View Full Version : shylo, my flyer, has become wild

08-26-2012, 01:03 AM
Hello everyone,

I have not posted on this board for a while, but I am in need of help. Shylo has become extremely untame. She bites and draws blood every time I try to handle her. I have come to the difficult decision of giving her up. I am looking for a rehabber who can assist with a soft release, or anyone who knows a safe location where she can live out the rest of her squirrel days. I live in NY but am willing to travel. Please let me know if anyone is able to help. Thank you.


08-26-2012, 01:24 AM
With it being the weekend and so late there may not many people online atm...... so hang in there and wait and I will send a few flying squirrel members to this thread to see if they can help with finding a rehabber close to you..... it maybe tomorrow morning before they reply. :)

08-26-2012, 07:51 AM
How old is she and how long has this been going on? Sometimes when they go into heat, they can become little tazmanian devils, but it usually does pass. I know when Jett, who was a complete bra baby hit her first heat, omg, just going near her cage whe would lunge and chatter like all get out at me. Feeding her was tricky, forget coming out....she stayed in her cage, as I could not get near her! But it did pass and she went back (and has stayed there) to her sweet, wonderful self. This may be what you are seeing.

08-26-2012, 04:50 PM
Shylo is 5 and she is always biting, just worse when in heat. She never returns to any sweet flyer, she remains dangerous.

Mrs Skul
08-27-2012, 09:55 PM
:wave123 Hi Alyssa, & Shylo :grouphug
Is Shylo 5 months or 5 Years? Where did you get her? Was she a little baby you hand feed, or one that was Mailed out to you? What size cage do you have her in? Does she ever get out of the cage time? (be for she started bitting.)
{"A lot of times if they don't get out of the cage much. They will get very Frustrated and the Cage is the Only thing that is hers. She will fight to Defend Her Home and Her Stash of Food."}
It also could be diet related. What are you feeding her daily? Does she get a lot of Protein and Calcium Rich Foods? Can you post or Email some Pictures? cmsokla@nctv.com
Remember Flyers are Wild animals. It is no to Often you have a Flyer stay a Cuddle bug! :shakehead They only wont you when they wont, Where and However they wont. I have one that you don't touch even when he is on you.
He comes to my hand when it is OK to mess with him. I still get bet when he is finished with me. :D AND I raised him from a Baby. :D Now if he does not feel good. Then it is mommy I need you. "I still get nipped." :D
How far are you willing to drive to give her a wonderful home? I live in Texas. I am Willing to take her in, if we can get her to me! :D :thumbsup3
ANYONE Driving to TEXAS or CLOSE? :D
Choo Choo!!

Mrs Skul
09-09-2012, 03:43 PM
:grouphug Hi TSB :wave123
Has any one heard what has Happened to Alyssa, and Shylo?? :dono
She was trying to find someone to release her Young Flying Squirrel in the NY area.
Anyone heard anything??? :thinking