View Full Version : My baby is not eating!!!!

08-26-2012, 11:43 AM
My little squirt is not eating today. He is about 80 grams 4-5 week old and he just opened both eyes yesterday. His last feeding last night he only took 1.5cc's but had a great poop and urinated. His 530am feeding today he only took about 1cc but kept on pooping and urinating. His 930 feeding he only took about 1/2cc but he still pooped like 8-9 pellets. I tried again around 11 and will only take about .2 cc's but still pooped and urinated. i just tried again about 1230 and again only took about .2cc's but he still pooped like 5 pellets but didnt urinate this time only a drop or so. He is not clicking. he just seems really tired and yawns alot then cuddles to go to sleep. he's been on full strenght fv for the last 2 days. any help is much appreciated. he's never gone this long without at least one proper feeding.

Milo's Mom
08-26-2012, 11:47 AM
Is he on full strength FV? Is it 32/40 or 20/50?

Personally, I would make sure he is warm and that the formula is warm enough.

Also, since it's been some time since he's taken a decent amount of food/fluids, I'd mix up a little hydrating fluid and give him as much as he'll take.

FV does take longer for them to digest, but not that long.

08-26-2012, 11:51 AM
hi milos mom. hes on 20/50 full strength. i have noticed his teeth chatter also but not much only when i put the syringe to his mouth without the nipple. he is warm and the formula has been warm too. i dont have any pedialyte left. should i try to give him water?

Milo's Mom
08-26-2012, 12:01 PM
No need to go buy more Pedilyte. Instead use the homemade hydrating solution...

Hydration Fluid

1 quart warm water
3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt

Is there a reason why you are not using a nipple?

Mine always seem to take it better with a nipple. Also, with the nipple you can slip the tip of it up under the side of his muzzle and dispense a single drop of h-fluid or formula...natural instinct will be for him to swallow it.

08-26-2012, 12:02 PM
i always use a nipple, always. i took it off and put some water in the syringe to see if he'd spit it of or if he was swallowing it. have u ever heard of them chattering their teeth?

Milo's Mom
08-26-2012, 12:04 PM
Also, since his eyes are open he might be a little surprised at what he's seeing...sorry, but you are not quite what he expected! LOL!! :D

Wrap him in a fleece burrito with a small flap over his head so he feels protected and safe...the next time you try to feed him.

Milo's Mom
08-26-2012, 12:05 PM
i always use a nipple, always. i took it off and put some water in the syringe to see if he'd spit it of or if he was swallowing it. have u ever heard of them chattering their teeth?

Yes, mine chatter their teeth too. It means they are upset, ticked off, scared, or possibly in pain.

08-26-2012, 12:09 PM
ok i will try the burrito..lol in an hour or so and see if that works. should i try the hydrating solution 1st or formula? thanks again:thankyou

08-26-2012, 12:11 PM
I agree with Milo's mom hydration is needed. What I do when they are young and on 20/50 I mix with a little bit more water so they are getting more fluids with there formula. But now you should try to get some hydration fluids in him then try feeding again.

Milo's Mom
08-26-2012, 12:11 PM
I just re-read your initial post. I think I am leaning towards slight dehydration...since FV takes longer to digest, he's not getting as much fluid, cause you are feeding less frequently.

I'd do the hydration fluid like I said earlier for a feeding or two, then mix the FV at 3:1 versus the instructed 2:1 and see if he starts eating more.

If our experts/rehabbers advise differently, do what they say, as this is just my personal opinion and they have WAY more experience than me.

Milo's Mom
08-26-2012, 12:13 PM
ok i will try the burrito..lol in an hour or so and see if that works. should i try the hydrating solution 1st or formula? thanks again:thankyou

Do the hydration fluid and then about 2 hours later give him some more hydration fluid. Then at the next feeding time (probably about 2 hours after the 2nd hydration fluid) give him FV mixed at 3 parts water to 1 part powder.

08-26-2012, 12:14 PM
ill try the hydrating fluid and see how that goes. is it normal that he's pooping so much too? Like 7-12 pellets every feeding?

08-26-2012, 12:17 PM
Are we talking about a grey baby?? My three just opened their eyes this weekend and they weigh about 130 grams...he seems awfully small...has he been sick at all?

Milo's Mom
08-26-2012, 12:20 PM
Are we talking about a grey baby?? My three just opened their eyes this weekend and they weigh about 130 grams...he seems awfully small...has he been sick at all?

Good catch mudmaiden!

08-26-2012, 12:21 PM
yes he is a grey. he was severely dehydrated when we found him last friday. hes about 4-5 weeks and eyes just opened. he was about 65 grams for a few days then when he started the fv he went up to 80 grams. i know he's small but the gradual gaining weight is progress to me. hes better now than he was and each day getting bigger except for this issues today.

08-26-2012, 12:28 PM
MM has the right idea..try more hydration...alot of times they are dehydrated even tho a pinch test seems fine. I sent you a PM...am in same state as you:wave123

08-26-2012, 12:30 PM
For a baby that basically just started on FV he is doing fine. the poops sound normal. what color are his poops? he will catch up quickly and gain weight. give him some fluids for the next feeding and them go to a diluted fox valley for a couple of feedings.

08-26-2012, 12:32 PM
thanks rocky. his poop is yellow not dark golden but a little light. but not soft and he poops lots of pellets. when i started on the fv he gained weight so quick i couldnt believe it.

08-26-2012, 01:02 PM
ok i was able to get him to take 1.2cc's of the hydration fluid. he also took it willingly but then stopped and went back to sleep.

Milo's Mom
08-26-2012, 01:06 PM
I was hoping he'd take more than that. Try it again in about 2 hours.

08-26-2012, 01:07 PM
i will thanks.

08-28-2012, 08:22 PM
just looking for an update. Is he eating better today :dono