View Full Version : Will a vet see 6 week old baby squirrels?
08-25-2012, 02:51 PM
Is it a good idea to bring my 6 week old baby squirrels into a vet to get looked at? Will a vet even see them? I would like to have them checked for mites, mange, fleas etc and treated if they have any of these. Two of them appear to have early stages of mange. If I shouldn't bring them in, then what should I use? I really want to clean them using a flea/lice shampoo. I already bought a puppy flea/lice shampoo but was told to not use this in a different post due to the fact that it has Pyrethrins in it which they said are not safe to use. What is a great shampoo I can use that will not hurt the little guys, but will kill off any parasites? Also is there any different product or shampoo for killing mites? Is there an all in one product that will take care of everything? I want to do this right away, but just not sure if what I get will be safe for them. Thanks for any help and suggestions.
08-25-2012, 03:30 PM
You can always call your vet and ask...if not google small mammal vets in your area because most of those will see rodents as well. Revolution is safe for sure and ivermectin may be an option as well- hopefully someone will comment on the ivermectin because I personally love it for mange, but I am new to squirrels. Lice or fleas should be easy to see visually as well as any maggots. We found fly larva on our little guys and used capstar on them safely with no noticeable side effects. However, if your not seeing any fleas, lice, egg sacs, or maggots themselves there's no point in treating- all these meds are hard on the kidney's so if it's not necessary I wouldn't do it.
If you post pictures someone here can confirm mange- there is more than one type of mange however, but your description of hair loss is probably demodex mange which responds well to ivermectin:)
08-25-2012, 04:45 PM
Here are some pictures of one of the 4 squirrels that has hair missing. He keeps getting his hair eaten from his brothers and sisters. I am not sure if it is mange, but I do know they keep eating at his hair?
08-25-2012, 05:05 PM
ear mites??
08-25-2012, 07:20 PM
A drop of Revolution on each one will address a mite problem as well as fleas. They are sweet!!!
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