different because they both own their homes and are not renting, I do not know, but if I were in your shoes, I'd certainly be talking to them BIG TIME!
Sending many good thoughts your way!!:grouphug
Milo's Mom,
That is excellent advice. I think you articulated and expanded on what I was getting at. War is easy. Peace can be hard work !
Your squirrels are very lucky to be at the world's three corners where they are appreciated. Nice story.
09-08-2012, 06:07 AM
They apppear to have given up on the trap on the ground. Pola still hasn't appeared:(
09-08-2012, 09:39 AM
They apppear to have given up on the trap on the ground. Pola still hasn't appeared:(
Is Pola a female squirrel? Was she nursing ?
Would she normally visit you every single day, a few times a day, a few times a week ? Was she the dominant squirrel ?
If she was the dominant squirrel and a very regular visitor, then I would be very concerned. BUT if she would visit you irregularly, or if there is another very dominant squirrel who does visit you.. then this is probably nothing serious.
I have been documenting my relationship with a community of SQs.
Maybe seven years.
Dozen specific squirrels.
This week, is not a very active week. Things are cyclic and several factors affect their activity.. fascinating.
Around this time, the mother dominants, are preparing to let down their season's babies... as they are nearly weaned . So they have nearly succeeded in urging last season's litter to move out.. In my case, the most dominant mother stands watch in a strategic spot and runs off any visitors.. her babies are peaking out their nest ready to come down.
She is visiting me frequently but most of the others are only able to make it at odd hours.. and are very afraid of being discovered in her territory !
But in a month or so, she will loosen her hold...
Have you had any discussions with them ?
09-08-2012, 09:49 AM
She is a female, and has been nursing this summer. She is actually the only of the squirrels who will come up to me, and has been eating from my hand for several years now. She comes up to the front porch to get her nuts, and gets a lot of special attention because of that- the others prefer the backyard feeders. Even If I don't see her on occasion, she still takes the nuts that I leave on the porch. The same four nuts have been sitting on the porch for about a week, give or take a few days. It is true that she may disappear for a few days at a time, especially if I'm extremely busy and don't leave nuts out, but until a week ago she was coming every day and climbing on the screen when she wanted more. I really really care about her, and am worried when I don't see her, because I know that since she is a wild squirrel there are very few things I can protect her from. She tore her right ear last winter, so she is pretty recognizable from up close.
09-09-2012, 12:17 PM
too much time is elapsing.. if there is foul play, its probably too late.
if not, then its a moot point perhaps.
you can contact me privately.. with your number...
Pola would not just leave those nuts there.
If she is nursing.. she needs lots of food.
Not sure if you know how much they can eat!
Nuts should only be a small percentage of their diet, but they can eat 30 almonds in a day! or about 8 walnuts.. again.. this will kill them in the long term, i am only saying that four nuts do not go far.
If she knows about that spot.. she would make her rounds each day.
Weather, sleepless nights, serious disturbance, are the only things i can think of that would have her miss this. If you are correct about her regular visits.
Do you know where her nest is ? Where her babies are?
Normally i make it my business late in the day, to track the squirrel to her nest.. and then confirm the next morning.... it is important to know sometimes.
I hope she is alright. There is always a chance that an unrelated danger impacted her.
If you want someone to talk to about this, you can private message me.. with your phone number and time I can reach you...
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